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一、A and accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, and create a new situation of scientific development(1) the 11th five-year plan period of economic and social development achievements. 11th five-year plan period in history is very common in the past five years. Facing the complex environment changes at home and abroad and major risk challenge, the party to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups, seize the first affair of governing party, implement the partys theory, line, principles and policies implemented correctly and effectively, and give full play to the macro-control of Chinas socialist system, give full play to the advantages of the politics of the market in resource allocation, the basic role of national historic changes new outlook. We effectively deal with international financial crisis huge impact, and maintain the fast yet steady economic development, and for the long-term good laid an important basis for sustainable development. We overcame the wenchuan earthquake and major natural disaster, the success of Beijing Olympic Games was held in Shanghai world expo, and successful completion of the eleventh five-year plan for the determination of the objectives and tasks. After five years, our country social productive forces strive fast development, the comprehensive national strength increases, peoples living standards improved markedly, the international status and influence significantly increased, the socialist economic, political, cultural and social development and the construction of ecological civilization and the partys construction, has made great progress in compose the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The achievements of five hard-won, experience, create the precious spiritual wealth of far-reaching influence.(2) 1025 period of social and economic development and environment. Current and next time, ecstasy, continue to changes in Chinas economic and social development, and presents a new phases. Comprehensive judgement of international and domestic situations in China is still in development, can have the important period of strategic opportunities, are faced with both a rare historical opportunity, also can be predicted and hard facing many challenges to the risks foresee. We must strengthen the consciousness of suffering consciousness and opportunities, scientifically, adapt to the environment changes, resolving conflicts, and more promising to promote Chinas reform, opening up and socialist modernization.In todays world, peace, development and cooperation is the trend of The Times, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, the world economic and political pattern of new changes, science and technology innovation breeds new breakthrough, the international environment conducive to peace and development in general. At the same time, the international financial crisis far-reaching influence, the world economic growth is slowing down, global demand structure change, appear on the market, resources, talents, technology, standard of more competitive, climate change and energy resources security, food safety diseases-all more prominent, and various forms of protectionism growth and development of the external environment is more complex. We must adhere to the broader perspective, calm, ctively, coordinate the domestic and international situation, grasp the new global economy that division, actively create participate in international economic cooperation and competition advantage.From the domestic industrialization, urbanization, marketization, informationization, internationalization and in-depth development of national income per head, increased steadily, economic structure transformation, huge potential market demand, abundant supply of capital, technology and education level, improve quality, labor is increasingly perfect infrastructure, significantly boost energy system, the government macro-regulation and obviously improve the ability to deal with complex situation, the social security system, gradually perfect social situation, we have remained stable condition promote economic and social development and the comprehensive national strength to a new stage. At the same time, we must be clearly aware that our developing unbalance, coordination and unsustainable problem still prominent, mainly is the resources and environment, economic growth, constraint relationship between investment and consumption and income distribution gap imbalance, science and technology innovation ability is not strong, irrational industrial structure, urban agriculture as the foundation of regional development is still weak, coordination, total employment pressure and the structural contradictions, social contradictions, which increased obviously scientific development mechanism of system obstacle is still more. We must grasp scientific judgment and development trend, make full use of the favorable conditions and accelerate
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