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酒店推荐富临大酒店场租:1-2万舞台:4米*12米(可扩宽到5.2米)桌次:55桌(每桌10人)中式菜单A1潮粤大拼盘Roasted & Marinated Meat Platter芝士虾球焗伊面Baked E-fu Noodle & Shrimp Paste Ball with Cheese沙律海鲜卷拼掌中宝Salad Seafood Rolls with Chicken GristleXO酱翡翠花枝红珊蚌Fried Mussel & Cuttlefish with Vegetable in Xo Sauce虫草花瑶柱炖水鸭Double-boiled Duck with Conpoy & Herb Soup陈皮丝蒸10头大连鲍鱼Steamed Abalone with Shredded Orange Peel清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa玫瑰豉油鸡Steamed Chicken with Bean Sauce竹笙上汤浸时蔬Poached Vegetable with Bamboo Piths鲜虾菜粒黄金炒饭Fried Rice with Shrimp & Diced Vegetable特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥3388元+15%服务费/席供10位用中式菜单A2鸿运金猪拼盘Roasted Suckling Pig Platter白灼基围虾Poached Kiwi Shrimp脆炸金丝百花球拼滋味骨Deep-fried Cuttlefish Ball with Spareribs碧绿花枝玉带Fried Scallop & Cuttlefish with Vegetable花胶海皇烩鱼翅Braised Sharks Fin & Fish Maw with Seafood Soup蒜茸粉丝蒸大元贝Steamed Scallop with Vermicelli & Garlic清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa吊烧脆皮鸡Crispy Roasted Chicken瑶柱山珍扒时蔬Fried Vegetable with Conpoy一品海皇炒饭Fried Rice with Seafood特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥3388元+15%服务费/席供10位用中式菜单B1鸿运烧味拼盘Roasted Meat Platter泰汁煎焗大虾Baked Prawn with Thai Sauce沙律海鲜卷拼椒盐骨Salad Seafood Rolls with Salt Spareribs蒜茸粉丝蒸大元贝Steamed Scallop with Vermicelli & Garlic虫草花花胶炖响螺头Double-boiled Whelk with Fish Maw & Herb Soup蚝皇灵菇扣柱甫Braised Preserved Oyster with Mushroom清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa金牌水晶鸡Steamed Chicken上汤粒粒时蔬Poached Vegetable in Superior Soup一品海皇炒饭Fried Rice with Seafood特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥3888元+15%服务费/席供10位用中式菜单B2鸿运乳猪大拼盘Roasted Suckling Pig Platter美极鲜焗九节虾Baked Prawn with Maggie Sauce珊瑚卷拼掌中宝Laver Rolls with Chicken GristleXO酱爆花枝红珊蚌Stir-fried Mussel & Cuttlefish with XO Sauce红烧花胶鲍参翅Braised Select Seafood Soup蚝皇花菇扣鹅掌Braised Goose Web with Mushroom清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa当红脆皮鸡Crispy Deep-fried Chicken珍菇扒时蔬Fried Vegetable with Mushroom火鸭粒虾仁炒饭Fried Rice with Diced Duck & Shrimp特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥3888元+15%服务费/席供10位用中式菜单C1潮粤大拼盘Roasted & Marinated Meat Platter上汤芝士焗波士顿龙虾Baked Lobster with Cheese in Superior Soup三文鱼饼拼水果沙律Salmon Paste with Fruit Salad翡翠鸡柳爆海参Stir-fried Sea Cucumber with Chicken & Vegetable潮州青榄响螺汤Double-boiled Whelk with Green Olive Soup陈皮丝蒸10头大连鲍鱼Steamed Abalone with Shredded Orange Peel清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa桶子豉油鸡Steamed Chicken with Bean Sauce竹笙上汤浸时蔬Poached Vegetable with Bamboo Piths一品海皇炒饭Fried Rice with Seafood特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥4388元+15%服务费/席供10位用中式菜单C2乳猪四喜拼盘Roasted Suckling Pig Platter原笼喜灼九节虾Poached Prawn碧绿花枝红珊蚌Fried Mussel & Cuttlefish with Vegetable蒜茸粉丝蒸大元贝Steamed Scallop with Vermicelli & Garlic原盅菜胆鸡炖翅Braised Sharks Fin & Chicken with Vegetable Soup蚝皇柱甫扣灵菇Braised Preserved Oyster with Mushroom清蒸大海斑Steamed Garoupa红烧乳鸽皇Crispy Roasted Pigeon鲜淮山木耳兰片Fried Kale with Black Fungus & Yam富贵海皇炒饭Fried Rice with Seafood特式美点双拼Chinese Dim Sum合时水果拼盘Seasonal Fruit Platter¥4388元+15%服务费/席供10位用凯宾斯基酒店菜单以3888+15%服务费/桌起。针对晚宴,酒店可免费提供以下设备:蛇口希尔顿南海酒店海上世界宴会厅(1260平)全天最低消费35万包含:白天布置场地时间:人民币5万元晚宴餐饮:人民币6000元每席10位包含软饮
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