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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She has a gift for and she is well-known for such a skill.AmoneyBdesignCcostDsleep2 . Not only Jack but also I crazy about the football match.AamBisCareDbe3 . Are those Jennys pencils?_. They are Marys.AYes, they areBNo, they arentCNo, they dontDYes, they do4 . My friend Bob likes to play basketball before supper.Athe;theB/;theCthe;/D/;/5 . do you think of his new home?Its big and nice.AHowBWhereCWhatDHow far6 . Tom, this is your book. Here you are._.AThank you.BIm OK.CAll rightDYoure welcome.7 . _? Its cloudy.AHow is the weather likeBWhat is the weatherCHow is the weatherDWhat are the weather be like8 . -_is the weather in Shanghai?- _windy.AWhat ; ItsBHow ; ItsCHow ; ItsDWhat ; Its9 . Would you please _ my son from the station for me?Ill be glad to.Aput upBmake upCgive upDpick up10 . When you go to school in the morning, you say “_” to your parents.AGoodbyeBGood eveningCGood morningDHello11 . The bank is _ the bookshop and the supermarket.Anext toBnearCbetweenDnext12 . We didnt enjoy the day _ the weather was so bad.AifBorCbutDbecause13 . Mona suggests _ the mountain this weekend. I dont agree because of the terrible weather.Anot to climbBto climbCnot climbingDclimbing14 . Dave is the son of the family. He has two younger (年幼的) brothers.AfirstBnextClast15 . Dont give up. Things will be fine soon.Yes. We should learn to be when we are in trouble.AquietBangryCbrave16 . _ name is Wang Xi and _ is a student.AHe; heBShe; sheCHis; herDHer; she17 . What time _Mary usually _up?Ais, getBcan, getCdo, getDdoes, get18 . Happy birthday! _.AThank youBYou are welcomeCThats all rightDOK19 . Mum, is my friend, Jim.Nice to meet you.AthatBthisCheDit20 . It took _ half an hour to finish _ homework.Ahe; himBhis; himChis; hisDhim; his21 . - _ does it take you to go to the closest movie cinema?- About 15 minutes walk.AHow longBHow farCHow soon22 . -Do you have nice hats?-Yes, we have red, purple and yellow hats _ only 20 % today!AofBforCwith23 . -_ does he like science? -Because its interesting.AWhatBWhenCWhereDWhy24 . Hello, may I speak to Mary please?AIm Mary.BYes, please.CWho are you?DHold on, please.25 . I think a dog is a good pet for _ child.Aa 6-year-oldBan 6-years-oldCa 6-year oldDa 6 years-old26 . Many people like to go swimming _ hot days _ summer.Ain; inBon; onCon; inDon; at27 . In the village,I saw a lot of animals like _,chickens and horsesAflowersBstarsCbananasDcows28 . -_ is the bus stop to the shopping center?-About 15 minutes ride.AHow manyBHow farCHow longDHow much29 . _ your bag ? At school.AWhatsBWhatCWheresDWhere30 . This is my son.is a student.AHeBSheCHimDHer.二、补全对话7选5从方框内的七个选项中选出最佳的五个句子,使对话通顺、合理。A: Good afternoon,Gina.B: Good afternoon,Bob. How are you?A:31 . Is he David?B: No,he isnt.A:32 . B: He is Eric.A: Look!33 . B: Its a cup.A:34 . B:C-U-P.A:Oh.35 . B: Its red and white.A: Thank you. Its nice.A Whats this in English?AWhats her name?BSpell it,please.CIm fine,thanks.DWhat color is it?ENice to meet you.FWhats his name?三、完型填空Anna White is an English girl. Her _ name is White. She is 12. This is _roomIn her room,her books and dictionaries _ in the bookcase. Her eraser is on the _Her pencil box is on the desk, too. Some pens and a set _ keys are in the pencil box.A schoolbag is under the table,_ its not Annas. Its her sister Marys. A family photo is on the desk. You can see_people(人)in it. _ are her parents. _is the girl? She is Anns sister Mary. Can you _ Anna in the photo? Look! Shes here.36 . AfirstBEnglishClastDfriend37 . AsheBherChersDmy38 . AamBisCareDbe39 . AchairBdeskCsofaDbookcase40 . AinBofConDfor41 . AandBtooCbutDto42 . AfourBthreeCfiveDtwo43 . AThatBThisCItDThese44 . AWhatBHowCWhoDWhere45 . AfindBlostCthinkDhave四、阅读单选For Sparky, school was all but impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He didnt do much better in sports. Although he played for the schools golf
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