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2020版人教新目标版英语七年级上册STARTER UNIT2课时练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 在26个字母中和可以单独成词。AR;EBO;UCA;IDP;T2 . _ are you going to be when you grow up?Im going to be a policeman.AWhoBWhatCWhereDWhen3 . -How long does itto get to the nearest underground station?-.Atake, For fifteen minutes.Bcost, For fifteen minutes.Ctake, Fifteen minutes.Dcost, Fifteen minutes.4 . -字母R的左邻右舍分别是_?AO,PBQ,SCP,SDS,T5 . _ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.ASpeakBTo speakCSpokeDSpeaking6 . -How are you? - _.AHelloBThanksCFine, thanks.7 . Mr. Li is a cook. He works _.Aon a farmBin a restaurantCin an officeDin a hospital8 . This is_key. _key is yellow.Athe; TheBa; TheCthe; A9 . 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问“_”。AWhats this?BWhat this is?CThis is What?二、补全对话6选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。AHow are you?BP-E-N-C-I-L. CIts a pencil. DGood evening!EGood afternoon!FHello. G Im OK.A: 10 . B: Good afternoon! 11 . A: Im fine , thanks. And you?B: 12 . Look! Whats this in English?A: 13 . B: Spell it, please. A: 14 . B: Thank you.三、句型转换句型转换15 . She has visited China before.(改为一般疑问句)_she _China before?16 . I have finished my homework.(改为否定句)I_ my homework.17 . Have you ever visited London?(做肯定、否定回答)_, I _._, I _.18 . Has Tom ever written an email in English?(做肯定、否定回答)_, he _._, he _.19 . He has bought five tickets.(对画线部分提问)_ tickets _ he bought?四、看图识词Look and spell.(看图写出正确的单词) . I usually go to the _ with my parents during summer.21 . I like to _ shells by the sea with my friends.22 . Have you been to Spring _ yet?23 . My grandmother lives on a small _ and she loves it.24 . I like making _ because it is full of fun.五、完成句子根据课文内容及提示完成句子25 . _ this in_?这个用英语怎么说?26 . _ orange. 它是一个橙子。27 . _ in English?那个用英语怎么说?28 . _ map. 它是一张地图。29 . 请拼写它。_ it, _.根据汉语意思完成句子30 . 那个用英语怎么说?_ that _ ?31 . 它是一把钥匙。It _ .32 . 下午好, 鲍勃!_, Bob!33 . 请拼写一下它。_, please.六、多任务混合问题Ken:Good evening,Alice!Alice:Good evening! How are you,Ken?Ken:Im fine,thank you,And how are you?Alice:Im OK,thanks.Ken:Whats this in English?Alice:Its an orange.Ken:Spell it,please.Alice:O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.根据对话内容,完成下列任务。34 . 请写出对话中出现的人名。_35 . 请将句子“Whats this in English?”翻译成汉语。_36 . 写出Im fine,thank you.”的同义句。_37 . 根据对话内容写出“Whats this in English?”的答语。_七、句子/对话改错判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。38 . Im sure the band must belong to Carlas.39 . Whenever I try to read, I feel sleepily.40 . The man running on the street might catch a bus.41 . The girl with long hair could be our new classmate.42 . Have you ever seen the sun rising on the longest day of the year?43 . Do you believe people can communicate with gods?44 . No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for.45 . That bright light cant be a UFO.八、汉译英:单词/短语词组翻译46 . 寻找线索_47 . 失踪_48 . 中等个头_49 . 说实话_50 . 看起来不整洁,紧张_51 . 侦探故事_52 . 谁是谋杀者_53 . 对某人做笔录_54 . 刘丽期待老师在课堂上能多关心她。Liu Li expects the teacher _her more in class.55 . 他看上去与我想象的不一样。He looked _what Id expected.56 . 我最好的朋友跟我相似,因为我们都勤奋。My best friend is_me because we are both hard-working.57 . 只要我们共同努力,中国梦就一定会实现。As _as we work hard,China Dream is sure to come_.58 . 事实上,遂宁真的是一个让你休闲放松的好地方。_, Suining is really a good place to relax and enjoy yourself.第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、补全对话6选51、三、句型转换1、四、看图识词1、五、完成句子1、2、六、多任务混合问题1、七、句子/对话改错1、八、汉译英:单词/短语1、2、
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