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日常英语口语:哈佛大学推荐使人快乐的习惯 Be grateful. 要学会感恩。 Slow down, look around you, and pay attention to the little details in your life the delicate purple flower on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, the hot shower that washes away your long day, and the smile in your partners eyes让自己变慢脚步,看看你的四周,关注生活中的微小之处:人行道上淡紫色的花,漂亮的日落,洗去你一天疲乏的淋浴,伴侣眼中的笑容。 When you have a grateful heart that is appreciative of lifes beautify, wonder and blessings, youre automatically filled with happiness。当你的感恩之心能够观赏生活的美,思索和祝愿,你自然就布满了幸福感。 Choose your friends wisely.明智的选择自己的朋友。 According to Harvard, the most important external factors affecting individual happiness are human relationships. So if you want to be happy, choose to be around people who are optimistic, who appreciate you as you are, and who can make your life richer, bigger, more fun, and more meaningful。依据哈佛,影响个人幸福最重要的外部因素是人际关系。所以假如你想变得快乐的话,要选择和乐观的朋友在一起,他们能观赏你真实的自己,让你的生活变得更丰富,欢乐,有意义。 Cultivate compassion.培育怜悯心。 When we try to step into other peoples shoes and understand a situation from anothers perspective, were more likely to handle the situation with compassion, objectivity and effectiveness. There will be less conflicts and more happiness。当我们代替别人,站在另一个角度看问题,我们更能用怜悯心,客观和有效的处理问题。生活中就会少一些冲突,多一点欢乐。 Keep learning.不断学习。 Learning keeps us young and dreams keep us alive. When we engage our brains and put them toward productive uses, were less likely to dwell on unhappy thoughts and much more likely to feel happy and fulfilled。学习让我们保持年轻,幻想让我们布满活力。我们运用大脑,进展运作的时候,我们就不大会想不快乐心的事情,我们会变得更快乐和满意。 Become a problem solver.学会解决问题。 Happy people are problem solvers. When they encounter a challenge in life, they dont beat themselves up and fall into a depressive state. Instead, they face up to the challenge and channel their energies toward finding creative a solution. By becoming a problem solver, youll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to and whatever challenges life throws your way。快乐的人是会解决问题的人。在生活中遇到挑战的时候,他们不会自虐,然后变得很消沉。他们会直面挑战,调动全身力气查找解决方法。通过变成一个解决问题的人,你会建立自己的自信念和下决心要的事情和直面挑战的力量。 Do what you love.做你想做的事情。 Since we spend over one-third of our adult life working, loving what we do has a huge impact on our overall happiness. If this is not possible at the moment, then try to find enjoyment and meaning in your current work, or cultivate a hobby that involves doing something you love。既然我们成人生活的三分之一时间都在工作,那么做我们想做的事对我们的整体辛福感就有很大的影响。假如现在不能做你想做的事情,那就试着在你现在的工作中查找欢乐和意义,或者培育一个你宠爱的兴趣。 Live in the present.活在当下。 When you feel depressed, youre living in the past. When you feel worried or anxious, youre living in the future. But when you feel content, happy and peaceful, youre living in the present。你感到懊丧,是由于你活在过去。你会感到担忧和焦虑,是由于你活在将来。但是当你感到满意,快乐和平和时,你才是活在当下。 Laugh often.要常常笑。 Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger or depression. Research has shown that the simple act of curving the corners of your mouth can increase your feeling of happiness. So dont take life too seriously. Try to find humor and laughter in lifes everyday struggles。笑是对抗生气或懊丧最有力的的东西。讨论说明简洁的嘴巴上扬也可以增加你的幸福感。不要把生活看的太严厉。要学会在每日的奋斗中查找幽默感和笑声。 Practice forgiveness.学会原谅。 Resentment and anger are forms of self-punishment. When you forgive, youre actually practicing kindness to yourself. And most importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Its through our mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person。憎恨和生气是对自我的惩处。当你释怀的时候,事实上你是在对自己施以善意。最重要的是,学会原谅自己。每个人都犯错。只有通过我们的错误,我们才渐渐学会如何成为一个更强大,更好的人。 Say thanks often. 要常常说感谢。 Always be appreciative of the blessings in your life. And its equally important to express your appreciation to those whove made your life better in some way, big or small。对生活中的祝愿要学会观赏。向那些让你生活变好的人,无论或大或小,表达出你的观赏之情也同样重要。 Create deeper connections. 学会深交。 Our happiness multiplies when we connect and bond with another human being on a deeper level. And being fully present and listening are two of the most important skills to strengthening that bond and bringing happiness to ourselves, and to others。我们的幸福感会在和另一个人的深交中不断猛增。专注倾听是加强这种关系纽带和把幸福感带给自己和别人的两个最重要的方面。 Keep your agreement.守。 Our self-esteem is built on the agreements weve made with ourselves. And high self-esteem has a direct correlation to happiness. So keep your agreements with others and with yourself。我们的自尊是建立在我们对自己守的状况下。高度的自尊和幸福感有直接关联。所以要对自己和别人遵守。 Meditate.冥想。 According to Harvard, people who take 8 sessions of mindfulness meditation training are, on average, 20% happier than a control group. Such training can lead to structural brain changes including increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and
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