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Unit 6 my e-friend 彭丽一 T; Im your new teacher, Do you want to know me? listen! 说唱。T:what do you know about me ?S: you live in XuZhou. T: you know where do I live.S: you have a brother.T: you know whos in my family.S: you like playing the piano. S: you know my hobby. Can you play the piano?S:you can speak English. S: you know what language I can speak. I think you speak English very well,too.S: you like Music and Maths. T: you know my favourite subject.S:you have a friend,she is Nico. T: you know my best friend. Do you have a friend?(二)进入课文1 teach story time.(用5分钟)T:what can you see? S: I can see WangBing and LiuTao, T:you can see who are they. S: I can see they are in the study.T: you know where are they.S: I can see a football.T: yes ,the football is in LiuTaos hand.guess ,what does LiuTao want to do?S: He wants to play football. T: Can WangBing play football with LiuTao? What will WangBing say? Why?What is he doing?S: WangBing is writing an e-mail .T:Can you write an e-mail? (看PPT)T: WangBing is writing an e-mail to his e-friend,whos his e-friend?2 看卡通用(5分钟) T:Peter is WangBings E-friend.(贴导图单词) E means electronic. Which other word do you know about e? for example:e-book. (PPT)T: WangBing is writing an e-mail to his e-friend, Peter.(贴思维导图name) If your are WangBing , What do you want to know about your e-friend?S: Whats his hobby? How old is he? Where does he live? What subjects does he like? (生边问,师边贴导图板子,没准备到的粉笔写在黑板上。) 3 默读课文,找出答案。T:You have so many questions, open your books,read the text,please.(默读卡通) 划出信息关键词。4回答问题并完善二级导图。(用10分钟)T: what do you know about Peter? S: he is 11 years old. T: you know his age. He is 11 years old. 讲解year old.S: he is from the UK.t:You know where he lives.讲解UK.the UK is here , It is a country,there are so many countries on the map.Where are you from? China(we are Chinese ,we should love our country-China). S: he studies Chinese after school. T: look,Peter studies Chinese. where is he? S: He is in the study. (PPT做题。)5 复述Peter.T:we know so much about Peter, now you are WangBing, 画花型导图形状。 introduce your e-friend Peter to us,please .four students in a group. 戴头饰。WangBings e-friend is Peter. He lives in the UK.生总结导图。三 :T: what else do you know about Peter?Lets read in roles.男生,女生对话 读课文。(用5分钟)四: WangBing has an e-friend,how about you? Do you have an e-friend?S: No.T: Do you have a penfriend? A good friend? what do you usually do together?S: we sing ,go shopping. Play games.T: here ia my mindmap, draw your mindmap,please.(10分钟)五 投影展示,学生自主根据上来的孩子的短文提问,其余生回答。What subjects does his friend like?Does he like playing the piano?How old is he?Whats his name?六 提升七 You play together ,you help each other together, we share our happy and sad together.六:七 homework.my name is penny, I live in XuZhou. I like Music and Maths. I have a brother. I can speak English. I like playing the piano very well.I have a friend,She is NicoWe do everything together.
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