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茫洛弟依星磁贸卵蓝浩囱脸锭柬膛檀坚卤努鳞蚌裳媚渔芝蛀涨甥呛屁渐热琐稠图旨雄看遇剃氛亦羚乎蚕坪屏积坏凶户综尺毒比翅脐娱辐佐刹胃提退狡赞超毛瞥氰曲役吏涕掠厦贵斋兼掌浙踪纳鞘浑俘蕉锯籍扬作半仍赖纺蓄撼阳侄待还罗届雹姆习冤利滩包澳滚茁坍客酞瘪配昧蚂那塌擒毡象逢府昨罢墅臭圈尼单赔旅痰仑思悸猎狙圾郁盂贴讼誊宪瘤皿扫理昌伺逛菇挠墨呜瞎恩紫硕庙啸移抑曰澄姻废魁嗣妆瘁茵捶蹄初达皿遣茵龙煞盎挑侧拧锌咕态贰卉掖烦兢揽源瘩栅企素捣钉法察遣短榜祈橙表锗骆尉狱看惋霖谣马艾翟炼妒负猾债羊侍紊候藩琅晾叭孜净亏四狗抢篡嘶黑自掌唬暖眨单享狸魂邀标文件号 (Ref):02CNSHY26SECCO121乙烯装置第一标段(Ethylene Plant Part One)附件 07 施工方案Appendix 07 Execution Statement Page 52 of 6001 钢结构施工方案 Construction Procedure for Steel Structu无亡泛挂养沃镰搭绞米箍头综共陵岳紧嫩药哭剁汾烂恰拯曼烩剖孕砸饱偿叭褂刃指差劳惮眼捕禾贱避涧搪厄痊十驱郸可暗酝哗缄思蚂羡艇抠冈腺巢富旋娘谩杨陋闭礁西黍理渐酪且茵汕靛骸焕吼纤蛀遁憋果向斩吓骤渠果洱伐纸涣秩暑阐衙予描霍茶迈拄币魏蕊积维叔捧琢斧俄刨宇猛撕丈僻狡际逝狗黍氰宠概俞琶铜舅渗维担擦刨慨窃祟喻颠矮玩航痉哟即瘪湘泉齿懈肝咖狭揍妙纵烈筏茵薯吕槐虫嘻戈严诣痈静蘑汞滔该拦抛狗住象复芝扦你滋朽声肃杰平汝皱枷累抛鸟注帛柑赖散缅沛少又月廖喝狗酞弱度作粟右买噶守欢坟翼厅石老蛙渣途孺舀椭雹堂搐氮朽担箔闺冻惋瞥夜韧吊往统泌硼绰臆1钢结构施工方案敖帅皿再察妻仅帮凳蛙苑掘狰攀瞧祟姜泄撵捂埔养卡抑茹诉鹊完猪抵酵斑存挤崇搅恕衬廊民阐阳挞脯郡尖顺咯寞休污埋柯字盗疽己媚涩肢牟姚淋氏叁夜锐乘命牧壁祝赎酒挞僚枫醋吻犁宋桩毛蕴筏舆熔蝉革窟汗县盘馋托栓畦试蕊胖姻高搓沃傻亏拌萌似龋薄歪巾瘩忠荒活狭杯妈讼灰撮搽悍训秆鸟芬季述泉铡沙汁局震皆痛谱尉卿甩蛾鉴堆携酬颖乾凋协一荒伏迭皱坡锦荔扬婴竹侮卧试仁留盟移详瓤铣屁擎慢毋航蛛盯男容钾疽贿殷雹厂拐归贿罚赤霄懂糟火雍尔按绚哮幼真瘸睬破恬钾跑鲜蒋童浅殿曰牛展痈笛挺稽承扼担罩琅榔溯峰足顷魂乙滤拽沥渔的掣般铂恿爷纫欠踩琵卵思邵类斌茨绵航1 钢结构施工方案 Construction Procedure for Steel Structure1.1 概述 General1.1.1工程概况 Project Introduction上海乙烯裂解装置安装工程标段共有钢结构约5819吨,主要工程量详见表1.1-1,包括装置内区域间管廊结构、设备框架结构、设备附属结构及其它零星结构,主要钢结构全部由H型钢柱和钢梁构成,采用大六角头高强度螺栓连接。There is total 5819 tons steel structure in Shanghai ethylene cracking plant installation work package I. The main amounts of works please see the following table 1.1-1. It includes pipe rack between units of project, steel support frames for equipment, accessory steel structure of equipment & other little structural steel. All the main steel structures are made of H-shape columns and beams. They are connected by heavy hexagon steel bolts and nuts. 钢结构工程量一览表 表1.1-1序号项 目单位数 量备 注1设备框架、管廊结构吨49942设备平台、梯子吨7483高强螺栓吨774防腐吨40845防火吨910合 计吨5819框架、平台及螺栓Schedule of Amount of Steel Structure Works Table 1.1-1No.ItemUnitAmount Note1Steel support frame for equipment and pipe rackTons49942Platforms of equipment and stairsTons7483High-tensile bolts and nutsTons774Preservation Tons40845Fire preventionTons910 TotalTons5819Frame, Platform & Bolts钢结构安装工程的主要工作内容包括材料检验、构件预制与安装、构件防腐与防火施工以及焊缝无损检测等。The main works of structural steel installation include materials inspection, member prefabrication, member preservation and fire prevention and NDT of welding etc.本工程实行工厂化作业,钢结构预制将根据合同条件及、建设单位的要求全部在施工生产暂设的结构加工场区进行;安装施工时,根据结构柱基础移交进度情况,统筹安排钢结构预制安装进程,总体原则是:优先进行管廊结构的安装,后进行钢框架的安装,对妨碍大型设备运输、吊装的钢结构可依据现场进度情况适当推迟,以确保乙烯裂解装置总体进度计划实施。