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英语中考复习专项训练:单项选择(中)C卷一、 单选题 (共55题;共110分)1. (2分) (2019七下涡阳期末) Do you usually take _ subway to school? No. I go to school by _ bus.A . /; theB . the; aC . /; /D . the; /2. (2分) (2017八上岳池期中) Lin Shuhao is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA A . popularB . more popularC . most popularD . the most popular3. (2分) (2016八下苏州期中) Haikou, _ capital of Hainan Province, is _ pretty city.A . a; aB . the; theC . the; aD . a; the4. (2分) What _ useful storybook! And _ book is popular with teenagers.A . a; aB . an; aC . the; theD . a; the5. (2分) (2019八下广州期中) My classmate had _ toothache and he should take _ X-ray. A . an, /B . a, anC . /, aD . a, the6. (2分) (2019八上浦东期中) It was just _ unusual day, Something special happened to me. A . aB . anC . /D . the7. (2分) He is regarded as contemporary Tao Yuanming.A . /B . theC . aD . an8. (2分) (2016七下太仓期末) man in the hat is popular teacher in our school. A . The; aB . A; aC . The;D . A; the9. (2分) I usually watch _ film at night. A . a;/B . /;aC . /;/D . a; a10. (2分) (2015七上湖北期中) Excuse me, is he Jack? No, _ name is Mike.A . herB . hisC . myD . your11. (2分) My brother Tony wont go to the flower exhibition. In _ opinion, only girls watch flowers. A . myB . hisC . ourD . their12. (2分) It was interesting to see so places of interest Suzhou.A . many; inB . much; fromC . many; for13. (2分) (2018连云港) will the project of high-speed railway connecting Xuzhou to Lianyungang be completed?In about two years.A . How longB . How farC . How soonD . How often14. (2分) Do you usually go swimming after school? Of course. is more exciting than that.A . SomethingB . EverythingC . AnythingD . Nothing15. (2分) Come on! You could recite (背诵) the long poem _ difficulty. Thanks. Ive learned it _ heart.A . with; intoB . with; byC . without; intoD . without; by16. (2分) We couldnt finish our work so early your help. A . withoutB . withC . forD . by17. (2分) Fish cant live water.A . withB . inC . withoutD . of18. (2分) (2019辽阳) , I found the job boring, but soon I got used to it. A . To start withB . First of allC . Without doubtD . After all19. (2分) Tom, please remember _ the light when you leave. A . turn offB . turning offC . to turn off20. (2分) Kate is _ girl. Shes very happy at school. A . a eighteen-year-oldB . an eighteen-year-oldC . an eighteen-years-oldD . a eighteen-years-old21. (2分) Linda is my good friend, shes very . A . quicklyB . carefullyC . beautifullyD . friendly22. (2分) (2019广东会考) Do I have to cook this dish for _ ten minutes,Mom? Yes,and remember not to open the cover.A . otherB . othersC . anotherD . one other23. (2分) Do you think Tianjin is _ city in China?Yes, I think so.A . the biggerB . biggestC . third biggestD . the third biggest24. (2分) Shanghai is one of _ in China. A . the most modern cityB . more modern cityC . the most modern citiesD . most modern cities25. (2分) Monday is his _ day in a week.A . busyB . busierC . busiestD . the busiest26. (2分) In our city, its _ in July, but it is even _ in August. A . hot; hotterB . hotter; hottestC . hot; hotD . hotter; hot27. (2分) Air pollution was the biggest problem in the in this city. Yes. But now people here are trying hard to make the air become better and .A . past; wellB . past; betterC . present; better28. (2分) (2019江西模拟) What do you think of my plan of going to Hainan this winter? I quite agree. It could be _.A . goodB . betterC . badD . worse29. (2分) _ you give, _ you will be. A . The more; the happiestB . The more; the happierC . The less; the happiest30. (2分) (2019九上潮安月考) _ will your mother come back home? In a week.A . How farB . How longC . How soonD . How often31. (2分) Which do young people prefer, music or sports? Both. Music is sports. A . as popular asB . not as popular asC . more popular than32. (2分) Her home is _ office in her company, so she goes to work by b
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