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九年级全能知识英语竞赛试题 (时量:90分钟 总分100分)一、 选择题。(本题共15分,每小题1分)1、 What about hiring a bike? It will cost you 2_hour or 5_day. A a,the B an,an C the,a D an,a.2、 Are you tired! Yes,Lets have a cup of tea._? A will youB shall weC wont youD arent we3、 The number of the students in this class_small. A areB haveC hasD is4、 Our teaching building is_theirs. A twice as large asB twice so large C as twice large as D so twice large as5. That_boy has been_. A sleeping asleep Bsleepy asleep C asleep asleep D sleepy sleepy6、He must be in the library now,_? A to be tiredB mustnt heC neednt heD isnt he7 This is the place_my uncle visited last year. A what B where C that D which C Sure ,I can D I am afraid not8 Have you ever_to Rome? Years ago,and _is one of the best holidays Ive ever had. A been that B gone this C went it D been those9We need_three people if we must finish the work the day after tomorrow. I can give you two_people,but I cant give you there. A another , another B more , more C another , more D more , another10Does_know the answer to the question!Me. A everyday B anybody C somebody D nobody11I cant stop playing computer games, Dad. For your health, my dea, I think you_. A would B wont C may D have to 12Jenny wants to know if_a hiking trip tomorrow.Of course,We will. But if it_,Well visit the History Museum instead. A will you have, rains B you will have will rain C you will have,rains D will you have, will rain13 they moved to Beijing_. A in 1980 B in the 1980 C in the 1980s D on the 1980s14 ere is_enough, Please dont make lots of_. A noise, noise B noisy, noise C noise, noises D noise, noisy15 Would you like me to show you the way?_.A No way B Yes, you would C Thats very kind of you D Not at all 二、 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation(诱惑)to steal is _16_greater than ever beforeespecially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman_17_always went into a large store_18_Monday mornings. One Monday, there were_19_ people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier_20_ the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles (商品)._21_a little time ,she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and. _22_ it to an assistant who wrapped(包装)it up for her as_23_as possible .Then the woman simply took the parcel(包裹) and walked out of the shop the shop without _24_. When she was arrested(逮捕), the detective _25_that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl her mother a “free” dress once a week.( )16、A much B more C very ( )17、A she B who C whom( )18、A in B at C on( )19、A little B few C fewer( )20、A toB for C of ( )21、A InB During C After( )22、A brought B handedC took( )23、A quick B quickly C more quick( )24、A payB to payC paying ( )25、A looked outB found out C found三、 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)AMeeting “stars” face to face in ShanghaiThe wax figure(蜡像)of the late Hong Kong singer and movie star Leslie Cheung(张国荣)seemed to be the most popular figure in the museum of Shanghai. It opened on Monday at the New World Department Store on West Nanjing Road.More than 20 fans of Cheung, who jumped off from a building in Hong Kong in 2003, brought along flowers for their favourite star.Other popular persons were Tom Cuise, Brad Pitt, Li Ka Shing and Bill Gates.After asking which famous person people want to meet the most, the museum chose 74 figures including basketball player Yao Ming and Olympic gold medal winner Liu Xiang.Many visitors arrived long before the opening time.“We arrived early as my daughter was excited for a long time; here there are many of her favorite stars,” said a woman. “But I think the price is a little high.”Most visitors said the 125 yuan price of an adult ticket was a little expensive, but none of them hesitated before buying the tickets.The Wax Figure Museum of Shanghai is he Tussauds Groups sixth waxwork museum. There are other museums in Lindon, Amsterdam, Las Vegas, New York and Hong Kong.( )26、From the passage we know people can_.A meet the real stars in the museum B meet wax figures of stars face to face C ask the museum to make wax figures for themD buy the wax figures of their favorite stars from the museum( )27、The fans brought flowers for the star,_, who
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