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Unit 18 Beauty 学生用书P135 单句语法填空1It is obvious that what he says is not _(consist) with what he does.答案:consistent2The doctors recommend that the child _(have) a balanced diet.答案:(should)have3The door opened and a man with _(strike) features walked out.答案:striking4I was impressed by the energy and _(commit) shown by the players.答案:commitment5There is a _(disturb) increase in the crime rate in that area.答案:disturbing6It was well below _(freeze) when we left the village that morning.答案:freezing7The patient is under good _(treat),which makes his wife very relieved.答案:treatment8Who will accompany the little girl _ the place where her parents are working?答案:to9Education in old days was not _(access) to women in that country.答案:accessible10This kind of animals has gradually died _ in the past twenty years,and there is none left now.答案:out 单句改错1The officer commanded that the soldiers would arrive at the area at once._答案:wouldshould或去掉would2The boss said that he would treat us for a big dinner sometime the next week._答案:forto3The old man told us that some plants in this area had been died out recently._答案:去掉been4My father likes staying indoors on Sundays,and so am I_答案:amdo5Their parents used to sitting by the lake when they were very young._答案:sittingsit 单元语法used to,would 和限定词的用法单句语法填空1My sister doesnt get up so early as she _(use) to.答案:used2The earth is round,but people used _(think) that the earth was flat.答案:to think3Then the old man _ go to the park every day to feed the birds.答案:would4I felt so bad yesterday and I decided not to face _ day like that.答案:another5Ill spend half of my holiday practicing English and the _ half learning drawing.答案:other 教材与语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In Margarets opinion,there was no consistent view on beauty.It is 1._(reason) that our ideas of beauty are changing with time.For example,in 19thcentury Europe,women used to 2._(wear) corsets to achieve a body shape,but it 3._(consider) unhealthy now.Many factors have been influencing us while we are judging what is beautiful,of 4._ culture remains a major one.In some countries,some women try to keep slim 5._ in other cultures,6._(look) thin is not what a woman desires at all.There are no precise criteria which can be used 7._(judge) what is beautiful because of many factors,8._ it is necessary for human race to survive.Physical beauty is very important,but some good personal qualities are 9._(important) than physical beauty.In other words,a persons inner beauty is the most important thing that we should 10._(true) see.答案:1.reasonable2.wear3.is considered4.which5.while6.looking7.to judge8.but9.more important10.truly 话题知识与写作()根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文。1现在,很多女孩子因为节食而身体变得很脆弱。(delicate)2很多人一直努力减肥,但是徒劳无功。(in vain)3我认为应该向这些女孩子传达正确的信息。(convey)4她们应该吃由蔬菜和水果组成的三餐。(consist of)5很明显,经常运动也会帮助保持稳定的体重。(steady)_()下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文。Nowadays many girls have become delicate because they are going for a diet. Many of them have been trying to lose the weight, but in vain. I think we should convey some right informations to the girls. They should have dinners consist of vegetables and fruits.It is evident which regular exercise also helps them keep steady weight.答案:Nowadays many girls have become delicate because they are going a diet.Many of them have been trying to lose weight, but in vain. I think we should convey some right to the girls. They should have dinners of vegetables and fruits. It is evident regular exercise also helps them keep steady weight.
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