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Unit9名词:height 身高;高度 cinema 电影院glasses 眼镜actor 演员actress 女演员动词:may 也许;可能;可以 形容词:straight 直的curly 卷曲的tall 高的thin 瘦的副词:later 以后兼类词:person 人nose 鼻子mouth 嘴face 脸eye 眼睛put 放heavy 重的llllll 小的mmmmmm 中等的handsome 英俊的differently 不同地singer 歌手artist 艺术家way 方式;路线end 结尾;尽头describe 描述round 圆形的real 真正的;真实的tonight adv&n(在)今晚;(在)今夜 each adj&pron 每个;各自短语:(be)of medium height 中等身高 a little 一点;少量look like 看起来像知识点:another adj&pron 另一;又一first of all 首先in the end 最后1、tall 高的反义词short 矮的,常指人、动物、树、建筑物等很高a tall tree 一棵高高的树a tall building 一栋高楼high 高的反义词low 低的,多指山高,也指空间位置或程度高,还可以指价格、速度、温度等a high mountain 一座高山 high price 价格高2、medium 中等的1 / 6be of medium height 中等身高be of medium build 中等身材My uncle is of medium height. 我叔叔中等身高。区分:middle 中间的;中部的There is a tree in the middle of his yard. 他的院子中央有一棵树。3、thin 瘦的thin 薄的反义词反义词fat 胖的thick 厚的4、(1)询问某人外貌:What + do/does + 主语 + look like? 长什么样? What do your parents look like?你的父母长什么样?What does Tom look like?Tom 长什么样?(2)询问某人性格或品质:What + be + 主语 + like? 是什么样的人? What is Tina like?Tina 是什么样的人?She is kind. 她很善良。5、描述外貌的常用句型(1)表示某人的身高或身材:主语 + be of + 形容词 + height/build.My math teacher is of medium height. 我的数学老师中身高。He is of small build. 他体型偏小。(2)表示某人的高矮胖瘦:主语 + be + 形容词L ily is short and thin. Lily 很瘦小。M y music teacher is tall. 我的音乐老师很高。(3)表示某人的头发状况:主语 + have/has + 形容词 + hairMary has curly hair. Mary 留着卷发。My sisters have long and straight hair. 我的妹妹留着长直发。(4)表示某人戴眼镜:主语 + wear/wears + glassesTina and Jack wear glasses. Tina 和 Jack 戴着眼镜。My brother wears glasses. 我弟弟戴着眼镜。6、be going to 将要(1)be going to + 地点 将要去某地She is going to London tomorrow. 她明天将要去伦敦。(2)be going to do sth 打算做某事We are going to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. 明天我们打算去长城游玩。2 / 67、may 也许;可能;可以(1)表示推测,“也许;可能”,后接动词原形Is Mike in the classroom?Mike 在教室里吗?Im not sure. He may be in the library. 我不确定,他可能在图书馆。He may come tomorrow. 他明天可能来。(2)表示许可,“可以”May I come in, sir? 先生,我可以进来吗? Of course.8、a little 一点;少量(1)a little + 形容词/副词,有点,表示程度Its a little hot today. 今天有点儿热。(2)a little + 不可数名词,一点;少量He drinks a little milk every day. 他每天都喝一点牛奶。辨析:(1)few + 可数名词复数,几乎没有,表示否定There is few eggs. 这没几个鸡蛋了。(2)a few + 可数名词复数,少量;一些,表示肯定Tom works a few hours a day. Tom一天工作几个小时。(3)little + 不可数名词,几乎没有,表示否定She has little free time. 她几乎没有空闲时间。(4)a little + 不可数名词,一点;少量,表示肯定My sister knows a little French. 我妹妹懂一点法语。Hurry up!The movie is beginning. Dont worry. There is still time left.9、(1)glasses 眼镜(复数) a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 (2)glass 玻璃,不可数wear glasses 戴眼镜(3)glass 玻璃杯,可数10、表示身体部位的词: eye 眼睛ear 耳朵face 脸a/one glass of 一杯 two glasses of 两杯mouth 嘴arm 胳膊leg 腿foot 脚hand 手neck 脖子11、动词 + er 组成表示职业的词: sing 唱歌 singer 歌手paint 画画 painter 画家 3 / 6teach 教 teacher 教师work 工作 worker 工人12、 talk to sb 和谈话,一方说,另一方听talk with sb 和谈话,谈话双方有交流write 写 writer 作家drive 开车 driver 司机Mr. Black wants to talk to you. 布莱克先生想找你谈话。Tina often talks with her friends on the phone. Tina 经常在电话里和她的朋友交谈。13、 draw a picture of 画一幅的画draw a picture for 为画一幅画Can you draw a picture of a horse?你能画一匹马吗?This painter is going to draw a picture for the king. 这位画家打算为国王画一幅画。14、each 每个;各自(1) each + 可数名词单数 = every + 可数名词单数,每个;各自,做主语谓语动词用单数 Each/Every student has a book. 每个学生都有一本书。(2) each of + us/them = We each/They eachEach of us likes English. = We each like English. 我们每个人都喜欢英语。15、another 另一个;有一个,指三者或三者以上中的“另一个”another + 可数名词单数another + 基数词(1)+ 可数名词复数We need another computer. 我们还需要一台电脑。He needs to wait another two hours. 他需要再等两个小时。16、询问及描述外貌(1)常见的询问外貌的表达What do/doeslook like?长什么样?Do/Doeshave straight or curly hair?留着直发还是卷发?Istall or short/heavy or thin?高还是矮/胖还是瘦?What does Tim look like?Tim 长什么样?Does your math teacher have straight or curly hair?你的英语老师留直发还是卷发?Is your brother tall or short?你弟弟高还是矮?(2)常用的描述外貌的表达主语 + be 动词 + 表示外貌特点的形容词主语 + have/has + 名词(短语)4 / 6主语 + be 动词 + ofbuild/heightHe is really/a little tall. 他十分/有点儿高。He has big blue eyes. 他有着蓝色的眼睛。They have straight hair. 他们留着直发。They are of medium height. 他们中等身高。1. Lets go to the c and see a movie tonight.2. Bill looks l his father. They both have big eyes.3.Does your sister have c hair?No, her hair is s .4. I cant see the blackboard clearly. Please give me my g . 5. The box is so h that I cant carry it.6. Steve is not too tall or too short. He is of medium(high).7.8.Look!Here come the movie
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