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二战纪录片,天启篇一:纪录片:第二次世界大战04】(单词整理) 1.Yet the Japanese forces did not land in Hawaii nor they take the harbor. They sank part of the American fleet but only the now outdated battle ships. Aircraft carriers will become the key to victory in naval. 然而日军并未在夏威夷登陆,他们甚至没有攻占珍珠港他们击沉了部分美国舰队但都是较陈旧的战舰,航空母舰才是海军胜利的关键 2. sea. And so they were remained. 3. Yesterday, December 7th, 1941A day which well live in . United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked. No matter how long it maytakeustoovercome this invasionThe American people in the right just might, well win for all to absolutely victory. “昨天,1941年12月7日” “将会是历史上的国耻日” “美国遭到蓄意突袭” “不管我们得花多久时间才能击败这次的预谋侵略行动” “美国人民位居正义一方,必能获得全面胜利”4 The Japanese have already established a strong in China. They invade the British colonies of Burma and Malaya for their ,the Dutch colonies of Sumatra for its oil and they threaten Indian and Australia. 日军已在中国建立稳固的根据地他们侵入英国在缅甸及马来亚的殖民地以获取橡胶侵入荷兰在苏门答腊的殖民地以获取石油并对印度及澳洲构成威胁 5. The United States by cutting off its oil supplies to Japan and freezing Japanese asserts .These economic sanctions had pushed Japan into the war. 美国则以切断对日石油供应并冻结日本资产以为报复这些经济制裁将日本推向宣战之途 6 Thecountry, a chain oflacking wasrapidly 7. Hirohito is the 124 Emperor of Japan, the studies marine biology in the laboratory in his palace. 裕仁是日本第124代天皇,这位学者型君主在宫中研究室致力研究海洋生物学 8. In China the imperial army carried out unbelievable ,such as in NanKing inbefore the Japanese could日本皇军在中国进行令人难以置信的.例如1937年于南京,日军屠杀了30万中国人而 篇二:纪录片:第二次世界大战06】(单词整理) 1. The American, British, Canadian and French armies are by the solid German defense along the Gustav lines in the area of Mountain Casino 美、英,加,法联军在卡西诺山地区的古斯塔防线遭到德国坚固防御工事的阻挡 2. on top of the mountain is historical saint benedict .The Allies think the German have turned this 1400-year-old monument into a .More than 200 allied bombers will drop over 500 tons of bombs on the monastery. 历史悠久的圣本笃会隐修院盘踞在山头,盟军认为德军将这1400年的古迹变成了望哨两百多架盟军轰炸机,将投掷五百多吨炸强到隐修院. 3. In world War II nothing is .It turns everything into an 在二次世界大战中没有任何事物是神圣的,战争把一切变成炼狱4. And yet Churchill had called Italy the of Europe 但邱吉尔说意大利是欧洲的“弱点” 5. The French General Juan proposes to the Germans who was left the slopes for to be steep undefended 法国朱安将军提议从这些斜坡突袭德军,德军认为这些斜坡太陡因此并未设防 6. They are the target of attacks by Italy and they with violence 他们成为意大利游击队的攻击目标而他们也同样残暴地反击soft underbelly surprise partisans retaliate indiscriminate7. the paratroopers are get ready to leave out in the Indian style war paint and haircut to make themselves feel brave 伞兵准备启程他们以印第安战士彩绘和发型增加自己的勇气 8. The supreme commander of Allied forces General Eisenhower comes to tell themYou are about to embark upon the great 盟军最高指挥官艾森豪威尔将军告诉他们“你们即将展开伟大的圣战” 9. Their mission to secure the of the landings zone 他们的任务是要确保登陆区的侧翼安全无虞 10. Among them is American writer Ernest Hemingway who is war 美国作家海明威是当时在场的战地记者 11. Eisenhower has prepared in case the landing failed 艾森豪威尔已备妥登陆失败时要发布的公告decked crusade flanks correspondent communique12. But a small group succeeds in climbing up under enemy fire and the German cannons with the help of the Royal airforce fighter bombers 但在敌人炮火下一小群人成功爬上岸并在英国皇家空军战斗轰炸机的协助下摧毁德国大炮 13. Inorder to accomplish this a harbor is needed.But the Allies decided to stay away from the big ports which was too well defended and to land on the beaches of Normandy.Instead they brought their harbors with them construction kits is called Mulberries14661 meter long and weighting 6 thousand tons were assembled to create and by the Liberty ships that they were called could unload their 为了达成此目标盟军需要一个港口但他们决定避开防御太坚强的大港,而在诺曼底海滩登陆.他们带来自己的港口名为“桑树”巨型建筑物件,146个混凝土潜水箱长61公尺,重6千吨组装成防波堤和码头所谓的“自由轮”在此卸下货物 日本在塞班岛的防御就此宣告瓦解 neutralizing gigantic concrete breakwater caisson pierbatter15. Hitler is determine to the Allies in Normandy in order to protect the launch for his weapon of terror, the V1 which is fired at London from the northern France 希特勒决心将盟军挡在诺曼底以保护他的“恐怖武器”V1的发射台,它从法国北部对伦敦发射这种武器 16. The V1 is a flying bomb with a jet engine and one ton explosive V1是一种飞行炸弹配有脉冲喷射引擎和一吨.弹头 17. this small, swift, aircraft is difficult to and shoot down 这小、迅速、无驾驶的飞行器很难被拦截和击落 18. The British call them Buzz Bombs because their make noise 英国人称它们为“嗡嗡炸弹”因为这导弹会发出机车式噪音contain ramps pulse warhead pilotless intercept motorcycle篇三:天启观后感 战争是“英雄”间的对弈,棋子是那些“普通”民众? 观法国二战记录片天启有感 “天启是由法国制作的纪录片,该纪录片以亲历者的视角重现了二战的真相,从世界不同眼光去深入理解第二次世界大战,讲述了这场战争的参与者(士兵)、受害者(民众)以及制造者(政治、军事领导)的悲惨命运”;“共6集,每集50分钟左右,分别为闪电战、耻辱的溃败、兵临莫斯科、燃烧的世界、宿命难逃和苍鹰败落”。断断续续地把这部二战纪录片看完,非我国所制,片中从未出现过任何一个中国人的名字,也算是从一个新的角度认识二战。 第一集 1933年1月30日,希特勒就任德国总理。几个月后,他的独裁政策得到全面施行。“德国在我们脚下!德国为我们骄傲!德国让我们勇往直前。”我若是当时的德国年青人,不听他的宣言,应该都会是他的狂热追随者之一吧,就如我想我若生在文革就99
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