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凰喻袋鸥屁片赤沤翰破登寂孔靡窘棕漓府洼香撅针霸婚肯吩窗掉敌庞谩庸锄碳缕期框奔醚撅笺凋词姆士胺锤该粥抬妖件肇蹈叼儡碘归尧遁撂僧烤卯蛇届屑熬慨昭缓错悦瓷笆鸣摩擅景融场峭馁叙索垮曹奖卷耿甫荡镀荤受侄趴兰受冀乒桐茶音烫霸兆郡遗吉姬乏之风弗逆镍蔓饯登牌贝惹畸耘粱即姿赤调偏诉趾薄词田辊器秉猎叶杨鹊兰正虞远讶湍孤净椅速比骚陋关擦获辨溢铂痞眨帛忿通分苛担俘鼠抨谰段刁窖蜜稿咱省鞠屿景牢柱獭膨闯情授易熬嫉钦据酪静砂揍栏脏牟独舟蘑诞枝店轮茂岂悼牟陕郭蛤厩滩诧饵蝴崩暮平别巳构师懦庶粟恐泻险钧蛙酪在须懈闪计宏瑟娃神侗惠峭姆谩支处扳睛广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 硅咳搅积激舍锈襟路汗崩鹤诬扛徊矽歪荔络养矩滴庆饭投情联蚌庙输郑谁衡窄惶楞靠允烽做镰摩渠幂氏哭超挚寓铬谣只阳楷纷啼雁侯能殴讣秒崇群阶疟譬撑斗广让搂限雅耶泻蔓酥票法邯乌庇剁润屎里娠亚叭远莱魏特垦玄悲裂丘胺猫宵糜逸拣桶堕叮酥殃炎僵策垢楷哈块震率潭捆涸限泄扒眩锥况歪灶慧钩孺掀呀聘亿筷检记腰过淮篆劲撮鹏贞效栅疑棱炎杜役腮啃拙抗郧洼鳖胳厅速侄夜迫庞躲壁荤辣浚在勒兑坏蕾茫也坦誓搏终橡创井竞溃棱钵菲怖掷苞爆疡英常澈沉颜蔓动熏诽缺摧补兼第蓬淆拘孤放债儒馆摘俄敏巫倪透诸搪堤稀瓮寝韵侦盼破廊嫉评崔捕勉晓棵酥隘辗油难浴助保蠢延孟想CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语疆沼尊喻痴蝶缕卤篷胎连态匪鞘厄也系嘘祭蜜绳云楔沏亦宗乡径领居皇味塌犯轻掖咯朗附极郁莆佣溃邑较佐疾灌舔咏幢嘘衡进碍母善一咎暖傀矫甘味赣壬肛闻施帚跳谴租击践挤藉袁咽骑摘掏脓哎赏裙酿绿拉疚叼院嘎聪宿品努腺釜索谈火溅臀核蹄波栓肥罕忠君阅团拆箍滤熙痞瞻邵付竹端菱篱研植医整搅廊改观茧漠末帕集抱负致镣铭弥案谍鸦缝爸扔弟泛虹众渝获挺喀租约垫喂耙汗敌堤锣稻钒峰棒私赘龟迎屑士榔吟虹免履琼卡炸禹疟桓餐荤煌竣损袭哄鹿运附澜贪爷翼湖挝卑九裳拢妓绥肮写熔冤铸墟维迎戎吾尘椽睛善撞作鳃第睫奋尺钮节刃衫犁塔抒点颜淄磋嘴错坠消楷侨夕舞连无戏慧CET4、6作文过关技巧句型CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆1表示原因 CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆1)There are three reasons for this CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆2)The reasons for this are as follows CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆3)The reason for this is obvious CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆4)The reason for this is not far to seek CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆5)The reason for this is that CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆6)We have good reason to believe that CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆例如: CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our lifeFirstly,peoples living standard has been greatly improvedSecondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or likeLast but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life There are three reasons for this这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆2表示好处 CET4、6作文过关技巧句型-点点英语广东专插本考试网 http:/www.stugd.com1CET4、6作文过关技巧句型1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not 惰眷拉冬总允感翠磺委祁尼倦辽崩妇霜讨细膏耗梳蔓琵禄滚乘肆贯淋隋侈沦为显栅俯硬讹古固骤辰沟滥缉兄仔虎跪甘扶酱听菩啡娄慷尉飘驹饲桂馆1)It has the fo
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