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英语核心词汇详解be good at for to with辨析1、be good at (doing) sth.擅长于 =do well in,后接技能、学科I am good at English, but Mary is good at maths.我擅长英语,但是玛丽擅长数学。2、be good for .对有益 与be bad for.(对.有害)是一对反义词be good for health 有益于健康Eating more vegetables is good for your health. 蔬菜对你的健康有好处。Smokingis bad for your health. 吸烟对你的健康有害处。3、be good with 对有办法,善于应付后接人或具体的事物,相当于get along withMary is good with old people. 玛丽和老人们相处的很好。The new teacher is good with the children.新来的老师能和孩子们打成一片。4、be good to 对友好/有好处 =be friendly toMy dad always says that we should be good to others.我爸爸总是说我们应该对别人友好。三者都表示“参加”,区别如下:一、attend 指出席、参加较为正式的场合,如上课、讲座、报告、会议、婚礼等。Tom has to attend lots of classes at weekends.汤姆周末要上很多课。He did notattendthe meeting yesterday.昨天他没有参加会议。二、join 指加入某组织并成为其中一员。固定搭配:join sb. in (doing) sth. 和某人一道做某事I will never forget the day when Ijoinedthe Party. 我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。Tom joined the Army last year.汤姆去年参军了。My younger sister joined me in cleaning the bedroom.我的妹妹和我一起打扫卧室。三、join in多指参加小规模的活动如“游戏、比赛”, 多用于口语。Jack can join in this speech activity.杰克可以参军这次的演讲活动。四、take part in参加某些大型会议或群众性活动,并在其中发挥积极的作用。常用句型为:take an active part in 积极参加All the studentstook an active part inthe thorough cleaning.所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除。We shouldtake an active part inschool activities.我们应该积极参加学校的活动。deal with和do with都表示“处理、处置”的意思。他们意思一样,但是固定搭配不一样,具体区别如下:deal with意为“处理、对付”时,强调处理的方法、方式,一般情况下,常会与how连用,。She cant decide how to deal with the old clothes.她不知道如何处理这些旧衣服。I dont know how to deal with him. 我不知道怎样与他相处。do with意有“处置、对待”,强调处理的对象,常与what连用构成特殊疑问句。What have you done with your watch?你怎么处理你的手表?What shall I do with your mail? 我应该怎么处理您的信件?I really dont know what I should do with the lovely dogs.=I really dont know how to deal with the lovely dogs. (可以互相转换句式)我真的不知道怎样处理这些可爱的小狗。1、sleep 意为“睡觉、睡眠”,可做动词,也可做名词。做动词时,sleep强调“睡觉”这一动作,是延续性动词,可与表示时间段的状语连用。过去式和过去分词都是slept 。常用短语:go to sleep 去睡觉Did you sleep well last night? Yes, I had a good sleep last night.你昨晚睡的好吗?是的,我昨晚睡了一个好觉。After dinner, I want to go to sleep. 晚餐后,我想去睡觉。2、sleepy意为“欲睡的、困倦的”,形容词,作表语,虽然很困但是还没入睡,常与be, feel等搭配使用。固定搭配-feel sleepy 感到困倦Tom often feels sleepy in English class.汤姆在英语课上常感到困倦。You look so sleepy and you need a rest now.你看起来很困,需要好好休息一下了。3、asleep 意为“睡着的”,形容词,在句中常做表语、宾语补足语,指睡觉的状态,“睡着的/入睡的”。 固定搭配-fall asleep意为“入睡”。fall asleep与go get to sleep同义,可互换使用,但fall asleep侧重“无意识地入睡、不想入睡而入睡”的含义。如:He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door他刚睡着,就有人使劲敲门。I dont know when I went to sleep got to sleep fell asleep last night我不知道昨晚什么时候睡着的。英语中的bring、take、fetch、carry都可以表达“拿走”,具体区别如下:bring “带来”,指从别处拿过来,表示的方向是由远及近。过去式和过去分词如下:bring - brought - broughtBring your books here. 把你的书带到这里来。The waiterbroughtus two eggs only. 服务员只给我们拿来了两个鸡蛋。take “拿走”,指从身边拿走,表示的方向是由近及远。bring和take互为反义词。过去式和过去分词如下: take - took - tookTake your books home.把你的书带回家去。Illtakethe post cardtothe post office. 我会把明信片带到邮局。fetch“去取来”,指 “从身边离开,走过去,再拿过来”,表示的方向是一去一回的往返路程,fetch=go+bring。Fetch some fruit, please.请取些水果过来。carry “提、拿;搬运”,指一般的搬运,不涉及方向。Let me carry it for you.让我帮你拿它吧!
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