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外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We have tests _Saturday. ( )AinBonCfor2 . Read and choose.选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. China B. Danish C. German D. British(_) 2. A. plastic B. vase C. paperD. rubber(_) 3. A. sun B. world C. moon D. earth(_) 4. A. pea B. carrot C. potato D. crop(_) 5. A. strong B. healthy C. fit D. special(_) 6. A. duckling B. chick C. bird D. pig3 . Here _my new trousers. ( )AisBareCwas4 . -_ Jenny? ( )-Shes in the living room.AWhereBWhere areCWheres5 . We _ some new lights. ( )AareBhasChaveLook and judge. 看图,选出正确的句子6 . ( )AIt is a blue ball.BIt is a red ball.7 . ( )AIt is a yellow car.BIt is a green car.8 . ( )AIt is a CBCIt is an egg.9 . ( )AIt is a ball.BIt is a doll.10 . What season is it _ April in Beijing? ( )AonBinCat11 . Are you _ at home? ( )Yes, I am.AhelpBcanChelpful12 . Some students dont know how _at school. ( )AstudyBto studyCstudyingDstudies13 . 选出不同类单词 (_) 1. A. hello B. hiC. Sam(_) 2. A. you B. hello C. hi(_) 3. A. fine B. good C. thank(_) 4. A. Ling ling B. MikeC. black(_) 5. A. are B. you C. I二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello. Im Mike. Im 10 years old. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 9 and my sister is only 4 years old. I like hamburgers and salad. My brother likes tomatoes and my sister likes ice cream. Today is my sisters birthday. Today is January 21st. Theres a big birthday cake on the table. How much is it? Do you know? Its 7 dollars. Come to my sisters birthday party and have some cake. 14 . How old is Mikes brother? ( )A10.B4.C9.15 . What does Mike like? ( )ASalad.BTomatoes.CIce cream.16 . Does Mikes sister like ice cream? ( )AYes, he is.BYes, she does.CYes, she doesnt.17 . When is his sisters birthday? ( )AJanuary 21st.BJanuary 31st.CFebruary 21st.18 . How much is the cake? ( )A$12.B$9.C$7.三、英译汉19 . Let me count. ( )A让我摸摸。B让我数数。四、汉译英20 . 我爸爸的健康大有好转!( )AMy father is well now!BMy father is better now!CMy father is fine now!五、句型转换21 . I skipped with the girls. (改为现在进行时)_22 . The duck swims.(用now改写句子)_按要求完成下列句子。23 . Ihavefivepictures.(对画线部分提问)_24 . Itstimeforlunch.(改为同义句)_25 . Itistenoclock.(对画线部分提问)_26 . Itssunnyandwarm.(对画线部分提问)_27 . Thatisthemusicroom.(改为一般疑问句)_28 . Thegymisonthesecondfloor.(对画线部分提问)_句型转换。29 . You shouldnt play football on the road.(改为祈使句)_ play football on the road.30 . Jane woke up early this Monday.(改为否定句)Jane _ up early this Monday.31 . Be careful of the cars when you cross the road.(改为同义句)_ the cars when you cross the road.32 . The bus stops because the light is red.(对画线部分提问)_ the bus stop?33 . The noodles are eight yuan.(对划线部分提问)_六、改错34 . 改错:He wants a Chinabook.(_)改为_A B C判断正“T”误“F”,把错误的地方改过来。35 . Did you lost bike yesterday? (_)_36 . Mum bought for me a new T-shirt. (_)_37 . I didnt washed my T-shirt yesterday. (_)_38 . I found my lose bike at school yesterday. (_)_39 . Lets go and fly kite together. (_)_找出每个句子中的错误并改正过来。40 . Whattimeit is now?(_)_A B C41 . Its time for go to school.(_)_A B C42 . Its timeto go to home.(_)_A B C43 . Letsto have English class.(_)_A B C44 . 改错:Wasyouat school? (_)改为_A B C判断并改错。45 . ItisIroom.(_)_A B C46 . Canyoufindthey? (_)_A B C47 . Wherearemychair? (_)_A B C48 . Issheonthestudy? (_)_A B C49 . Mymomisintheliveroom. (_)_A B C七、匹配题选择正确的翻译。A嗨。认识一下我的家人。B他是高的强壮的。C你家有多少人?D你爸爸是做什么工作的?E我家有六口人。50 . How many people are there in your family? (_)51 . My family has six people. (_)52 . Hi. Meet my family. (_)53 . He is tall and strong. (_)54 . Whats your fathers jo
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