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1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds, apples oranges bananas pears pineapples mangoes peaches watermelons,2以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches busbuses; quizquizes; foxfoxes; matchmatches; flashflashes3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries candycandies; ladyladies; storystories3.1以“元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)+y”结尾,直接加-s,如:boy-boys, toytoys 玩具pianopianos volcanovolcanoes/volcanostwo Marys,5以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives lifelives; leafleaves half-halves wife-wivesthief-thieves;roof-roofs belief-beliefs handkerchief-handkerchiefs / handkerchieves6. 以O结尾的名词,有的+es有的+ s。photophotos相片 radioradios收音机 zoozoos动物园 tomatotomatoes西红柿 potatopotatoes土豆negronegroes ;heroheroesmango 有书上说是 mangos 也有人说是mangoes,均可,如:zero-zeros / zeroes7不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children oxoxen 8集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。 如: peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman,a head of cattle, the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin. 但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。9部分单词的复数形式不变。fishfish; sheepsheep; cattlecattle; deerdeer10把“oo”改为“ee”的复数形式。如:foot-feet, tooth-teeth,goose-geese, an old man an egg water的复数形式本来是比较简单的问题,一般理解是物质名词属于不可数名词,即没有复数形式,也就是它本身。但在一本书写到:“有些物质名词的复数形式有特殊的含义。”如:waterwaters意思是“大片水域”。不知道该怎么理解。这个问题或许被我复杂化了。water用复数的六种情形water是大家很熟悉的一个词,大家对它的认识是,它的意思是“水”,它是物质名词,所以不可数,不能用复数。但是,使许多同学感到困惑的是,我们教材上或考试试卷上却经常可以见到waters的用法。为帮助同学们解决这一困惑,本文特对water的复数用法作一归纳。1. 表示江河湖海等的“水域”“水体”时,习惯上要用复数。如:They will cross the waters tomorrow. 他们明天要渡海。The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall. 这个湖的水流出后形成一个大瀑布。This is where the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea. 这就是亚马孙河入海的地方。2. 表示某国的“近海”“海域”“领海”时,习惯上要用复数。如:British territorial waters 英国的海域British waters were a “military area”. 英国领海是“军事区”。The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。The ship successfully underwent sea trials in coastal waters. 那条船在近海水域试航成功。3. 表示“矿泉水”“泉水”“喷泉水花”时,习惯上要用复数。如:We drink table waters. 我们喝瓶装矿泉水。A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. 一首伟大的诗篇犹如一座喷泉,永远喷出智慧和欢乐的水花。注:take drink the waters 为习语,指喝矿泉水治疗或到矿泉胜地疗养。如:He went abroad to drink the waters 他出国去进行矿泉治疗。He is taking drinking the waters at Bath. 他在巴斯进行矿泉治疗。4. 表示“洪水”等大量的水时,习惯上要用复数。如:The flood waters are going down. 洪水渐退。The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. 水坝不太坚固,挡不住洪水。5. 表示几条不同河流或海域的水,习惯上要用复数。如:The waters of the two rivers mingled (together) to form one river. 两条河汇合成一条。6. 在某些固定表达中,习惯上用复数。如:in smooth water(s) 进展顺利,一帆风顺pour oil on troubled waters平息风波,作和事佬,调停争端fish in muddy waters 趁火打劫,混水摸鱼fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼写出下列各词的复数 I _him _this _her _watch _child _photo _diary _day_ foot_ book_ dress _tooth_ sheep _box_ strawberry _thief _yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _man_ woman_ paper_ juice_water_ milk_ rice_ tea_1. 规则名词的复数形式: 名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下: 规则 例词 1一般情况在词尾加-s map-maps, sea-seas, girl-girls, day-days 2以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, dish-dishes 3以-f或-fe结尾的词 变-f和-fe为v再加-es leaf-leaves, thief-thieves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, wife-wives 加-s belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, proof-proofs, roof-roofs, gulf-gulfs 4以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加-es party-parties, family-families, story-stories, city-cities 5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾的,加-s toy-toys, boy-boys, day-days, ray-rays, Henry-Henrys 6以辅音字母加-o结尾的名词 一般加-es hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes 不少外来词加-s piano-pianos, photo-photos, auto-autos, kilo-kilos, solo-solos 两者皆可 zero-zeros/zeroes, volcano-volcanoes/ volcanos 7以元音字母加-o结尾的名词加-s radio-radios, bamboo-bamboos, zoo-zoos 8以-th结尾的名词加-s truth-truths, mouth-mouths, month-months, path-paths, 2. 不规则名词复数: 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下: 规则 例词 1改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式 man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice 2单复数相同 sheep, deer, series, means, works, fish, species li, yuan, jin, 3只有复数形式 ashes, trousers, clothes, thanks, goods, glasses, compasses, contents 4一些集体名词总是用作复数 people, police, cattle, staff 5部分集体名词既可以作单数(整体)也可以作复数(成员) audience, class, family, crowd, couple, group, committee, government, population, crew, team, public, enemy, party 6复数形式表示特别含义 customs(海关), forces(军队), times(时代), spirits(情绪), drinks(饮料), sands(沙滩), papers(文件报纸), manners(礼貌), looks(外表),
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