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20232023年度第一学期期末考试试题七年级英语试题卷试题说明:本套试题共120分,答题时间:120分钟.第I卷选择题 共70分I、 选择填空30分1、 -Nice to meet you! -A、 Hello B、 Nice to meet you, too! C、 Hi D、 good morning!2、 -Whats this English? -Its a pen、A、 at B、 of C、 in D、 with3、 Whats name?A、 you B、 yours C、 your D、 yourself 4、 How are you, Helen?A、 Im fine, thanks B、 How are you? C、 Yes, I am D、 And you?5、 What color is it? Its A、 a watch B、 Alice C、 red D、 eight 6、 I Mike, My phone number 8930456、A、 am, is B、 is, am C、 am, am 7、 Its _ orange、A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 8、 Whats his phone number? -_ 257-6890、A、 Its B、 Thats C、 Its D、 His 9、 Your backpack is nice、 -_-、A、 Thank B、 Thanks C、 OK D、 Thanks you10、 - _ do you spell pencil? - P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil、A、 What B、 Whats C、 How D、 Where11、 Is this your computer game? Please call Alan_ 5353469、A、 for B、 in C、 to D、 at12、 - Where are my keys? - _ 、A、 Yes, they are、 B、 Its on the table、 C、 Yes, I dont know、 D、 They are on the dresser、13、 Lets _ computer game、A、 playing B、 to play C、 play D、 dont play*2014、Do you like hamburgers? _、I make them at home、A、 Yes, you do、B、 Yes, I like C、 Yes, I do D、 No, I dont15、 We need lots of _ food every day、A、 vegetables B、 fruit C、 healthy D、 really16、 Do you like French fries and fish _ dinner?A、 in B、 of C、 about D、 for17、 He likes hamburgers, _ he doesnt like chicken、A、 and B、 so C、 for D、 but18、 We have sweaters _ all colors _ ¥50 each、Ain, at Bat, in Cin, for Dat, for19、 _ the pants? Theyre 15 yuan、AHow many is BHow many are CHow much is DHow much are20、 There _ a bird and two apples、A、 is B、 are C、 be D、 /21、 _ do you like music?A、 What B、 Which C、 Why D、 Who22、 After class I have gymnastics _ two hours、A、 at B、 inC、 for D、 on23、 Marys favorite _ is Friday、A、 month B、 day C、 subject D、 time24、 She likes singing best、 So her favorite subject is _、A、 art B、 math C、 music D、 science25、 - Is Mary your sister? - No, _ 、A、 she isnt B、 she is C、 it isnt D、 it is、26Here is _ my family、A、 a photo of B、 photo of C、 a photo at D、 photo at 27、 Thanks _ the present礼物、A、 in B、 at C、 for D、 to 28、早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼?A、 How are you? B、 Good morning! C、 Good evening! D、 Good night29、, Whats this in English?A、sorry B、Hi C、Excuse me D、Thanks30、 The boy doesnt like maths, because its _、A、 fun B、 interesting C、 relaxing D、 boring II完型填空10分AMy name is Sandra、 I have a brother、 _31_ name is Tom、 We like different不同的sports、 I like playing _32_、 It is fun、 I like tennis, too、 _33_ I dont like basketball、 It is _34_、 My brother _35_ basketball、 He has four basketballs、 He _36_ basketball every day、 We like different _37_、 I like eggs, apples and hamburgers _38_ breakfast and dinner、 For dessert, I like _39_、Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots、 We are _40_ because(因为) we often (经常)play sports and eat good food、31、A、 He B、 She C、 Her D、 His32、 A、 volleyball B、 TV C、 watch D、 oranges33、 A、 And B、 With C、 But D、 Of34、 A、 fun B、 difficult C、 interesting D、 fine35、 A、 likes B、 dont like C、 like D、 doesnt like36、 A、 looks B、 knows C、 plays D、 has37、 A、 food B、 books C、 colors D、 classes38、 A、 in B、 on C、 for D、 at 39、 A、 hamburgers B、 chicken C、 broccoli D、 ice cream40 A、 boring B、 healthy C、 great D、 relaxingIII、 阅读理解.每题3分,共30分A阅读下面文章判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B Look at this bag, its my backpack, its orange、 Whats in it? Look, this is an English book, its red、 This is a Chinese book, its white, and this is a book, too, its yellow、 This is my pencil case, its blue、 I like my pencil case very much 、There are some pens and pencils in it、41、 My bag is orange、42、My English book is yellow、43、 My pencil case is blue、44、 I like my Chinese book very much、45、 There is an eraser in my pencil caseB阅读下面的表格内容,根据信息选择最正确答案.NameHasDoesnt haveKate an alarm clock a watch, a ballGinaa backpack, a watcha baseball batJima basketball, a TVa baseballTommya math book, CDsa video tapePaul a baseball, a soccer balla tennis racket46 Gina has _ , but she doesnt have _、A、 a clock; a watch B、 a watch
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