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Module3 book2 学案Life without music is like a severe winter without sunshine. Music can be regarded as a good lifetime companion. It helps you ease your strained (紧张的)feelings,turn dull moments into delightful ones, relive (减轻)the tension (压力)from the problems of a hard day, and cheer you up when you are sad. 一:Introductionrock music classical musictraditional musicjazz music二:Reading and vocabulary1. .lose vt 失去,丢失loss n 损失, 丧失,失败短语: lose sight of 看不见lose temper 发脾气 lose weight 减肥be lost in thought / books 陷入深思/ 埋头读书at a loss 困惑,不知所措e.g.1. 读完书后, 他陷入了沉思。 After reading the book, he was lost in thought. e.g.2.我不知道做些什么来帮组他。Im at a loss about what I can do to help them. e.g.3. _ for a week, the couple were believed _ in the flood.A .Having lost ; having died B Lost ; to have been killedC Being lost; to be killed D Losing ; dying 2. compose vt 作曲,创作,组成composer 创作者,作曲者composition作品,作曲be composed of =consist of = be made of 3.change改变:change A. into B把变成交换:change A for B 用A 换B Id like to change this dress for a smaller one . Id like to change these trousers into shorts. (改短)3.Having worked there for 30 years, Hayden moved to London, where he was very successful. Having worked 是现在分词的完成式, 时间状语, 表示动作发生在主语动作之前,否定式在分词前加“not”。e.g.1. Having finished the homework, they all went out playing.e.g.2.Walking along the river, she saw a bridge across ite.g.3.Not having received their reply, we had to start first.e.g.4._(having studied ) the virus for a long time, they finally found a way to prevent the virus from spreading / 4.more than +n 不只 , 不仅仅 ,(no more than 仅仅)More than + 数词, 超过more than +adj 很,非常 more than +句子 (can) 超过,是.所不能的 no more .than 和一样不not more than 不如 e.g.1.杰克不如约翰勤奋。Jack is not more diligent than John.e.g.2.杰克不勤奋,约翰也不勤奋 jack is no more diligent than John.e.g.3.The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe.5 .as well as 不但.而且,既.又; (除之外) 又,和 和一样好 as well 也=too,同样地e.g. As well as eating five dishes, they drank three bottles of wine. He is lovely as well as healthy.We shall travel by night as well as by day. 日夜兼程He can operate the machine as well as I do. He went to the airport as well. 他也去了机场. 【考点】as well as就远原则 not only A but also B 强调了BA as well as B 强调了Ae.g He as well as his brothers is coming to see you. Not only he but also his brothers are coming to see you , Tom ,_ his parents, likes football. (A and B as well as)6.impress 短语:impress sb with sth(v)= sth make an impression on sb. “给(人)留下深刻的印象 = impress sth on sb (sth 多置于 on sb 之后)使(人)铭记”,印,be impressed by /with 对留下深刻的印象e.g.She impressed me with her sweet voice. e.g这儿的许多东西给我留下了深刻的印象。I am impressed by /with many things here. e.g. 父亲让我铭记工作的重要性。 My father impresses on me the importance of work .= my father impressed me with the importance of work.=My father impressed the importance ofwork on my mind / me 7. until的用法.用在肯定句中,译成 :直到.为止用在否定句中,译成: 直到才e.g1. I shall stay here until next Sunday (我将留在这里直到星期天e.g2. he didnt come until late in the evening (她直到深夜才来e.g 3.please wait here until I come 请在这里等到我来e.g 4.He didnt appear until the concert had begun. 直到音乐会开始他才露面。 强调句It was + not + until 引导的时间短语和时间状语 + that +剩余成分把e.g2和e.g3 装换成强调句结构:_8.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事9. the rest (of )其余的,剩下的(The rest of 作主语时, 谓语动词因该根据of 后所接的名词而定)。e.g. 1.The rest of the money was given to Tom. 2. The rest of the students are waiting outside the school gate.3. I finished 70% of the work. The rest was done by Mike.10.变聋/哑/瞎 go deaf / dumb / blindgo 为系动词, 表示“变得”,后接形容词 (表示由好变坏)构成:主 + 系 +表go bad/ go mad/ go wrong/ go hungry/ go soure.g. Fish goes bad easily in hot weather.11. Talent 天分,天赋,才华 (后天得来的才能)genius 天才(人物),天分 ,天赋 (先天性的,与生俱来的)gift 天赋,礼物短语:show talentgiftgenius for sth 在方面显示出天分 have(a)talent / genius / gift for e.g. a boy of many gifts 多才多艺的少年have a gift / for music / painting有音乐/绘画天赋 【补充】 gifted adj 有天赋的 talented adj 有才能的 12.强调句强调句式:It be 被强调部分 that/ who 常常 强调 主语,宾语,表语,状语 I saw Mr. Wang in the street yesterdayIt was I that saw Mr. Wang in the street yesterday.变成疑问句: It was Mr. Wang that/ who I saw in the street yesterday.变成疑问句: It was in the street that I saw Mr. Wang yesterday.变成疑问句: It was yesterday that I saw Mr. Wang in the street.变成疑问句: 当被强调的是人时,可用 that,或who。其他情况都用that 强调句的 一般疑问句:Is / Was + it +被强调部分+ that + 强调句的 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + Is / Was + it +被强调部分+ that +练习:Mr wang met you in the net bar yesterday evening.
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