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教案设计一、 教案背景1、面向学生: 中学 小学 2、学科:英语3、课时:Period One (1a-1c)4、学生课前准备:了解服装二、 教学课题知识与能力: 1. Learn the new words about the clothes.2. Learn to talk about prices.3. Learn to make conversations about shopping.过程与方法: 采用Repeating和Cooperation的学习方法,利用课件和百度图片来展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动,谈论服装并学习询问服装的价格与颜色;同时进行听力训练。情感态度价值观: 该部分学习内容涉及学生的穿着,是爱美的中学生们最为关心的话题,比较贴近学生的生活,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。教学难点:1. How to make conversations about shopping.2. Train students listening and speaking skills.教学重点:1. Learn and remember the new words.2. Using “ How much is / are the ? Its / Theyre dollars.” to talk about prices.教具准备:多媒体教室, Some slides课件、百度搜索儿童英语歌曲视频相关资料三、 教材分析本课时主要学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答;学习一些表示颜色的形容词;学习服饰类单词。本课时以谈论服装为主题,设计了三个活动:一是通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;二是通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollarsHow much are these socks? They are two dollarsWhat color is it? It is redWhat color are they? They are green三是听力练习。四、教学对象分析 本单元的主题是谈论服装,通过学习how much和what color等引导的问句以及回答,教授学生如何询问价格和颜色;学会谈论对服装的喜好和如何购物等。同时引导学生采用Repeating和Cooperating的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,培养他们团队合作精神。五、教学策略与手段在教学活动的设计上,我充分利用百度搜索教学课件、媒体、MP3、服装和商店图片、小游戏等来创设一个有关这方面的情境,注重借助学生已有的生活经验,创设现实的活动情境,让所有的学生都能积极参与到活动中去。六、Procedures & ActivitiesTeaching Procedures & ActivitiesLearning Procedures & ActivitiesNotesStep1. Warming up1. Greetings.2.Show a song of “How much is it?” .3. ( Show a picture of a clothing store)【图片】the clothing of pleatsT: (Point at the girl)Look! This is Mary and this is her clothing store.She is saying “Welcome to my clothing store. Please come in.” There are lots of beautiful clothes on sale!The weather is getting colder and colder. I want to buy a hat and a sweater. Do you want to go shopping with me?Ok. Lets go. Now,lets go to see.Look and answer some questions.YesOk通过播放儿童英语歌曲视频“How much is it?和展示“Mary服装店”的图片,进行新课导入。吸引了学生的兴趣与注意力,为下面教授有关服装的新单词及价钱的问答教学作铺垫。Step2. Presentation1. (Show a picture of a shirt ) 【PPT】shirt:T: Look! Whats this?2. In the same way, teach the newwords:shoes: T-shirt;Sweater;Skirt;Shorts;Pants;And then talk about Them.3.Read the words .Students listen and repeat them .Then check the students .4. Consolidation:T: Now, boys and girls. Lets play a memory game. Please close your books. Ill divide you into two groups.(Boys a group, girls a group.) Next, I will show the pictures of the clothes. When I show a picture, you please say the word and spell it quickly.who will win?. Do you know?T: Are you ready?T: Ok. Lets begin. ( Show the pictures of the clothes one byone.)课件ppt展示T: Now, open your books. Lets finish 1a. Please match the words with the things in the picture.5. review colors(Show a picture of a T-shirt )T:Whats this ?T:What color is it ?Follow the same step to review the other colors6. show the next slides to teach words-dollars【百度图片】dollarshttp:/cn.ioffer.com/img/item/157/668/879/z0wYR3WnKrf4NCV.jpg7. show next slide to show the conversation in sing. form. A:Whats this ?A:How do you spell it ? A:What color is it ?A:How much is it ?Get students to read it and check .Show next slide to practise .8. show next slide to show the conversation in plu. Form,and practise10. Explain: how much and dollar.T: We can use “how much” to ask prices. And we can use“dollar” to answer prices. 1 dollar($)is about 6.6 yuan(¥).Ss: Its a shirt.They are going to have an interaction with the teacher,.answering some questions.Figure and read the related English word.The students are going to listen and repeatSs: Yes.Ss: Yes.They are going to talk about anything that they knowSs:Do itSs:Do itSs: Its a T-shirtSs:Its yellow.B:Its a sweater.B:S-W-E-A-T-E-RB:Its yellow.B:Its 10 dollars.借助丰富的网络相关图片和PPT课件,学生学新词兴趣更高,更容易理解和记忆通过Play the memory game,让学生对所学的新单词进行记忆,然后拼读出来。使所学的知识得到巩固。通过男、女分组竞赛的方式,促进学生之间竞争的意识,加强其学习动力。通过有关服装的图片进行教学。直观易懂。学生接受较快。在教授美元(dollar)时,把它换算成元(yuan)。学生很容易理解,并且能够联系到生活中一些主要国家的货币使用,扩大学生的知识面。Step3. Listening1.对话.2.为他人买衣服T: There are two persons in the conversation. They are talking about the prices of the clothes. Please listen to the tape and circle the words of the clothes you hear. Do you understand? 再听一遍儿童英语歌曲视频How much is it?并试着把歌词写下来。写出来最好的同学,给与奖励!课本录音Do it Ss: Yes.通过播放录音,锻炼了学生的听力和书写能力,巩固了所学的知识。学生们很喜欢这个环节。在快乐中学习!感觉很有收获Step4. SummaryT: In this class, we have learnt the words about the clothes, how to talk about prices and how to make conversations about shopping. After class, you should read and remember by yourselves.Ss: Ok.小结本节课重点Step5. Homework1.Ask your parent what clothes he/she likes and write about it.2.Try to make a conversation about shopping.了解父母所喜欢的衣服并写出来
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