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医学学位缩写医学学位缩写【篇一:医学学位缩写】准备投稿某个杂志时,有的杂志需要写上你的最高学位,特别是一些专业顶尖杂志,在院子里找了一圈,没找到这方面的资料,自己也常常碰到这个问题,不知道怎么写,抽闲查了一下外国网站,贴 出来一同分享吧british degree abbreviationsfrom wikipedia, the free encyclopediadegree abbreviations are used as an alternative way to specifyan instead of spelling out the title in full, such as in referencebooks like and on . many degrees have more than oneabbreviation. overviewthe usage in the two ancient english universities of , and insome scottish universities, particularly the differs slightlyfrom that in other uk universities the ma degree is not asubstantive qualification, but reflects the ancient practice ofthese universities of raising bas to mas (and thus fullmembership of the university) a few years after graduating(see ). conversely, some bachelors degrees in the higherfaculties (i.e., those other than arts) at those universities arepostgraduate qualifications (e.g., the bcl and bmus at oxford).many have been changed to the corresponding mastersdegree (e.g., bsc is now msc), but only within the lastgeneration. the bd remains a higher degree at some olderuniversities (e.g., oxford, cambridge, and durham) but is anundergraduate degree at most (e.g., london, edinburgh,aberdeen and glasgow). oxford and cambridge grant bas afterthree years to students on undergraduate courses lastinglonger than this (the undergraduate masters degrees and themb, chb in medicine), though not in modern languages, whichis typically four years in length at any university, or in theoxford degree of , also four years long (and at oxford modernlanguages combined with , known technically in this case asclassics, is five years).usage of titles of masters degrees (in particular the undergraduate masters degrees) is in continuing flux, not least1 / 8because of discussions of harmonisation of qualificationswithin the as part of the .there is an international (but not universal) custom that certaindegrees will be designated . of philosophy. examples aremphil (master of philosophy) and phd or dphil (doctor ofphilosophy). most recipients of such degrees are notphilosophers; they can be students of any subject. the originslie in the ancient practice of regarding all areas of study aselements of philosophy and the greek meaning, love ofwisdom. this is confusing to people looking at universitydegrees from the outside.thus holders of an mphil degree may have earned it in anydiscipline including, but not limited to, history, physics andmanagement.most universities, worldwide, award doctorates by one of threeroutes. normal doctorates are awarded after research and thesubmission of a thesis. british universities award normaldoctorates in the form of phd or dphil in all subjects. higherdoctorates are awarded on the basis of a substantial body ofpublished academic work. british universities award these inthe form of dlitt (literature), lld (law), dmus (music), dsc(science), engd (engineering), dd (theology) etc. honorarydoctorates are awarded to persons of distinction (such asstatesmen or philanthropists) or academics that have made anotable contribution to their discipline, through research andpublication, and the higher doctorate designations are used.however, some newer universities (e.g. essex, stirling, and theopen university) do not do this and instead award duniv(doctor of the university) irrespective of the field in which thehonorary graduate is being recognised.undergraduatethese, like most bachelors degrees, are honours degrees,indicated by putting (hons) after the degree abbreviation. themajority of undergraduate masters degrees are within scienceand engineering subjects. the undergraduate mas of the arealso honours degrees and may also add (hons). meng used tobe offered by some universities as a postgraduate degree, butis now an undergraduate degree. however, all studentscompleting the meng at british universities have alreadycompleted the requirements for the beng, but they choose notto be awarded the degree when entering the meng year.bachelors degreesin england, northern ireland and wales, almost all bachelorsdegrees are awarded as , sometimes indicated by (hons) afterthe degree abbreviation without a space, for example ba(hons).at the (st andrews, edinburgh, glasgow, aberdeen) a bsc(hons)indicates a four year course, being the equivalent of the forscience degrees. a scottish bsc without honours indicates athree year course with less specialisation (an ordinary degreeor a general degree). across the united kingdom, bachelorsdegrees leading to registration for certain professions such aslaw and medicine are typically awarded at ordinary rather thanhonours level. in some circumstances, a medical student maystudy for an additional year or more to obtain an intercalatedbachelors degree with honours in one of their professionalsubjects (e.g. physiology)some of the following are postgraduate degrees in a fewuniversit
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