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河南省2020年五年级下册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ are you? ( )Im 50 kilograms.AHow manyBHow heavyCHow old给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思是。2 . Im new here. ( )A我是新来的。B你是新的。3 . I have four arms. ( )A我有4条腿。B我有4条胳膊。4 . What do you want for dinner? ( )A你晚饭想吃什么?B你需要什么吗?5 . Do you like ice-cream? ( )A你喜欢吃冰激凌。B你喜欢吃冰激凌吗?6 . My mum can make clothes _hand. ( )AbyBonCin7 . She is _ at her desk. ( )AcolouringBcolourCcolours8 . We should help children _ housework. ( )Ato doBdoingCdoes9 . The train goes _ a tunnel. ( )AintoBinCto10 . books do you have? ( )Four.AHow muchBHow manyCHow old11 . It is difficult _ English well. ( )AlearningBlearnsCto learn12 . The children like to play _ the beach. ( )AtoBinCon13 . Lets _ some nice food for _. ( )All right.Acook; theirBcooking; themCcook; them14 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AwellBbadCdo15 . She a nice schoolbag.( )AhaveBhasCis16 . Here are some traditional clothes from . ( )AChinaBIndiaCJapan17 . We often take _ walk after supper. ( )AtheBaCan18 . Dont run _ the station. ( )AtoBofCfor二、阅读选择阅读理解。Whatarethechildrendoing?Whatareyoudoing, children? Oh, weareplayinggames. LookatLiLei. Heisthrowingthe frisby withJim. Whataboutthetwins? Theyareflyingkites.Thekitesareverynice. Onelikea bird, the otherislikeaplane. LiTaoisplayingbasketballwithme. HanMeiandMaLin are singingan Englishsongunderabigtree.19 . _arethrowingafrisby.( )ALiLeiandLiTaoBThetwinsCJimandLiLeiDJimandLiTao20 . HanMeiissingingwith_.( )AthetwinsBMaLinCsomegirlsDanEnglishboy21 . Howmanykitesdothetwinshave?( )AZero.BOneCTwoDMany22 . Thetwinskiteare_.( )Alikeabird.BlikeaplaneCthesameDverynice23 . _Childrenareplayinggamesnow.( )AEightBSevenCSixDFive三、完形填空完形填空。It is Sunday morning. Jack and his father _ on a big bus. There are _ people in it. Some of _ come from America and some _ England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to the Summer Palace. There are two _ in the bus. One is a man. He is a driver. Now he _ the bus. The other is a young girl. She _ English well. She is now talking _ the Summer Palace. The other people are all listening _ her. They _ the Summer Palace.24 . AamBisCareDbe25 . AmanyBmuchCa lotDa little26 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs27 . Abe come fromBis fromCare fromDcomes from28 . AChinaBchineseCChineseDEnglish29 . AdriveBdrivesCis drivingDcan drive30 . AtalkBtalksCspeakDspeaks31 . AaboutBwithCtoDfor32 . AwithBtoCforDof33 . AlikeBlikesClikedDloves四、填空题将正确的单词填在横线上34 . What_(do/did)you do last weekend?35 . I_(stay/stayed) at home with my mother yesterday.36 . How_(is/was) your weekend?37 . Did you do_ (anything/any) else?38 . We_ (drink/drank) tea last Sunday.五、汉译英39 . 翻译:你好吗,林林?_六、匹配题给下列句子选出相应的答句。A.Yes,wedo.B.No,youcant.C.Itishot.D.Itsonthefirstfloor.E.Itscoolandwindy.F.Its12oclock.40 . IsitcoldorhotinSydney? (_)41 . Whereistheteachersoffice?(_)42 . Doyouhaveaplayground?(_)43 . Whattimeisit? (_)44 . CanIgooutside? (_)45 . WhatstheweatherlikeinMoscow? (_)读句子,选择与其对应的中文意思。A向我展示你的书包。B谁在哪儿?C打开你的铅笔盒。D我有一支蜡笔。E你好!我是琼斯先生。46 . I have a crayon.(_)47 . Hello, Im Mr Jones. (_)48 . Whos there? (_)49 . Show me your bag. (_)50 . Open your pencil box. (_)七、书面表达51 . 写作。请你根据所给的提示词,编写一个小故事,不少于50词。提示词: rabbit, cat, play, eat, happy第 1 页 共 1 页
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