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英语口语对话常用句型:我的宠物狗Todd: So, Gloria , have you ever had any pets? 托德:格洛丽亚,你养过宠物吗? Gloria: Yes, I have. In fact, I still have one in America right now. 格洛丽亚:嗯,养过。事实上,现在我在美国也有宠物。 Todd: You do? 托德:是吗? Gloria: Mm-hm 格洛丽亚:嗯。 Todd: Yeah, what? 托德:是什么? Gloria: He”s a dog named Cruiser. 格洛丽亚:狗,它叫Cruiser。 Todd: Cruiser. 托德:Cruiser。 Gloria: Cruiser. 格洛丽亚:对,Cruiser。 Todd: OK, what”s Cruiser like? 托德:那Cruiser长什么样呢? Gloria: Cruiser has blond hair like me, but he has dark brown eyes, and he still thinks he”s a puppy but he”s 11 years old and he, I think, is absolutely the best dog in the world. 格洛丽亚:Cruiser的头发像我一样是金黄色的,不过它的眼睛是深褐色的,它仍旧认为自己是一只小狗,不过它已经11岁了,我想它肯定是世界上最棒的狗。 Todd: Wow, what kind of dog is he? 托德:哇,它属于哪种狗? Gloria: He is a Griffon. We got him at the humane society, so he had a little note with him saying he”s a Griffon, which I really don”t know a lot about. It”s like a miniature wolf hound. 格洛丽亚:它是格里芬犬。我们从动物爱护协会收养的它,所以有关他的信息特别少,只知道它是格里芬犬,而我不太了解这种狗。就像微型的猎狼犬。 Todd: OK. Cute dog? 托德:好。得意吗? Gloria: Very cute. 格洛丽亚:特别得意。 Todd: Have you ever had a cat? 托德:你养过猫吗? Gloria: Yes, my first pet was a cat. 格洛丽亚:养过,我养的第一只宠物就是猫。 Todd: Uh-huh. What was your first cat”s name? 托德:啊哈。你第一只宠物猫的名字是什么? Gloria: Ah, my first cat”s name was Sally. 格洛丽亚:啊,它的名字是萨莉。 Todd: Sally. 托德:萨莉。 Gloria: Yeah. 格洛丽亚:对。 Todd: What kind of cat? 托德:是什么种类的猫? Gloria: Yellow. 格洛丽亚:黄色。 Todd: Just a yellow cat. 托德:只是一只黄色的猫? Gloria: Just a yellow cat. I think some of my earliest memories were with Sally chasing her around the house, and they”re not really related to anything, just running around the house chasing the cat. 格洛丽亚:对,只是一只黄色的猫。我对萨莉最初的记忆就是追着它满屋子跑,与其他事情无关,就只是追着那只猫满屋子跑。 Todd: Ah, that”s cute. 托德:啊,真得意。
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