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UL卡材質特性說明 QMFZ2 Component - PlasticsTuesday, March 02, 1999 E41938 E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO INC WILMINGTON, DE 19880 Material Dsg: 101(f2)+, 101F+, 101L+, E101(f1)+, E101L, 132F+, 133L+, 135F+Description: Polyamide 66 (PA66) , designated Zytel furnished in the form of pellets.ColorMin. Thk.mmFlameClassHWIHAIRTI ElecRTIImpRTIStrALL0.71V-24013075851.5V-23013075853.0V-22013075856.0V-2201307585CTI: 0HVTR: 0D495: 6(f1) - Suitable for outdoor use with respect to exposure to Ultraviolet Light, Water Exposure and Immersion in accordance with UL 746C. (f2) - Subjected to one or more of the following tests: Ultraviolet Light, Water Exposure or Immersion in accordance with UL 746C, where the acceptability for outdoor use is to be determined by UL Inc. + - Virgin and Regrind from 1% to 50% by weight inclusive, have the same basic material characteristics. NOTE - Material designations that are color pigmented may be followed by suffix letters and numbers. Report Date: 07/29/1996Underwriters Laboratories Inc ?/small324299-147 UL94 small-scale test data does not pertain to building materials, furnishings and related contents. UL 94 small-scale test data is intended solely for determining the flammability of plastic materials used in components and parts of end-product devices and appliances, where the acceptability of the combination is determined by ULI.說明:1. Color顏色:若為ALL即表示所有顏色都合乎測試的規格2. Min. Thk.mm:表示測試材質的厚度(單位mm)3. FlameClass:表示防火等級,即材質經過以上測試條件,所得的數據予以分類並定義等級4. RTI(RELATIVE TEMPERATURE INDEX):相對溫度測試l RTIElec(電氣性質相對溫度測試):即受測試材質在運作狀態(即通電狀態)、環境測試溫度為130C,材質壽命能達到測試標准l RTIStr(無機械性質相對溫度測試):即受測試材質在沒有受到外力作用、環境測試溫度為110C, 材質壽命能達到測試標准l RTIImp(機械性質相對溫度測試):即受測試材質在受到外力拖壓狀態、環境測試溫度為110C, 材質壽命能達到測試標准5. HWI (Hot Wire Ignition)熱線點火試驗:受測試材質受電熱線加熱後,直到發火所須之時間(單位秒),時間愈長,等級愈高。Mean Ignition Time(Sec)Assigned PLC120IT0GOODBAD60IT120130IT60215IT3037IT1540IT756. HAI(Hight-Current Arc Ignition)高電流電弧點火試驗:受測試材質受電弧加熱後,直到產生發火所需時間(單位秒),時間愈長,等級愈高。Mean Number of Arc to Cause I ngaAssigned PLC120NA0GOODBAD60NA120130NA60215NA3030NA1547. HVTR(High Voltage Arc Resistance to Ignition)高電壓電弧碳躋速率指數:受測試材質在電壓上,單位時間測試材質試片在移動的電極棒下產生電弧碳化痕跡之距離。Tracking Rate(mm/min)Assigned PLC0TR100GOODBAD10TR25.4125.4TR80280TR1503150TR48. D495(材料高電壓、低電流、耐電弧)試驗:將12500V電壓,逐步增加電流(10mA40mA)之兩電極棒置於受測材質上,會在兩電極棒之間產生火花,並直到消失火花之時間。Mean Time of Arc Resistance(Sec)Assigned PLC420TAR0GOODBAD360TAR4201300TAR3602240TAR3003180TAR2404120TAR180560TAR12060TAR6079. CTI(比較碳躋指數)試驗:受測試材質試片置於電極棒下,以每30秒滴下0.1%之氯化氨(NH4CL)電解液一滴,能忍受滴電解液後才產生碳化痕跡(燃燒或電流突然放大)時之電壓數.Tracking Darex(V)Assigned PLC600TI0GOODBAD400TI6001250TI4002175TI2503100TI17540TI100510. “E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO INC” 表示公司名稱和產地。11. “E41938”表示黃卡認證號,一般與公司產地相對應的。12. 其它注解略。
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