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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.SectionA (1a2d). 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. This time next week I s be sitting on a beach in Greece. 2. Our teacher is showing us a new m of writing.3. Read the i first and then youll know how to use it.4. The k of the computer is broken, so I cant input these words.5. The s shows that most students like patient teachers.6. “Wedding” is spelt with a d “d”.7. He sets himself such high s that he often disappoints himself. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She remembers _(see) him leave an hour ago.2. When I came in, the doctor was examining the patient _(careful).3. _(teach) is the work that a teacher does in helping students to learn. 4. They should have a good chance of winning the _(compete).5. He was asked to stop from _(play) the piano. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。1. 尼克连续几次在考试中获得第一名。Nick got first place _ in the exam.2. 有时候妈妈对我没有耐心。Sometimes my mom _ me.3. 不管有多远,我都步行去。_ how far it is, Ill go on foot.4. 我会给你五分钟的时间算出这道题。Ill give you five minutes _ this problem.5. 布鲁斯在比赛中进了3个球。Bruce _ in the game.6. 休息了一会之后,他们又继续跑步了。After _ for a while, they continued to run. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。(Two college students are talking about what subjects to take next term)A: Hi, Millie. Whats up?B: Hi, Alex. (1)_ Well, first, I dont know whether to take math or computer science. I like both subjects and Im pretty good at them too.A: (2)_B: He is funny and he actually makes math interesting.A: What about computer science?B: Hmm, that teacher is alright, but the class activities are boring. (3)_A: What other courses are you thinking about?B: English and history. English is a required course, so I have to take it. As for history, Im not that interested in it.A: (4)_ Geography can be fun because you get to go on field trips. B: Hmm, I think thats a good choice. (5)_ Itll probably be physics because I find it more interesting than chemistry. Well, it looks like I now have my courses for next term. Thanks for your help.A. Why not take geography instead of history?B. What do you think of the English teacher?C. Im trying to decide what subjects to take next term.D. You must make a decision soon.E. I think Ill choose math.F. And I have to include one of the sciences.G. Whats the math teacher like?Keys:. 1. shall 2. method 3. instructions 4. keyboard5. survey 6. double 7. standards. 1. seeing 2. carefully 3. Teaching4. competition 5. playing. 1. in a row 2. isnt patient with 3. No matter4. to work out 5. scored three goals6. taking a break / having a rest. 1-5 CGEAF
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