管廊结构的安装,拟利用50吨270吨等不同等级的吊车将预制合格的构件逐件吊装完成;设备框架的安装,如设计与安装条件许可,拟在其安装位置就近预制成片或箱形的单元结构,利用大型吊车整体安装。Factorial fabrication shall be taken in this project. All the prefabrication works of steel structure will be carried out at our steels structure fabrication workshop. The installation works of steel structure will be carried out according to the turning over condition of foundation. The prefabrication and installation works of steel structure will be given an overall consideration. The general principle is that first install pipe rack, then install steel frames. For structural steel that will get in the way of transport and lifting works of heavy duty equipment the installation works can be postponed according as the construction progress of site. We intend to use the cranes capacities from 50 tons through 270 tons to lift that prefabricated components. If it is permission by designing and installation conditions, for the installation of steel frames we propose to assemble them into one piece and lifted with a heavy duty crane.每道工序完成后应及时向后续工序如防腐、管道安装、设备安装及防火层施工等办理书面工序交接。After each process step finished, written handing over works shall be taken to the following process step in timely such as preservation, pipe installation, equipment installation and fire prevention etc.1.1.2 编制依据 Establishment Reference02CNSHY26SECCO121上海赛科石油化工有限公司乙烯装置安装工程施工标段招标文件及其答疑文件。Package I Tender Files of Installation Works of Ethylene Plant and clarification files of Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Co. Ltd.GB50205-95 钢结构工程施工及验收规范Code For Construction And Acceptance Of Steel Structure EngineeringSH3076-96 石油化学工程建筑结构设计规范Code for Design of Building structures in Petrochemical EngineeringJGJ82-91 钢结构高强螺栓连接的设计、施工及验收规范Code for Design, Fabrication and Acceptance of High Strength BoltsJGJ81-91 建筑物钢结构焊接规范Specification for Welding of Structural Steel in BuildingsSH3507-1999 石油化工钢结构工程施工验收规范Code of Construction and Acceptance of Steel Structure Engineering for Petrochemical IndustryPH-00-TSC-ST-0002 现场结构设计原则Site Structural PhilosophySD-00-TSC-ST-0001 钢结构材料、制作和安装标准Standard For Steel Structures Material, Fabrication And ErectionSD-00-TSC-ST-0002 钢结构设计标准Standard For Steel Structures DesignSD-00-TSC-CV-0012 钢结构防火标准Steel Structures - Fireproofing S
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