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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福听力TPO7conversation典型笔记整顿 摘要: 托福听力TPO7conversation典型笔记整顿!今天小编为人们整顿的是托福听力TPO7之conversation1学习笔记,人们可以参照一下这些学习笔记,看看自己应当如何攻克托福听力。 托福 听力TPO7conversation典型笔记整顿!今天小编为人们整顿的是 托福听力 TPO7之conversation1学习笔记,人们可以参照一下这些学习笔记,看看自己应当如何攻克托福听力。 扫码立即获取福听力TPO7conversation典型笔记资料: 一、难词注解 Overheard 串音;偶尔听到 Dean Adams 迪.亚当斯 low-key 低调的;软调的 administrative 管理的;行政的 versatile 多才多艺的;万能的 ethnology 人种学;人类文化学 二、长难句分析 Well, its nothing to do with the party and Im sure there are more exciting ways that you could spend your time.呃,其实这和晚会没啥关系,并且我想你更乐意花时间去做更故意思的事情。 难句类型: 宾语从句+定语从句 难句拆分: Im sure +宾语从句,ways that +定语从句 三、考题相应考点 1.Right. Now, ah, I just have overheard some graduate students talking, something about a party for De Adams?开头原则中的寒暄离题式,学生还没说目的就被专家抢先说论文的事儿了,因此也许会误导学生,但是说完论文之后提到给De Adams办party,学生想帮忙目的,因此选择D 2. Right. Now, um, I just have overheard some graduate students talking, something about a party for Dean Adams?强调原则,Right. Now,背面的内容提示人们注意,相应的是C 3. it will be pretty low key, nothing flashy。是说约会会很低调,因此不需要多做准备,因此选C,actually a couple of the administrative assistants are working on that. You could ask them but I think theyve got covered。又说已有两个学生在负责了,相应A选项。 4.Well, she is really versatile. She just spent several months studying social interactions in Indonesia and shes been influential in ethnology. Oh, and shes also done work in south of America, this is closer to biology, especially with speciation.强调原则,especially是信号词,在提出之前 speciation,专家提到 De Adams did a lot of field research in Indonesia 并问学生与否对此有所理解。学生表达不懂得之后,专家再强调了一次she is really versatile,并提出 speciation 作为例子来阐明 Dean Adams 的研究范畴真的很广。因此答案为 D 5. I hesitate to mention it. But I dont suppose this is something you would.转折原则,but背面的内容是重点,由于专家觉得学生也许不会对这一类的工作感爱好,因此说了 I hesitate to mention it. But I dont suppose its something you would.这句话,委婉地问学生与否乐意接受这个工作,因此选择B 有关推荐: 托福听力新题材料预测(最新) 托福听力历年真题预测打包获取【音频+文本】 托福听力精确发音全收录(全) 有关字搜索: 托福听力TPO7conversation典型笔记
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