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遇到这类人与植物题材的读后续写题目,该确定什么样的主题?如何去生成主题?把下面这篇以人与植物为主题语境的读后续写题部分内容输入搜索栏,你会得到大约三处来源:重庆市高三第九次质量检测(2023年5月初)合肥八中最后一卷(2023年5月下旬)安徽省江淮十校高三第四次联考(2023年5月下旬)其中,合肥八中版要更原汁原味一些,另外两个版本二次加工痕迹大一些。但毋庸置疑,材料的选取都非常有前瞻性。【题目部分】2023届安徽省江淮十校高三第四次联考英语读后续写题目:阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。My wife and I never had a green thumb when it came to keeping plants alive for more than a few weeks. So, when I was diagnosed with cancer, we didnt even think about adding a plant to our small apartment. But one day, my friend stopped by and gave us a beautiful plant as a gift, insisting that it would bring life to our home and a sense of calmness during this difficult time.Surprisingly, the plant took off and grew beautifully, and it brought a sense of joy to our home that we desperately needed. Tending to the plant gave me a sense of accomplishment at a time when I sometimes felt useless.I am a physician,and taking care of the plant made me feel like a caregiver once again.It was nice to be able lo nurture something and watch it grow. Since my diagnosis in August 2018,far too often,it seemed, I had to rely on help from other people. The enormous change left me feeling aimless and unsettled. Watering the plant, as small an act as it was, connected me to a core part of my old identity.Plants and people could still depend on me.For the next few months,I was recovering from surgery and receiving radiation. Despite my ongoing treatments,we found some peace through tending to the plant. The simple act of watering and watching it grow gave us something to focus on outside of my health. It became a small but meaningful part of our lives.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Then,mysteriously,it began to show signs of losing liveliness.As I became less anxious, I began to search online for how to care for my plant.范文:Then,mysteriously, it began to show signs of losing liveliness. I increased my plant watering, and then decreased it. Still, the leaves kept browning and dropping to the floor. I grew more and more frustrated and uneasy.The thought that I couldnt even care for a simple plant started to haunt me like a shadow. For the past few months,a bond had been built between me and the plant. I couldnt shake the feeling that if the plant died,I might too.Having seen through my heart and sensed my fear, my wife comforted me,“Honey, your treatment is working well and maybe the plant just needs its.” Her words did make sense and settled my nerves.As I became less anxious, I began to search online for how to care for my plant.Following the instructions, I transplanted the tree to a larger pot, giving its roots more room to grow and buried some solid plant nutrient under the top layer of the earth. Soon, we both began to thrive again. Whenever I look at the tree with its shinny and lush leaves in its new pot, I make it a point to appreciate my wife and the other people who have cared for and supported me.If the plant outlives me, I hope it will inspire my wife to live her life to the fullest.重庆联考、江淮十校答案Then, mysteriously, it began to show signs of losing liveliness.I increased my plant watering, and then decreased it. Still, the leaves kept browning and dropping to the floor. I grew more and more frustrated and uneasy. The thought that I couldnt even care for a simple plant started to haunt(萦绕;缠绕)me like a shadow. For the past few months, a bond had been built between me and the plant. I couldnt shake the feeling that if the plant died, I might too. Having seen through my heart and sensed my fear, my wife comforted me, Honey, your treatment is working well and maybe the plant just needs itscycle.Her words did make sense and settled my nerves.As I became less anxious, I began to search online for how to care for my plant. Following the instructions, I transplanted the tree to a larger pot, giving its roots more room to grow and buried some solid plant nutrient under the top layer of the earth. Soon, we both began to thrive again.Whenever I look at the tree with its shinny and lush leaves in its new pot, I make it a point to appreciate my wife and the other people who have cared for and supported me. If the plant outlives me, I hope it will inspire my wife to live her life to the fullest.主题脉络梳理:我被诊断患癌症朋友送我绿植,祝福我康复绿植被我照顾的生机勃勃,我感到自己有用,有自我价值绿植开始凋落挫败感和不安笼罩着我妻子安慰我,植物生老病死是周期所致,我的病事实上恢复得很好,无须做关联我突破心头牢笼,上网寻找救治绿植办法,绿植再次焕发新生我醒悟道:被照顾、被鼓励是福气、是恩惠,应该将这种福气与恩惠传递给照顾你的人、鼓励你的物!合肥八中最后一卷答案结尾Asmy anxiety lessened, I began to searchfor tipsonline to care for mysickplant. It turned out that many people had similar problems and they offered plentiful tips. Following the instructions, I transported the tree to a larger pot, giving its roots enough room to grow. When it was back in the sunny window, we both began to thrive again.I came to understand that whether it survives me or I survive it, the other should not be to blame.我突破心头牢笼,上网寻找救治绿植办法,绿植再次焕发新生我醒悟道:人在照料植物的过程,
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