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7B Unit4 Finding your way提优卷(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)一.单选(每题1分,共15分)题号12345678答案题号9101112131415答案1. Youve dropped s in the word across. Oh, letter s should be doubled.A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the D. the; the2. Next to the school a road and across the road some fruit shops.A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are D. is; is3. Can you tell me where the post office is?Sure. Its on side of the street.A. every B. each C. the other D. another4. Tom, to your teachers carefully in class,and you it easy to study well. A. listen; will find B. listens; find C. listen; find D. listens; will find5. Which turning do I need to ? The first one on the left. A. take B. walk C. turn D. go6. your friend Jenny afraid of in front of her classmates? A. Is; speaking B. Is; to speak C. Are; speaking D. Are; to speak7. The USA is the south of Canada and the east of Japan. A. to; in B. on; to C. in; beside D. at; on8. Excuse me, where is the hospital ,please? the hospital,turn right when you come to the first crossing. A. Get to B. Get C. To get to D. To get9. The sun is so bright our heads but it is 15. A. on; below B. above; under C. over; below D. over; under10. Is there going to a concert in the hall tonight? Yes. And the last performance will be given by Jay Chou. A. have B. give C. play D. be11. When the class begins,all the students must and listen to the teacher. A. stop to talk B. stop talking C. to stop talking D. talking12. Why does Joe look so today? Because he got an A in his English test. A. exciting B. sad C. happy D. angry13. I dont think can solve(解决)the Maths problem. Some may find it very hard,I think. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody14. May I ask you a question? . Whats it?A. Im sorry B. Sure C. Of course not D. I see15. Would you like to come to my party this afternoon? . I will have to help my mother look after my little brother. A. Good idea B. Id love to,but I cant C. Sorry to hear that D. See you then二. 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)题号16171819202122232425答案 Nick and Mary have been married(结婚)for more than 60 years. They keep 16 secrets from each other except that Mary has a shoe box under her bed. Mary tells Nick 17 to open or ask about it. For all these years,Nick never thinks about the 18 . But one day Mary gets very 19 and the doctor says she will never get better. Mary says it is time that Nick should know 20 is in the box. The old man takes the shoe box to his wifes bedside. When he opens it,he finds 21 beautiful doilies(装饰小垫)and some money. The money is $25 , 000. Before we get married, Mary says,my grandmother tells me that the 22 of a happy family is never to fight. She tells me if every time I get angry with you,I should just keep quiet and make one doily. The old man is so moved(感动) 23 only two doilies are in the box. He thinks she is only angry with him 24 in all those years. My dear, he says. 25 what about all the money? Where does it all come from? Oh, she says. Thats the money I made from selling the doilies. So far, I have sold 2,500 doilies.16. A. some B. any C. no D. many17. A. always B. never C. seldom D. often18. A. money B. woman C. box D. shoes19. A. tired B. healthy C. happy D. sick20. A. what B. who C. why D. how21. A.one B. two C. three D.some22. A. reason B. secret C. way D. price23 .A. after B. before C. because D. so24 .A. many times B. three times C. once D. twice25 .A. Also B. If C. But D. Or三. 阅读理解(每题2分,共24分)题号26272829303132333435答案 AOnce upon a time, there were two seeds(种子). They were good friends: They often talked with each other when they were free. One day, they had nothing to do. The
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