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The Teaching Plan for Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B Main designer: Lin Yonghong Date: September.25th.2010 TopicTopic 1:Pollution causes too many problems.Section B Type of lessonNew lessonPeriodoneTeachingAimsLanguage goals:1. Go on learning and master the usage of direct speech and indirect speech.2. Learn to express blame and complaint.Emotional experience: Let students love environment and protect the environment. Leaning abilities & strategies: Let students learn 1a and 1bRealization of culture: Learn to express blame and complaint in English. Let students love environment and protect the environment.Teaching preparationTeachers material: recorder, pictures, a small blackboardStrategies forteaching difficulties& key pointsTeaching difficulties & key point:he main activities are 1a and 1bSpecial strategies: Go on learning and master the usage of direct speech and indirect speech.Personal adjustmentTeaching procedureTeaching procedureStep: Review1. Ask students to report their surveys in the previous lesson about environmental pollution.2. Summarize the main points in their reports and lead to this section. T:There are many kinds of pollution. They hurt us seriously.Step: Presentation1. Show the picture in 1a and talk about it. Learn and master the new words “week, “produce” and “chest”. U nderstand the new word “gas” .For example: T:What can you see in this picture? S:I can see an old woman. T:Yes, she looks very week. S:I can see a chemical factory.T:Yeah. The chemical factory is producing terrible gas.2. Let students further discuss other influences that the chemical factory brings on people so that they can understand the text better. Lead to the new word “anyway”. Then ask students to learn and master it.3. Listen to 1a, answer the following questions, and then check the answers.(1) What makes the old ladys chest hurt?(2) Why cant she sleep well at night?StepIII Consolidation1 Listen to 1a again, let students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 2 Work in pairs. Read 1a, and then act it out in roles.4. Read 1a. Find out the sentences that the granny blames and complains about environmental pollution.Ask students to master them. For example:(1) Its difficult for me to breathe.(2) The chemical factory produces terrible gas.(3) The bad air makes my chest hurt.(4) Whats more, the factory makes too much noise and I cant sleep well at night.(5) I cant stand the environment here.Step Practice1 Let one student act as the granny in 1a and retell the sentences that she uses to blame and complain. Go on learning the usage of direct speech and indirect speech .Finish 1a . For example:S:It is difficult for me to breathe.T: What did she say ?S:She said that it was difficult for her to breathe.2 Let students finish 1b by themselves, and do more exercise to deepen their understanding of the usage of direct speech and indirect speech.3 Let students finish 2 by themselves. Then check the answers.Step Homework Finish the exercises on Section B / Topic 1/ Unit 2on English WeeklyBlackboardWritingDesignUnit 2 Topic 1: Pollution causes too many problems.Section B Breathe out in a bad mood cant stand sth./doing sth. Hope to do sth. Wish sb. to do sth.Self-reflection
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