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外文原文 At home and abroad to track and trace of goods very seriously. EU laws and regulations related to sales in the EU beef products and fresh fruits and vegetables can be traced back to be a function. U.S.Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Admistration.FDA) requirements for food safety traceability. China in July 2007 and 12 months, has issued a food recall regulations, and drug recall management approach, and the state recently issued a Food Safety Law, requires food pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution companies to dynamically track the current location of the same batch of product and other information, timely and easily recall the products in question. In the International Organization for Standardization IS04802: 1949, the traceability is defined as: method by recording the identity of an entity to determine the origin, purpose and location capabilities. Item traceability means the source of raw materials or components, products, processing history, product distribution and location of the circulation process can be traced back. RFID information for regional public service platform , including middleware service modules and the underlying hardware modules, the enterprise data center modules and enterprise application modules. RFID middleware services through the use of message queues to each reader to read the event-driven process chain (Event-driven Process China, EPC) information sent to the enterprise data center initiative, database and enterprise data centers by the Electronic Product Code Information (Electronic Product Code Information Service, EPCIS) composed of EPC information storage products, and provides data exchange and query.Designed a lightweight RFID tracking information model and framework , including the item name resolution server, the server tracing items, items of information and public service proxy server. Using the data grid with a combination of RFID, tracking and tracing system of agricultural building, the RFID data to standardized extensible markup language (tensible Markup Language, XML) document formal description, using the event mechanism, disseminating Unified treatment with RFID event subscription mechanism. Guangdong Province and Fujian Province, inspection and quarantine departments to RFID technologyeel products for export quality control information in real time tracking and management, the Shanghai RFID technology on the quality of live pigs using retrospective. Proposed dynamic tracking task model of the manufacturing sector, strengthening the supply chain traceability, and proposed a closed-loop field applies only to a single RFID tracking system.RFID systems typically reader r at time t s the formation of the data tag identifying tuple (r, s, t) sent directly to the application system to manage the underlying data flow into the RFID data streams. Introduced a simple event processing and event-driven state labels identify state transitions, the use of application-independent and application-related complex event processing mechanism, the raw RFID data into information system requirements for the application, and can customize a particular complex event processing Rules. Proposed a composite subscription language , design and timing of events based on the subscription graph matching algorithms to support timing and non-triggered events testing. Analyzed the flow based on a shared event handler (Stream-based and Shared Event Processing, SASE) the complexity of the shortcomings of the event algorithm, using Hash tables and finite automata (Deterministic Finite Automaton, DFA) to store and complexity of testing RFID Events.In summary, there are RFID product tracking retrospective study focused on RFID data collection and item information tracking records, RFID information on research and development of public service platform, RFID middleware and RFID event handling mechanism of the studies focus on RFID data without redundant I acquisition, data filtering, simple data into RFID complex event, RFID complex event processing mechanism and the event publish and subscribe mechanism. Currently, RFID Application of a lack of business applications of RFID events and technology research; the lack of concurrent RFID event processing mechanism, not related to RFID events and business integration between business documents.For RFID technology for tracking and tracing of goods demand, this paper presents the semantic events based on RFID tracking model and tracing of goods means the RFID XML-based business events, recording, storage and traceability products, logistics information, research RFID event concurrent Processing mechanism, designed RFID-based item tracking and tracing system of the functional architecture, network architecture and security methods to achieve event-based RFID real-time tracking and tracing items of information inquiries.In order to establish information systems to track model and product logistic
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