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五年级科教版人教PEP版英语下学期单词拼写专项强化练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。1. room(复数)_ 2. find(过去式)_3. Im(完全形式)_ 4.hide(现在分词)_5. is(否定形式)_ 6.hide-and-seek(中文)_2. 看图,填入所缺字母补全单词或短语。1Wed_sday 2ph_t_3br_dg_ 4r_d books5m_ntains3. 看图写词。1. I like_.2. There_a_in the_.3. There_some_in the box.4. 看图写单词。 do_books_TV p_f_w_c_5. 根据图片提示填写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 6. 根据中文提示填写所缺单词。(1)My grandpa is 98. He is o(年老的).(2)The man is very f(有意思的).(3)The teacher is old but the students are y(年轻的).(4)My father is very s(严厉的) to us.(5)Our English teacher is very k(和蔼的).7. 单词拼写。1. The_(高山) is so high.2.Lets go to the_(森林).Yeah!3. The_(小山) looks like an old man.4. The water in the_(河流) is clean.5. There is a_(湖泊) in the park.8. 根据汉语意思,补全单词。(_)1. p_n(钢笔) A. e B. s C. i(_)2. t_cher(老师) A. ea B. es C. is(_)3. nine_(九十) A. ty B. ly C. vy(_)4. pen_1(铅笔) A. li B. ci C. ni(_)5. hun _ ed(百) A. dt B. rd C. dr9. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1There _ (be) white _ (cloud) in the sky.2They _ (be) my holiday _ (picture).3_ (be) there a _ (lake) near here?10. 按要求写单词。1. past(反义词)_ 2. 8:30(英文)_3. skip(现在分词)_ 4. do exercise(中文)_5. does not(缩写)_11. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)What do you do (在操场上)_ _ _?(2)I found the milk _ _ _.(在厨房里)(3)How many _(蜡笔)did you buy?(4)Where did Tom lose his _(尺子)?(5)There are _ (60个)children in the classroom.12. 请根据句子的意思,写出所缺的单词。(第一个字母已给出)(1)MyEnglishteacherisverya_.Shecanplaymanygames.Itsfunny.(2)Hersisterisam_teacher,shecansingverywell.(3)Herbrotherisntshort,heist_.(4)MissZhangisana_teacher,shecanpaint.(5)TodayisS_.TomorrowisSunday.13. 根据图片写单词。1._ 2._3._ 4._5._14. 补全单词。1电脑c _ mp _ t _ r 2电灯li _ h _ 3你的y _ _ r4图片pi _ tu _ e 5八ei _ _ t 6什么wh _ t7时间t _ _ e 8黄色y _ llo _ 9短裙sk _ _ t15. 补全单词。16. 根据首字母提示填空。Our s_is big and beautiful. There are many trees and f_in the school. There is a big p_in our school. We have PE lessons on it. Near the playground, there are two s_. We like playing on them. On the f_floor of the teaching building, there are some c_. The music room is on the s_floor. We usually sing and dance there. There is a_art room on the third f_. Beside it, there is a c_room. I like Computer Studies very much. I love my school.17. 根据首字母提示填空。Welcome(欢迎) to our school. Let m_show you a_. There are many c_on the first floor. They are very bright(明亮的) and b_. We study in these classrooms. We are happy every day. There is a_art room on the f_floor. We have art l_in it. Theres a computer room, t_. There are many c_in it. On the t_floor, theres a l_. We can read books in it.18. 单词拼写。 s_ c_ t_ s_19. 补全单词。1. _ _nt 2. old_ _ 3. _ _ cle 4. y_ _nger 5. c_ _sin6. sh_ _ter 7. gl_ _ses 8. t_ _ler 9. gr_ _ 10. f_ther页码 / 总页数
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