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牛津译林版英语八年级上册 Unit 5 Wild animals单元测试(一)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Put _ waste bag into the dustbin, please.Its not _ waste bag. Its my shopping bag.A . the; aB . a; theC . a; aD . 不填; the2. (2分)-Would you like to go shopping with me today or tomorrow?-_, I have nothing to do.A . NeitherB . EitherC . NoneD . All3. (2分)Susan is interested Chinese movies. A . watchB . watchingC . to watchD . watched4. (2分) _ are you going to do this afternoon?Im going to the park.A . WhenB . WhatC . How5. (2分)How about the black blouse with little flowers on? I dont like it at all, Mom. Black clean or bright.A . may notB . not looksC . doesnt lookD . cant6. (2分) Did Cathy have problems _ out the problems?Yes. I found her _ on it for nearly half an hour.A . work; to workB . to work; workingC . working; working7. (2分)I dont think this question is _ than that one. It is _ of these questions. A . easier; more difficultB . easier; the most difficultC . easiest; more difficultD . easier; much more difficult8. (2分)It was a long journey, but _ of them four felt boring. A . neitherB . bothC . noneD . all9. (2分) Can you finish _these books before 10 0clock? Yes, I can.A . to readB . readC . readsD . reading10. (2分)She spends too much money_clothes. A . inB . /C . atD . on11. (2分) Could you come to my party tomorrow afternoon? Sorry, I _. I take care of my little sister.A . couldnt; have toB . cant; mayC . cant; have toD . couldnt; may12. (2分)Cellphones in our lives. Almost everyone has one.A . play a partB . play an important partC . have a partD . is important13. (2分)I was _ tired to climb the mountain.A . a littleB . a bitC . muchD . too14. (2分)Mary went to the cinema _ going to school.A . insteadB . instead ofC . howeverD . So15. (2分)Whats your mother like?_A . She likes watching TV very much.B . She is helpful.C . She is a teacher.D . She is not happy today.16. (2分)The little boy is crying . A . hard and hardB . harder and harderC . hardest and hardestD . harder and hardest17. (2分)There isnt _ with your bike. A . wrong anythingB . something wrongC . anything wrongD . wrong something18. (2分)Their football team was in that important game. A . wonB . beatenC . failed19. (2分)Dad, must I finish my homework today?No, you . You may do it tomorrow.A . needntB . mustntC . dontD . wont20. (2分)_ great news that we will watch the action movie! A . HowB . WhatC . What aD . What an二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共25分)21. (15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I live in a city where jobs are difficult to get and finding wellpaid jobs is even1. Many people have to walk a long way to work 2they cant even afford an old, used car.Yesterday I 3one of these people when I was driving home. A man was walking down the road and trying to ask for a 4from the passing cars. Two cars in front of me passed him by. 5wanted to do the same but the sight of that poor man remained in my mind for quite a moment. 6I drove back and gave him a ride.As I drove along, we had a conversation and I 7that the man was trying all his best to support his 8while working a temporary(临时的)job. Every coin he had was going to 9the house and food.But as we came close to the house he was living in, I saw his tired eyes grow 10. His little girl was playing in the front yard and 11into her daddys arms as soon as he was out of the 12. I was almost lost in that happy moment. I smiled, said 13to them and wished them future happiness. Then I 14.That day, the journey home which used to seem so 15became very short.(1)A . easier B . harder C . faster D . greater (2)A . and B . but C . because D . so (3)A . called B . followed C . saved D . saw (4)A . ride B . coin C . job D . map (5)A . He B . I C . They D . We (6)A . Actually B . Finally C . Firstly D . Similarly (7)A . decided B . hoped C . learned D . said (8)A . family B . friends C . relatives D . partners (9)A . depend on B . make up C . pay for D . take away (10)A . dry B . small
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