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海口市2019年英语四年级上册Unit 8 Dolls 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is this?Its a doll.AHowBWhat colourCWhat2 . _ ( )Its three yuan.AIs it three yuan?BHow much is it?CHow many is it?3 . Are there _ pencils on the desk? ( )AsomeBanyCa4 . Let swim. ( )AisBusChas5 . My friend _ quiet. ( )AisBareCam二、填空题用单词的正确形式填空。6 . Youre older than _ (I).7 . I _ (play) the piano last Sunday.8 . Its faster than _ (walk).9 . Elephants are _ (big) than sheep.10 . _ (that) bags in the shop are nice.11 . I _(be) at the movie theater last Sunday。三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Jenny had a toothache. She could not eat anything. So she went to her dentist(牙医) for a check-up. “My teeth hurt,” she said. The dentist carefully looked at Jennys teeth. Her teeth were black and yellow. He saw holes everywhere. They were cavities(蛀牙). “Do you eat a lot of sweets?” he asked. “No,” Jenny said. “I only eat a little.” “What did you eat?” the dentist asked. “In the morning, I ate a little pie and a cake. In the afternoon, I ate a little chocolate. In the evening, I had two small lollipops(棒棒糖).” “Do you brush your teeth?” asked the dentist. “Yes. Of course,” said Jenny. “I always brush them once a week.”12 . The dentist was looking at Jennys teeth. (_)13 . Jenny had many rotten(蛀牙的) teeth. (_)14 . Jenny ate too many sweets. (_)15 . Jenny ate chocolate in the morning. (_)16 . Jenny brushed her teeth every day. (_)四、句型转换17 . 按要求改写下列句子1. They will have cakes and tea in the music room. (改为否定句)They _ have cakes _ tea in the music room2. Our teachers looked at the noticeboard carefully. (对划线部分提问)_ did our teachers _ at the noticeboard?3. We had a good time on that day. (保持原意不变)We _ _ on that day.4. I have already had my breakfast. (改为否定句)I _ have my breakfast _.5. Alice and her cousin will come at 7:30 this evening. (对划线部分提问)_ _ come at 7:30 this evening?6. We have already done our homework. (改为否定句)We _ done our homework _.7. He wants to come back on Sunday. (保持原意不变)He _ _ to come back on Sunday.8. Whats your father?(保持原句意思)_ your fathers _?五、看图题18 . 请你先看图,然后根据上下文完成对话。A: When is Childrens Day?B: Its on the first of _ .A: What do children usually _?B: They _ and _.A: Did you _ a party last Childrens Day?B: Yes, we did.第 1 页 共 1 页
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