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【题型一】根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,使句子意思通顺、完整。 1. I live in a small town(镇) about 50 kilometers from Nanjing. 2. I am afraid the price of this T-shirt is a bit high(高的). 3. Its said that there are only about twenty(二十) wild Siberian tigers living in China. 4. UNICEF is part(部分) of the United Nations. 5. David was still discussing(讨论) the problem with my brother. 6. Instead of keeping your secrets(秘密), talking to your parents is a better idea. 7. Have you seen the exhibition(展览) of paintings by Picasso? 8. Say cheese, please! I will take the photo(照片) now. 9. As we all know, a word often has several meanings(意义).10. It takes about three minutes to drive through(穿过) the tunnel.11. Most of us agree(同意) that Super Brain on Jiangsu TV is a great show.12. Most outdooractivities(活动) are not dangerous if youre careful.13. There is no free(免费的) lunch in the world. No pains, no gains.14. Thanks for sharing(分享) your ideas with us.15. The Chinese government offers(提供) free education to most children. provide sth for sb provide sb with sth 16. We usually play football for an hour every Tuesday (周二) afternoon.17. What wakes me up every morning is not the clock(时钟), but my dream.18. We live two floors above(在上面) the Greens in Building 11.19. Nobody can achieve success if he doesnt work hard(努力地).20. China is playing a more and more important role in the world in the new century(世纪).21. Before entering(进入) the laboratory, Jack took off his shoes.22. The loud noise from outside kept me awake(醒着的) all night.23. A holiday will help you relax(放松) after your exams. 24. Andy Lau, my favorite Hong Kong film star, is still handsome, although/ though(虽然) hes in his fifties.25. I dont know whether(是否) my parents will go to Beijing or not.26. Several engineers(工程师) went over the machines but found nothing wrong with them.27. If the enemies dare enter our country, we will fight against(反对) them to the end.28. FC Barcelona is one of the strongest football clubs because it has so many talented players(球员).29. I had a really bad headache(头痛), and couldnt go to school.30. A new restaurant(饭店) has just opened near my home.【题型二】根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. In 2013, Shanghai had the hottest(hot) summer in 50 years. 2. The service industry in Nanjing is growing faster(fast) than ever before. 3. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution(pollute). 4. You may find it helpful(help) to go out for a walk after dinner. 5. At last the plane landed safely(safe) at Baiyun Airport. 6. My parents have been married(marry) for fifteen years. 7. Shes been on a diet for weeks, but she doesnt look any thinner(thin) than before. 8. Father does all the housework on Womens(woman) Day. 9. The streets were very noisy(noise) throughout the night.10. Nobody can stop you carrying(carry) on with your plan except yourself.11. The buildings(build) in our school look modern and beautiful.12. He did worst(badly) in the exam among the class this time.13. Andys success didnt come by accident(accident). It was the result of his hard work.14. Some scientists say that outgoing people get fatter more easily(easy) than shy people.15. Three babies(baby) were hurt in the accident. Bad news!16. The fifth(five) room on the left is a reading room.17. The old man can remember all his grandchildrens (grandchild) birthdays.18. We must treat the disabled with enough kindness(kind).19. I like snowy(snow) days because the white land looks beautiful and peaceful.20. The washing machine may be broken(break). It is making strange sound.21. Computers were a great invention(invent) in the 20th century.22. Please put up your hands if you have any further(far) questions.23. Two thousand people became homeless(home) because of the flood.24. Luckily(luck), we still have enough time to prepare for the exam.25. Because of her unhealthy(healthy) diet, Jane has put on much weight. 26. Its only through study that they really begin to know themselves(they). 27. Although he has been to Hainan, Jack wants to go there for a second (two) time.28. Its said that a person spends about eight years watching(watch) TV in his life.29. We need to get more people interested(interest) in curling (冰壶).30. Old people have the knowledge(know) and experience that young people can learn from.【题型三】根据句意和所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 1. By donating and sharing, love can be passed on and on. 2. Many wild animals will be saved if people stop selling furs. 3. A break between classes is time for us to get some rest. 4. The Chinese cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is popular with children and adults. 5. More and more foreigners are learning Chin
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