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对中学英语教学中课堂气氛对教学效果影响的探索A Probe of the Effects of Class Atmosphere on Teaching Results in English Teaching of Middle SchoolAbstract: This thesis, mainly researches the effects of class atmosphere on teaching results, analyzes the changes of students learning results and put forward the following ideas: Firstly, students learning results are greatly influenced by the class atmosphere. If students can learn in a positive class atmosphere, students study tendency will be active and efficient. Secondly, the correlation between students study and teachers positive creating of good class atmosphere, that is to say, teachers, positively forming a good class atmosphere can promote students study. All in all, it is concluded that a good class atmosphere is benefit for students study. With the teachers great efforts and a good class atmosphere, learners will have confidence in studying English and can be promoted greatly for their English competence. So, English class atmosphere has great influences on the teaching results and teachers should pay more attention to create the class atmosphere.Keywords: English teachers; class atmosphere; teaching results;effect; students;摘 要: 在本篇论文中,作者研究了课堂气氛对教学效果的影响,然后分析学生学习效果的变化,并且得到以下几个观点:第一,学生的学习效果极大的受课堂气氛的影响,如果学生在老师创建的一种积极的课堂气氛中学习,学生的学习倾向将会是积极主动和有效的。第二,老师积极营造课堂气氛是和学生学习很有关联的。也就是说,教师积极营造好的课堂气氛可以促进学生去学习。最终我们可以得到,教师的努力和积极去创建一种好的课堂气氛可以帮助教师得到更好的教学教果。学生也更有自信去学习英语,包括可以自己自信的去背单词,掌握语法,句法等,从而提高他们的的能力。因此,我们可以知道中学英语课堂气氛对教学效果有巨大的影响,好的课堂气氛能够促进他们的学习。所以,我们的老师更应该多加关注如何去营造课堂气氛。 关键词: 中学英语教师; 课堂气氛; 教学效果; 影响; 学生ContentsI. Introduction.1II. Literature Review.1 A .Definitions .1 1. Definitions of class atmosphere.2 2. Techniques of class management.2 B. Relationship2 1. Relationship between English teaching and language learning3 2. Relationship between class atmosphere and teaching results3III .Different Class Atmosphere and Teaching Results.4A. Three types of class atmosphere.4B. Teaching results.4C. Ways of creating an active class atmosphere.5IV. Conclusion. 8Works Cited.10I. IntroductionEnglish teaching is an activity which is the combination of the multi-functions and comprehensive usage of various sense organs. In this process, how to stir up the students learning motivation and study activity is important to teach effectively for an English teacher. A good English class atmosphere can help teachers efficiently stir up the students enthusiasm and study motivation, especially help to achieve the best teaching results. Consequently, many scholars pay much attention on how to create a good class atmosphere and achieve good teaching results As is known to all, teachers are the guider in the process of teaching; they play an essential part in it; their language and actions influence students study in a certain aspect negatively or positively.In China, there are thousands of millions of English learners. However, many of them can not master this language well though they have spent a large of time, energy and money on it. Researches show the main reason is that they are lack of a kind of language environment and good class atmosphere in English study. The relationship between class atmosphere and teaching results are very important in language teaching. Different class atmosphere can give rise to different teaching results. Good class atmosphere can arouse the students study interests and improve teachers teaching results. On the contrary, bad class atmosphere can not benefit for students. Meanwhile, class atmosphere is meaningful for our teacher. In this paper, let the English teachers know that a successful teacher should always be ready to keep regular contact with new idea and their class application. The significances of this paper do only draw teachers attention to enhancing their teaching ability but also let the English learners know more knowledge of English teaching and the important relationships between class atmosphere and teaching results.II. Literature Review A. Definitions1. Definitions of class atmosphereClass atmosphere actually is a kind of mental state between teachers and students. It is an emotional and affection experience under a teaching situation. This kind of experience is very obvious in the interaction between teacher and students (Huang 20).2. Techniques of class managementHow can English teachers use knowledge of classroom management to create opportunities for students to interact in English in meaningful ways? This problem exists in English teaching in middle school. “I emphasize that classroom management is a personal and creati
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