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2019版北师大版英语七上Unit2 School life单元练习D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What happened _ you _ Sunday?Awith;inBwith;onCto;onDto;in2 . Can you spell your name, please? - _AExcuse me.BNot.CYes, I can.DSorry, I dont.3 . Mike often exercises half an hour in the morning.AatBofCwithDfor4 . The first class begins_ 9:00_ Saturdays.Aon, inBat, onCin, onDat, in5 . do you surf on the Internet?Once every week. I watch some latest news and chat with my pals there.AWhen BHow long CHow oftenDWhat time6 . My father was born in Beijing _1965.AatBinCofDon7 . _ Daniel often go swimming with his father in summer?_. His father is usually very busy.AIs; Yes, he isBIs; No, he isntCDoes; No, he doesntDDoes; Yes, he does8 . Who does homework, Tom, Jack or Bill?Bill.Amore carefullyBmore carefulCmost carefullyDmost careful9 . Excuse me. Is this your ruler?No, its not _. Its Lucys.AhersBhisCmineDyours10 . rice do you need?A bagAHow heavyBHow muchCHow many二、补全对话5选4补全对话(选择) A: 11 . B:Table tennis!A: I like table tennis,too.B: 12 . A:Good idea!B: 13 . A: Byebye.AGoodbye.BThank you.CWhats your favourite sport, Tom?DIts Monday.ELets play table tennis tomorrow.三、完型填空My name is Sebina White.I am a student from No.8 Middle School.We have some _ at school and at home.We cant get to_ late.We have to finish(完成) our homework.We cant stay out _ school nights.We _ wear the school uniform at school.Some students think these rules are _,and they dont like them.But I dont agree(同意) with them.I think these rules can help _ a lot.If(如果) we dont follow them,_ can we do well in our studies?For example,our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day.If we _,the classroom will be very dirty.It is bad for our health,too.If your parents ask you _ in bed early and you dont listen to them,you cant _ on time next morning.Everyone needs some rules.Do you think so?14 . AbooksBclothesCrulesDclassmates15 . AschoolBhomeChallwayDdining hall16 . AatBinCforDon17 . Ahave toBhas toCcantDmustnt18 . AgoodBbadCfunnyDeasy19 . AmeByouCusDthem20 . AwhatBhowCwhenDwhere21 . AcantBarentCwontDdont22 . Ato beBto doCbeDdo23 . Aget toBget inCget upDget on四、阅读单选A man has a bird. It is very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “ Hello! ” he says. “ Hello! ” the bird answers.“ What are you doing? ” says the man. “ What are you doing? ” says the bird.The man is not at home one day. A thief comes in. He is taking many things.“Hello!”The thief hears the birds words.“What are you doing?”The thief is very afraid, so he does not take any things and runs out of the house at last.24 . The man teaches the bird _.Ahow to say somethingBhow to sing songsChow to eat somethingDhow to dance25 . The bird is _.Avery niceBvery cleverCvery beautifulDvery silly26 . The man speaks to the bird _.AsometimesBonce a weekCevery weekDevery day27 . The thief feels _ when he hears the birds words.AsadBafraidChappyDexcited28 . At last, the thief takes _ things from the house.AnoBmanyCa lot ofDsomeBenny drives a school bus, but his bus isnt the same as other school buses because there arent any children on it. There are only dogs. Bennys bus takes dogs to school at 8:00 in the morning and brings them back home at 5:00 in the afternoon. Benny takes the dogs to a dog school. There he teaches the dogs to do many things: sit down, stand up, bring the shoes to the master, keep the master from danger (危险). Many dogs go to Bennys schoolbig dogs, small dogs, old dogs, young dogs. Benny says that young dogs can learn more quickly.29 . What do you know about Benny?AHe teaches dogs in a school.BHe drives children to school.CHe has a school for young children.DHe teaches children in a school.30 . What does Benny teach the dogs to do?AEat.BSleep.CRun.DDo things for their masters.31 . The best title (标题) for the passage is “_”.AHow to Keep DogsBA School for DogsCHow to Drive a BusDTaking Children to SchoolIm Leo. There is a great artist in my family. She is Lisa. Lisa likes drawing a lot. Here are her three drawings(图画). There is an animal in the first drawing. It has two big eyes, a big mouth and two small ears. It has long arms and long legs. It is black and white. There are some apples in its hands. It looks very happy. What is it? I dont know, but Lisa says it is a panda.There is a woman in the second drawing.
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