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Unit 3 Topic 2 Im home. Glad to meet you.-What does he/she do?-He/She is a teacher/doctor . an actor an office worker a photo of my family show sth to sb=show sb sthEg: show me your photo =show your photo to me-Where does she/he work?-She/He works in a hospital.in a school on a farm in an office in a restaurantin an officea young woman in yellowon the sofaa big family family treelive in sp(Qijiang)live with sb( us)in a high schoollittle sisterplay with sb(us)like to do eg:like to play with us Unit 3 Topic 3-Help yourself, Kangkang. Help yourselves, Kangkang and Jane. Help yourself to some fish.-Thank you./Thanks.I would like.=I want.缩写形式 I would like=Id like-Would you like some.?-Yes,please. No, thanks.-Would you like to have dinner with me?-肯定回答:Yes, Id like to. 否定回答:No, thanks.-What would you like to drink?-Id like some water/juice/milk.Milk for me, please.Me, too.-What would you like to have?-Id like some rice and chicken.-What about some milk?-Good idea!-What do you usually have for breakfast/for lunch/for dinner?-I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.have.for breakfast/for lunch/for dinner-Its my favorite food.May I take your order, sir?something to drink/eat 喝/吃的东西 a glass of apple juice/milk/watereat outwant to do sth eg: want to have dinner with them-Why not have some fish and eggs?-Good idea!Let me see.-May I help you, sir?-Yes.-Would you like to have dinner with me?-肯定回答:Yes, Id like to. 否定回答:No, thanks.Here you are.be kind to sb eg: They are all kind to me.Im very glad to be here.Unit 3 Topic 2-Could you please tell me your name?-Sure./No problem. 否定回答:Sorry.come from=be(am/is/are) fromspeak Chinese/English very well-Could you help me with English?-Sure./No problem. 否定回答:Sorry. help sb with sth-Can you speak English?-Yes, I can.know a lot about .in the letterhelp each otherWhat about you?I like it very much/a lot.I like it a little.not at allI dont like it at all.
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