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英语八年级下册Unit 1 Intergrated skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -She looks _. Whats the matter?-Her sister is ill _.Ahappy; in hospitalBhappily; in the hospitalCworried; in hospitalDworried; in the hospital2 . I like Chinese my mother likes Maths.AwhileBsinceCwhenDas3 . The old man looked _ when he heard the bad news.AdisappointedBhappilyCexcitedDglad4 . -It is hoped that users private information will be better protected in the future.- Much of our personal information is at great risk in the age of the Internet.AExactlyBIt dependsCNot at allDFar from it5 . That old woman never feels _ , though she lives_.Aalone; lonelyBlonely; lonelyCalone; aloneDlonely; alone6 . It is hard for us _ on muddy roads in spring.Awalk.Bwalked.Cto walk.Dwalks.7 . If you want to have an exciting holiday, you can Disneyland Park.AbuildBvisitChaveDbuy8 . Here is a photo _ my family?AofBatCfor9 . Can you learn English_ chatting on the Internet?AinBwithCbyDat10 . Im growingnow, so my mother doesnt need to take me to school any more.AoldBmore oldColderDthe oldest二、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。11 . Hey! What are you listening to? Its a _ (私人的)conversation.12 . When you have the _ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.13 . Its a tradition of this school to _ (命名)its buildings after great people.14 . Frank hasnt got any hobbies _ (除非)you call watching TV a hobby.15 . What a_(遗憾),he lost the game again16 . His father is very_(严格的)with him17 . The shoes are_(我的).My sister bought them for me yesterday18 . I visit my grandmother_(两次)a month19 . Please_(归还)the books to the library on time20 . Monkeys eat meat, _(树叶),fruit and even eggs.根据句意及中文提示完成单词21 . Its our duty to protect our_ (环境)22 . You should_ (归还)the books to the library as soon as possible23 . Our study_ (条件)is much better than before24 . I want to go_ (在国外)for further study25 . They have been good friends since they were in_ (小学)school26 . Its uncomfortable to live in the low and_(狭窄的)house27 . We need a 1arge open_ (空地)to play football28 . Now many middle school students have their_ (自己的)mobile phones29 . What _ (交通工具) would you like to choose while travelling around this city?30 . Most people feel happy because the changes have brought them a_ (富有的)life.三、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子31 . 我可以带些饮料和小吃来吗? 当然可以。 Could I bring _ and _? Of course you can.32 . 他花费太多的时间玩电脑游戏,结果考试老是不及格。He _ too much time _ computer games. _ ,he always fails his exams.33 . 科学家认为在太空旅游是有可能的。Scientists think _ to travel in space.34 . 反正我觉得干家务也不太难。And _ ,I think _ chores _ not so _ .35 . 我不理解为什么一些家长让孩子在家帮忙做家务。I do not understand _ some parents _ their kids _ housework and chores at home.36 . 为了能赶上其他人,他跑得很快。_ to catch up with the others,he ran very fast.37 . 他不知道怎样照顾自己。He had no idea how _himself.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文.阅读下面的短文,从方框里选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空improve;since;primary;move;fly;environment;pollute;fun;village;turnFather once told me that when he was in38 . school, he lived in a small39 . called Lijiashan. It was really a beautiful place. Birds40 . in the sky and ducks swam on the river happily. People in that area lived a peaceful life,but they were poor.But now, Lijiashan has41 . into a busy town All the changes began in 1998. People began to build an airport that year. A new park was also built. Its a good place for people to have42 . . Lots of local people left their homes and43 . into flats built by the government.More and more changes have taken place44 . then. People here are much richer now. They look happier than before. But the changes have also caused many problems. For example, the45 . is no longer as good as before. Sometimes more traffic means more46 . .Luckily, the government has taken action to solve this problem.Like most people living in my hometown, I like the 47 . . Life never stops changing.五、选用适当的单词补全对话a bit; from time to time; by the way; on ones own; turn intoEric: Grandpa, do you enjoy your new life here?Mr Lin: Well, I enjoy my new life most of the time. But I just think life is _boring without many of my old neighbours.Eric: Why dont you come back to meet them?Mr Lin: We do meet up with each other _. But we cant find a place to enjoy ourselves. The park we used to play chess in has already _a shopping mal
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