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1、常见的英语课导入法有哪些?你常用什么方法导入英语新课,阐述你的理由。常见英语课的导入法有直观式导入法、游戏导入法、情景导入法、会话导入法、故事导入法、录音导入法、问题导入法、多媒体课件导入法、背景知识导入法等。(1)直观式导入法。教师可以采用直观教具或地图、图片,让学生心脑并用,仔细观察,展开讨论,用自己的结论揭开新课的神秘面纱。这样既有利于学生积极主动思维,也使课堂教学直观易懂。 ( 2)游戏导入法。做游戏是不同年龄阶段的孩子都乐意参与的活动。因此以游戏引入新课,会吸引学生注意力的同时提高学生参与课堂学习的积极性。但游戏设置一定要短小精炼,起到引入新课的作用即可,不一定强求其完整性,否则,便会有喧宾夺主之嫌。 (3)情景导入法。情景教学法是新课程理念所倡导的行之有效的教学方法之一。设置相应的情景可以使学生产生身临其境的感觉,学生也会全身心的投入学习。例如购物、问路、看病的话题最易设置小情景,让学生用登台表演走进新的一节课。 (4)会话导入法。教师课前可以设置贴切的话题引导学生展开对话和讨论,师生双边活动中会话交流也很重要。如果对学生的引导正确到位,师生一定自然流畅的走入新课堂。 (5) 故事导入法。小故事是学生喜闻乐见而广受欢迎的。讲故事也是教师必备的基本素质之一。一个小故事往往蕴含深刻哲理,学生既享受了故事的乐趣性,又懂得了人生的道理。这样便平添了课堂的 趣味性。(6)录音导入法。这种方法适用于欣赏性的文体,教师可以采用配乐开场白,让学生在如诗如画的意境中进入学习氛围。 (7)多媒体课件导入法。利用多媒体的优势生动活泼的展现课堂内容是现代课堂教学的特色之一。可以展示图片,也可以优化课堂内容。 (8)背景知识导入法。作为第二外语的英语,对于我们中国孩子无异于天外之物,而且英美文史几乎空白,不懂英美国家的风俗习惯。因此,背景介绍不仅可以吸引学生,而且使他们受益匪浅,从而能够更容易地理解所学内容。我常常采用直观式导入法和情景导入法进行英语课的新课呈现。有时候根据实际需要,我也会灵活运用游戏、故事、课件等形式导入新课。采用直观式导入法和情景导入法有两大优势:1 、只要教师措辞得当,引导正确,学生便会很快投入新课学习,避免因过度的发散思维而影响正常的课堂进度。2、这样的导入法可以使课堂过度自然,学生主动展开学习,特别是高年级学生已掌握相关基础知识,更容易接受新知识。2,教学设计是上好一节课的关键,请你结合所学课程及教学实践,自选课型,写一个初中英语教学计划。新目标九年级unit4 what would you do ?Reading: what would you do if? 一课的教学设计过程。 Teaching aims:1、通过阅读理解文中关键词汇及短语。2、指导学生阅读方法和训练学生自主阅读的能力。3、通过阅读训练培养学生的写作能力。4、通过对文中及生活中一些突发事件的态度,培养和训练学生的应变能力。使学生树立关爱他人的意识并正确快速处理生活中的意外、突发事件。Difficult points:1.词汇和短语:first aid ,nearly ,shelf ,come out ,cover ,press ,deep ,downstairs ,correct ,burn ,knee ,pain ,hurt ,offer ,refuse ,safety ,helpful ,treat2. 句式:what would you do if you cut yourself by accident? (虚拟语气)3、正确区别虚拟语气和条件状语从句。Teaching tool:A recorderTeaching methods: 情景教学法,任务型教学法。Teaching course :Step one: Lead in1, Review and check. Use the flashcards to review key words .2, Remind of the grammar and talk about the structure of it .Step two: Group workDiscuss the questions from the section one:1,what kinds of accidents do you know? Traffic accident: hit by a car,Daily life accident: leave the key in the house2,what is the biggest problem from a teenager?Study problem: could not learn a certain subject well.Bad mood : be angry with someone about somethingHow to get along well with others : fight or quarrel with someone1. Ask the students to read the text for the first time while listening to the tape and catch the main idea. In this book ,Dr Martin told us how to solve or deal with the daily life accident or problems.2. Introduce Martin Robinson and his new book.Dr Martin is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience in dealing with teenagers problems.His new book: “what would you do if?”is a first aid book, which could help teenagers to solve the accidents and problems in the daily life.It came out last month. it could give people some advice on different situations. You can buy one and put it on your book shelf . 3.Use your own ways to deal with the accidents and problems.Accidents Ways Problems AdviceQ1 P1 Q2 p2 Q3 P3 Q4 P44, Explain the key words and phrases.Step four. Do the exercises after reading.“if” 用法练习。(区分含有“if”的宾语从句,条件状语从句和虚拟语气)1 , He doest know if it ( rain )tomorrow. If it (rain ) , he(not go ) to the mountains.(2,If you(work out) the problem by yourself, our teacher (give) you a prize.3, If I _(be)Dr Martin, I (give)you some good advice .Step five. writing.Ask the students to write their own “first aid book,” and put more accidents and problems i n it ,then give more wonderful ways and advice.Step six. sum up.In the modern world many teenagers could smoke and like going to bars. Though think these things are cool for them, if in fact, they are harmful for us teenagers, not only for our eyes but also for our health. Also it could influence our study and work.In our class, today, I want to tell the ones who smoke or go to bars often that you should give up smoking early and never go to bars from now on. Because smoking is bad for our health and bars are bad for soul. I hope all the students in our class to keep off these bad things, and to be the great students.Step six. Homework1. Discuss the questions, give your best ideas.A: what would you do if your mother was badly ill during the midnight? B: what would you do if your best friend asked you to play computer games after school? 2. A composition.To write one of your own experience about an accident or a problem.Board design;Subject: what would you do if? (a book)Writer: Martin Robinson.Traffic accidents. Daily life accidents. work accidents. (these are things that happen by accident called accidents ) Study problems . Safety problems .bad mood. How to get along with well with others.(these are things that makes people be in troub
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