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高中新课标配套测评卷 陕西卷英语必修2卷(六)学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1troopAcookerBpoolCfoot Dwooden2honestAhour BharmChappiness Dhappen3chargeAschool BtechnologyCchicken Dmachine4broadcastAapple BamazingCfast Dcash5riseArisen BdrivenCdisappear Darise第二节情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)John:Hello,may I speak to Mrs Brown?Kate:Sorry.My mum isnt in._6_John:John Smith.I work in the same school as your mother._7_Kate:Im not sure.She left for the bank half an hour ago.She might go to the hospital.John:_8_Kate:No problem.John:_9_I have something important to discuss with her.Kate:OK.By the way,whats your phone number?John:Oh,my number is 85533299.Kate:OK,so thats 85533299.John:Thats correct._10_Kate:You are welcome.AWhat can I do for you?BWhos that speaking?CPlease tell her to call me when she is back.DWhen did she go?EWhen will she come back?FWould you please take a message for her?GThank you very much.第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11Choose anything you like.Ill pay for it._Have you got the first prize in the competition?AWhat for? BId rather not.CYes,Id like to. DWhy not?12He would appreciate_if you could do him that favour.Ait BthisCwhat Dwhich13What does the President mainly talk about?Special attention should be_the pollution.Acalled for Bcalled withCpaid for Dpaid to14Tom cant keep his mind on his work recently.After all,his friends death is a great_to him.Aharm BlossCrelief Dimportance15Listen,boys!This room and everything in it_you six.Awill be sharing by Bis being sharing withCwill be shared with Dis being shared by16The students looked at the strange bag and wanted to know what it_.Acollected BcontainedCput Dexplored17Mr Black wont leave the computer_his wife is waiting for supper.Aas though Beven thoughCwhether Dwhenever18Of the two oranges,which one do you prefer?_bigger one.Its_most delicious one,I think.AThe;a BThe;theCA;/ DA;the19Lily will be fit for the work.I dont think so._,she is not careful.ATo be worse BTo be sureCTo be honest DTo be certain20As we all know,dark glasses can_the eyes from strong sunlight.Aprevent BcareChelp Dprotect21To our surprise,Tom has_George as captain of our football team.Areplaced BplacedCcovered Dreduced22The walkman I bought yesterday is quite different from_you bought last month.Athat BwhichCthe one Dthe one what23After the big fire,his house was completely_,so he had to build a new one_the old house stood.Adamaged;which Bdestroyed;whereCruined;when Dhurt;that24When a big earthquake happens,many peoples lives will be_.Aendanger Bin dangerCout of danger Ddangerous25She had a car accident yesterday;_she got seriously injured in the left leg.Aas a result of Bbecause ofCas a result Din case第四节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I was selling tickets and asking for $1.00 donations for our youth programs.We wanted to help the_26_without parents in Minsk.“Donate a dollar for youth programs and_27_a ticket for a $1.50 hot dog!” I said to the people_28_me.Some donated a dollar and I gave them a ticket;some donated more,sometimes_29_$5.00 or $10.00;some simply donated without taking tickets.I was_30_,so I continued my job with more_31_.Then,a group of Spanish farm workers_32_the hall.I knew they lived a_33_life and might not even_34_what I was doing.So I_35_just to let them walk by me and didnt say anything.However,after they disappeared into the store,I thought_36_.I had seen these men_37_hard on the farm in the sun on a very hot summer day.I knew they needed every_38_.But I realized that they should be shown the same_39_shown to every local citizen.They also should be given the chance to donate to such programs,_40_they only had a little!But what could I do?My Spanish was very_41_,but I had to do it.I only knew two_42_.When they came out of the store,I went up to them and said “Por favor”,which means “please” in English._43_more.Two of the men immediately_44_without speaking.They each gave me a dollara dollar that they had earned by picking vegetables in the hot sun.They_45_the tickets,but never came to ask for hot dogs.26A.adultsBchildrenCfriendsDteachers27A.need Bshow Cgive Dreceive28A.turning to Bgoing throughCwalking by Dlooking down upon29A.only Beven Chardly Dstill30A.touched Bcalm Cinterested Dangry31A.thought Bservice Cchange Denergy32A.decorated Benter
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