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申请信I.阅读鉴赏(高考范文中的申请信及网络时文中的申请信)I.i. 高考范文Dear Sir,My name is Li Ming. I am a teaching assistant of English atTaiyuanNormalUniversity. I am now writing to you to apply for the admission to your graduate school as a graduate student.I enteredTaiyuanNormalUniversityas an English major in 2000 through an entrance examination. During my four years at the university, I passed all the required courses of study with satisfactory marks and graduate in the summer of 2004. In addition, I also took an active part in extracurricular activities. I won the second prize in National English Competition in 2003. Upon graduation, I stayed at this university as a teaching assistant. I love education very much and I want to take a more advanced course of study in your university if I have the chance to do so. It is my long-cherished desire that I could study in theUnited Statessomeday. So I might have the opportunity to improve my English. Enclosed in the letter are my materials concerning the application. Please feel free to write to me and ask for information and documentation if you have any question. It would be very kind of you if you will consider my application and give me the earliest reply.Yours sincerely,Li MingI.ii. A real application letter for scholarshipDear Mr. Daniel,I am aware that your esteemed university grants scholarship for the worthy and needy students as its ambition and motto.I therefore would like to apply for the scholarship as I am financially week, but have a lot of interest within me to pursue a law degree from a well-known university like yours.I would be obliged if you would go through my application to see that I have had a successful school career.Herewith I have enclosed my profile with all the important credentials required by you. I hope that you will give me a positive response after careful examination.Thanking you in advance Yours faithfully,Susan AntonioII. 常用表达II.i.开头:1. 我写信要申请(您发布的)。职位_2. 我写信要申请。_II.ii. Ending:1. 如果您给我这个机会,我会非常感激的。_2. 我非常期待您的回复。_3. 如果您认可我的申请,请给我一个面试的机会。_II.iii. Education:1. 申请学校的一个席位_2. 被学校录取_3. 被学校拒绝_4. 名校_5. 以化学为专业(专业学化学)_6. 专攻法律_7. 好/差学生_8. 从学校毕业_9. 接受指导_10. 扩大视野_II.iv. 爱好:1. 我喜欢足球。_2. 他喜欢弹钢琴。_3. 很多球迷疯狂地喜欢姚明。_4. 汤姆痴迷羽毛球。_5. 很多人热衷于看武术小说。_6. 他沉溺于游戏。_7. 很多学生玩游戏上瘾。_8. 她热爱民乐。_9. 保姆很容易对看护的孩子产生依恋。_10. 上了年纪的老人总是对宠物很感兴趣。_II.v. 能力:1. 爱因斯坦是个理科天才,而莎士比亚是文学巨匠。_2. 那个男孩在音乐方面很有天赋。_3. 他是射击高手。_4. 我们承认他是一个能人。_5. 男孩总是比女孩更娴熟地操作机器。_6. 他有很强的交际技能。_7. 里奇在外语上很出色。_III.短文写作III.i. 写作实例假如你是李华,从互联网上得知,一个国际中学生组织将在澳大利亚举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请根据以下提示写一封电子邮件申请参加。 1、自我介绍(英语流利;性格外向)2、参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家)3、希望获准。注意:1、词数不少于50。Dear Sir or Madam,I learned from the Internet that the summer camp in Australia need members. Im really interested in it and Id like to take part in it.Im Li Hua, a middle school student from China. Not only
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