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Unit8同步练习(1)本文来源于:http:/www.tooben.com/Article/chuzhongst/jjb/jjbqnjscst/201201/11389.html补全单词,并翻译成中文。1. L_nd_n _ 2. kn_w _ 3. Fr_nch _ 4. C_n_d_ _ 5. Engl_sh _ 6. n_ _th _7. Ch_n_ _ 8. _ustr_li_ _ 9. w_ _ld _10. l_ _f _II. 汉译英1从一号开始_ 2. 在雪里_ 3. 关门 _4. 美丽的沙滩 _ 5. 看着 _ _ 6. 中国的西北方_ 7. 对了_ 8. 和一样_ 9. 英国 _10. 一幅美丽地图_III. 选择填空1. Americans speak _.A. Chinese B. English C. French2. Students in China dont go to school on _.A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday3. We often _ at 5:00 in the afternoon.A. goes home B. get to home C. get home4. Look at the picture! Whats he _?A. does B. do C. doing5. Do you like _ in China?A. works B. working C. work6. Its time _ football.A. play B. plays C. to play7. Are there _ children in the house?A. some B. an C. any8. Excuse me, are you _?A. Am erican B. America C. an America9. The box is heavy. _me help you.A. Let B. Can C. Could10. Its a good picture.-_.A. Sorry B. Thanks C. No, it isnt.IV. 根据中文完成下列句子1. 中国人说什么语言? _ do Chinese people _ in China?2. 今天是星期几? _ _ is it today?3. 春节是什么时候? _ is the _ _ ?4. 你多大了? _ _ are you?5. 今天天气如何? _ _ is the _ today?6. 这箱苹果多少钱? _ _ is this _ of _ ?V. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Some _ (child) are playing football over there.2. They come from different _ (country).3. Do you know whos _(sit) there?4. The boys are doing _ (they) homework.5. Jack wants _ (learn) Chinese from Li Ming.VI. 补全对话A: Excuse me. _1_B: My name is Jim Green.A: _2_ Mr. Green. Please come in. My name is Rose.B: Good evening!A: _3_B: Im from London.A: _4_ B: I work on a farm near here. Im a farmer. _5_A: Im a student.B: _6_A: In the middle school here.B: Do you know my daughter, Kate? She studies in the middle school, to o.A: Kate? _7_B: Yes, but not much.A: _8_B: Yes, she likes swimming very much.A: Oh, we are in the same class.B: Im here to see her. _9_ D o you know?A: She is reading in the classroom. Lets go and look for her.B: Thanks very much.A: _10_A. Where is she? B. Where are you from? C. Youre welcome. D. Does she speak Chinese? E. Does she like swimming? F. Whats your name? G. Where do you work? H: Good evening. I. What about you? J. Where do you study?VII. 阅读理解A: L ook at that girl over there.B: Which one?A: The girl in a blue dress. Whos she?B: Oh, thats Grace. Shes new in our school.A: Her name isnt Grace. Her name is Joan.B: You are very wrong. She isnt Joan. Joan is in Class One. Grace is in Class Two.A: But they have the same dresses and the sa me hairB: Yes, they are twins! They are from London. They come to China with their parents.A: Are their parents English teachers?B: Yes, they are working in our school. They like China.1. Grace and Joan are _.A. sister B. twins C. brothers2. The doctor of the girls dress is _.A. red B. green C. blue3. The two girls are _.A. in the same class B. in different classes C. in Class Two4. Grace and Joan are from _.A. England B. America C. Canada5. Their parents teach _.A. Chinese B. French C. English Keys:I. 1. London 伦敦 2. know 知道3. French 法语;法国人4. Canada 加拿大5. English 英国;英国人6. ninth 第九7. China 中国8. Australia 澳大利亚9. world 世界10. leaf 叶子II. 1. from Number 1 2. in the snow 3. close the door 4. beautiful beaches 5. look at 6. northeast of America 7. Thats right. 8. The same as 9. the United Kingdom 10. a map of AmericaIII. 1-5 BCACB 6-10 CCAACIV. 1. What, speak 2. What day 3. When, Spring Festival 4. How old 5. How, weather 6. How much, box, applesV. 1. children 2. countries 3. sitting 4. their 5. to learnVI. 1-5 FHBGI 6-10 JDEACVII. 1-5 BCBAC本文来源于:http:/www.tooben.com/Article/chuzhongst/jjb/jjbqnjscst/201201/11389.html
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