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河北省2019-2020年度六年级下册英语小升初专项训练预测卷: 补全答语(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选内容补全对话假设你是李强,请根据图片从括号中选出合适的单词帮他完成下面的自我介绍。My name is Li Qiang. I like 1 . (playing, swimming)and 2 . (basketball,football). I live in 3 . (Beijing, Shanghai). I study in Hongxing 4 . (Park, School).5 . 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,把答案写在答题卡上。AI have a lot of things to do.BWhen do you get up on Saturday?CWhat about Sundays?DWhat do you usually do on the weekend?E. Do you often go shopping on the weekend?A: Amy, why are you shopping today?B: My mum worked last night. So Im shopping today.A: 1._B: No. But sometimes.A: 2._B: I often wash my clothes and clean my room.A: 3._B: I often get up at 6:00.A: Its too early.B: Yes.4._A: 5._B: I often get up at 6:30 on Sundays. Because I need to go to the Old Peoples Home(养老院).A: You are a kind girl.选用方框内句子补全对话。A. I bought a new sweater and a pair of shoes.B. Yes, we did.C. I went to Shanghai.D. Its the biggest one in our country.E. I went there by train.Mike: Hi, Sarah! Where did you go on your holiday?Sarah: 6 . Mike: What did you do there?Sarah: 7 . Mike: Great! How did you go there?Sarah: 8 . Mike: Did you eat good food there?Sarah: 9 . Mike: Did you go to the Shanghai Zoo?Sarah: Of course, we did. 10 . Mike: It was a nice time.11 . 阅读短文,从方框中选出正确答案,是短文意思完整。AshoppingBhaveCbuyDforEhimFitGdrinkSimon is going to 1._a picnic with his friends on Sunday. He is going2._with mom. He wants to 3._some food 4._the picnic. His mother will buy a big bag for him. His mother thinks he will like 5._very much. This day they are very happy.12 . Read and choose.(选出正确的句子,完成对话。)Mike: Mum! 1. _Mum: Is it in your toy box?Mike: No, it isnt.Mum: 2. _Mike: No, it isnt.Mum: Look! 3. _Mike: 4. _ Bye!Mum: Bye! 5. _AIs it on your desk?BWhere is my cap?CIts on the chair.DHave a good time.E. Thanks, mum.13 . 补全对话。AWhen is it?BCan you row a dragon boat?CWhats your favourite festival?DDo you often row a dragon boat?EWhat do you do at the Dragon Boat Festival?Sam: Hi,Daming. _Daming: My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. Sam: _Daming: Its usually in June. Sam: _Daming: We eat zongzi and we all go to see the dragon boat race. Sam: Thats great! _Daming: Yes, I can. Sam: _Daming: Yes, I do. Im in the school team. Sam: You re cool, Daming. Daming: Thank you!补全对话。AGreat.BMe too.CLets buy some fruit!DYes, I do.EI like pears and oranges.Mum: Oh! Its a big fruit shop! 14 . Kitty: Great! Mum, I like bananas. What fruit do you like?Mum: 15 . Kitty: Do you like apples?Mum: 16 . How about you?Kitty: 17 . Mum: Lets buy some pears, oranges and apples.Kitty: 18 . 19 . 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A.How about Sunday afternoon?B.Id love to.C.This is Allen speaking!D.Can you give me a hand?E.That is Allen.F.This is Mike.G.Thank you.A.How about Sunday afternoon?B.Id love to.C.This is Allen speaking!D.Can you give me a hand?E.That is Allen.F.This is Mike.G.Thank you.Allen:Hello!Mike:Hello! 1._ May I speak to Allen, please.Allen:2._Mike:Hi, Allen.How are you?Allen:Fine, thanks.And you?Mike:Im fine.3._ Allen, I need some help.Allen:Sure.4._Mike:There is something wrong with my computer.Can you mend (修理) it?Allen:Certainly, but not today.5._Mike:OK.Thanks a lot.See you then.20 . 根据上下文,选择恰当的句子把对话补充完整。AIt rained yesterday.BI wen to the hospital this morning.CWhats the matter with you?DTake an umbrella when it rains.E. I think you will be well soon.David:(1) _, Tom?Tom: I dont feel well. I have a cold. Yesterday I went out. David:(2) _ .Tom: I forgot to bring the umbrella. So my clothes were wet.David: You should be careful, Tom. (3) _.Did you go to see the doctor? What did the doctor say?Tom: Yes. (4) _The doctor said I should drink plenty of water. David:(5)_ .Tom: Thank you.21 . 选择单词补充短文。watching, goes, making, lunch, worksTom is a good worker. He 1._ in a big factory. He can draw many pictures of machines. And he likes 2. _ machines. He often goes to work at half past eight in the morning. He always has his 3. _ in the factory at 12:00. He always 4. _ back home at five oclock in the afternoon. He likes 5. _ TV after dinner.22 . Choose the right sentences.(选择正确的问句或答句)AIt can catch flies BIt lives in a riverCIt can swim and it has a tail. DIs it in a tadpole?E. And it has a tail and four legs now. F. It also has legs. Jack: Mum, is this a fish ? 1._
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