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Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Advertising板块:Welcome to the unit 课堂设计指导思想: 本堂课以听说为主,是整个单元的第一课时,是对整个单元的导入,应起到引导学生对本单元主题即广告业和广告产生情趣。首先通过让学生欣赏若干精彩的英文广告以激发他们的情趣;接着通过课本提供的六张图片让学生初步了解广告的基本分类及其相关目的。学生应积极参与到上述活动中,并在活动中到达操练口语的目的;与此同时,有关 “地球日”和“禁毒”内容的公益广告有利于培养学生的高尚情操和社会责任感,这也有助于达成新课程标准中有关情感态度的目标要求。Teaching aims:1. To enjoy some beautiful advertisements and have a general idea of advertisements. 2. To talk about the four advertisements and get some ideas of the two main types of ads and their respective purposes.3. To get involved in the discussion and practice spoken English.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inThe teacher shows the students several beautiful advertisements, among which are both commercial advertisements and public service advertisements.【设计说明】在我们的日常生活中,广告随处可见。教师在此处选择了较有代表性的,贴近中学生生活的,学生喜闻乐见的广告作品。以此激发学生对广告的强烈兴趣,调动学生进一步了解和学习广告知识的积极性,为完成后续的教学任务作好铺垫。Step 2 BrainstormingAsk students to have a brainstorm and then answer the following two questions: 1. Where can we find these ads? 2. Why do you like these ads? 【设计说明】让学生通过头脑风暴来回答上述两个问题,一方面可作为进一步的的热身活动,同时也可检测学生对广告呈现方式的了解,让学生在寻找问题答案的过程中获得成功的喜悦。Step 3 ObservationAsk students to focus on the four advertisements on Page1. Encourage the students to form pairs and discuss the contents of each one and try to divide the four advertisements into two parts. Thus, encourage the students to pay attention to the functions of the commercial advertisements and public service advertisements.【设计说明】通过鼓励学生结对讨论每幅广告画的内容,提高学生的观察能力,获取基本的广告知识,即广告可分为商业广告和公益广告两大类,并激励学生进一步关注这两类广告的功能。另一方面,能增进学生对社会的了解,并在此基础上增强他们的社会责任感,有利于培养学生积极向上的良好的情感态度。Step 4 Discussion and speakingOrganize the students into four groups and ask each group to talk about one of the four pictures in front of the whole class. Each group should choose one representative to present their ideas to the whole class. The three questions can help the students to start the discussion.【设计说明】组织学生分组讨论可扩大操练面,在小组内所有学生可各抒己见,学生陈述自己观点的过程即练习口语的过程。然后各小组代表再集中本组的意见在全班展示,在这一过程中,不仅陈述者得到了很好的锻炼机会,全班同学也可获取更多有关“地球日”和“禁毒”的信息。Step 5 More ads for you to discussProvide the students more meaningful and interesting advertisements and encourage them to think about an appropriate slogan for each one.【设计说明】这一环节可作为与本课起始时导入环节的呼应,可进一步调动学生学习广告知识的热情,帮助学生为下一课时的学习做好准备。 Step 6 Homework Ask students to look for more information about ads and make good preparations for the reading part. The students can surf the net if they have access to it. 【设计说明】鼓励学生利用网络等有效学习资源了解更多有关广告的知识,在巩固本堂课所学内容的同时,为下一堂课铺设平台。 Part 1 Welcome to the unit & ReadingWords and expressions ( P1-5) advertise v 使(某事物)尽人皆知; 公布; 宣传: advertise a meeting, a concert, a job 公布宣传一次会议 一次音乐会 一项工作公开赞扬(某事物)以鼓动别人购买或使用; 做广告宣传; 登广告宣传: advertise on TV, in a newspaper 在电视上做广告 在报纸上登广告 * advertise soap, ones house, ones services 做广告宣传肥皂 自己的房子 自己的服务. Eg. Now you can advertise your products in all kinds of media, such as television, magazines, boarding, the Internet. 你可以在各种各样的媒体上给产品做广告,如电视、杂志、广告牌和因特网。Ipr for sb/sth ask for sb/sth by placing a notice in a newspaper, etc 在报刊等上面登徵求某人或某事物的广告: I must advertise for a new secretary. 我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书. advertisement / dvtsmnt; US dvrtazmnt; dvtazmnt/ n 1 U action of advertising 出公告; 做广告; 登广告: attrib 作定语 the advertisement page 广告专页. 2 C (also advert, ad) (for sb/sth) public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc 广告(推销或徵求货物 服务等): If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an advertisement in the local paper? 你若打算卖掉旧沙发, 何不在本地报纸上登个广告呢? advertiser n person who advertises 登广告的人.advertising n U 1 action of advertising 广告宣传; 做广告; 登广告: attrib 作定语 a national advertising campaign 一场全国性的广告宣传攻势. Eg. Advertising helps increase the sales of a product. 做广告有助于增加产品的销售量。2广告业; 广告事务: He works in advertising. 他从事广告业. * Cigarette advertising should be banned. 应该禁止香烟的广告业务. * attrib 作定语 advertising revenue 广告收入persuade vt. 说服;劝说persuade sb. to do sth / into doing 说服或劝说某人做某事persuade sb. out of doing 说服或劝说某人不做某事1) He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. 他说服女儿改变了主意。2) You try and persuade her to come out with us. 你去试试劝她(跟我们一起出去)吧。3) How can we persuade him into joining us? 怎麽才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?4) He is easily persuaded. 他这人好说话。5) He tried to persuade him with a persuasive speech, but failed。他试图用一场充满说服力的演讲来说服他,但却失败了。persuasion n. U 说服,劝说;信服persuasive adj. 劝导性的,劝诱的;有说服力的,令人信服的persuasive language / words 令人信服的语言/ 词汇persuasive arguments / reasons / excuses 有说服力的论据 / 理由 / 借口persuasiveness U 说服力 be meant to 旨在,目的是 有义务(责任)做 e.g. You are meant to keep the children out of trouble. 你有责任不让孩子们遇到麻烦。 有意(打算)做 e.g. It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angry. 这原本是为了道歉, 但却只惹她生气。 The ad is meant to promote a new drink. 这个广告意在推销一种新的饮料。This room is not meant to serve as a living.
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