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高频英语情景对话 英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学习! 1: A:Mary, be calm. A:玛丽,请冷静一些。 B:It is impossible. You cheated on me. B:不可能。你欺骗了我。 A:No, listen to me. I always regard you as my best friend. I admire you, and of course youve helped me so much. I should thank you. A:不,听我说。我一直把你当作我最好的朋友。我欣赏你,当然你帮了我很多,我应该谢谢你。 B:Shut up! B:闭嘴。 A:No, listen to me. Perhaps its my fault that I treat everybody so well. Maybe in other peoples eyes, I want you to be my girl-friend. but.but. A:不,听我说。或许是我的错,我对别人都太好了,或许,在别人的眼里,我想要你做我的女朋友。但但是 B:But you have had lily already? You should have told me about her, but you didnt. B:但是,你早有莉莉了?你应该早告诉我关于她的存在,可是你没有。 A:OK. OK.Anyway. I will treat you as my best friend. I hope you can do the same. A:好好我还会把你当作我最好的朋友。我希望你也能这样做。 B:Leave me! Go away! B:离开我!滚! 2: A:I really hate to say this, but dont go away mad, just go away. A:我真的很讨厌这样说,但是请你默默地走开,好吧。 B:I knew this would happen some day. B:我知道事情迟早会发生的。 A:Then, why didnt you try to prevent it in the beginning? A:那么,为什么不一开始就努力阻止它的发生呢? B:Well. Its not all my fault, Anna. You are responsible, too. B:安娜,那不全是我的错,你也有责任啊。 A:I dont want to argue anymore. Please get out of my life! A:我不想再争辩了。请从我的生活中消失吧! B:I think we can still talk. B:我想我们还是可以谈谈的。 A:No way! Please dont follow me around. A:免谈!请不要再缠着我。 B:Talk it easy, Anna. You really dont hate me. do you? B:平心静气地想一想,安娜。你并不是真的讨厌我吧? A:Yes, I do. Leave me alone! A:我是真的讨厌你。别烦我了! 3: A:Lets break up, Tom. A:汤姆,我们分手吧。 B:Are you serious? B:你是认真的吗? A:I think you should move on without me. A:我想你应该离我而去。 B:Um, OK, if you insist. B:嗯,好吧,如果你坚持这样。 A:l think well be better off if we are apart. A:我想分手对我们彼此都好。 B:Lets just be friends. B:让我们做普通朋友吧。 A:Thats a good idea. I think well feel more comfortable if we become just friends. A:这提议不错。我想如果我们成为普通朋友,会更自在一点。 B:I agree with you. B:我同意你的想法。 A:So, we can still keep our friendship, right? A:那么,我们仍可以保持我们之间的友谊,对吧? B:I guess so. B:大概吧。 以上就是我为大家带来的,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!
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