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2019-2020年七年级上学期期中考英语试题班级 考号 姓名 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu装uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu订uuuuuuuuuuuuu线uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 题号听力部分笔试部分总分总分人得分IIIII一二三四五注意:请将1-65小题答案填入下面相应的题号下题号123456789101112131415答案 题号161718192021222324252627282930答案 题号313233343536373839404142434445答案 题号464748495051525354555657585960答案 题号6162636465答案 听力部分 (25分)( )18. Jacks mom is an English teacher.( )19. Jack and his mom are my friends.( )20. Jacks mom has big black eyes.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )21. Ann is _. A. 12B. 13 C. 10( )22. Ann is from _. A. the USA.B. JapanC. the UK( )23. Ann is _. A. tall B. shortC. not tall and not short( )24. Her face is _. A. roundB. longC. small( )25. The color of her eyes is _. A. blackB. blueC. red笔试部分一、选择填空。选择最佳答案完成每题。(20分)( )26.Is that room _,Jane? No,theirs_here.A. boys, are B. boys, is C. boys, are D. boys, is( )27.Is that _ orange ? Yes, it is A. a B. two C. the D. /( )28.What class is Li Ming in? Shes in _.A. Class 2, Grade 1 B. Grade 1, Class 2 C. class 2, grade 1 D. grade 1, class 2( )29.What color is the orange?Its _ .A. an orange B. green C. a pink D. in green( )30.下面语调调号标得不正确的是 .A. Whos that boy? B. But I have a big head, big eyesand a big nose. C. Do you have a car? D. Were in Class One.( )31.Do you have two_? Yes ,I do. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. knifes( )32. What are those?_ are flowers. A. It B. These C. They D. That( )33. Look _ Ann and Julia. They are sisters. They look _, and they look _ their mom.A. at; the same; like B. at; like; the same C. like; at; the same D. like; the same; at( )34.Is this your bag? _. A. Yes, it s. B. Yes, its a bag. C. Its my bag D.No, it isnt( )35._ is that boy? Hes my friend.A. What B. Who C. Where D. How old( )36. Lucy _ a short nose, but I _ a long one. A. have, have B. have, has C. has, have D.has , has( )37.They_ from France. A. comes B. is C. are D. both( )38._ , are you Mr Huang? A. Please B. Excuse, me C. Hello D. I dont know you( )39.How do you spell it?_.A. Yes, F-A-X fax. B. No, F-A-X fax. C. F-A-X,fax. D. Its a fax.( )40.Do you have a car ? No, I _ .A. dont B. doesnt C. am not D. have not( )41.找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。 A. himB. niceC. willD. give ( )42. This is a ruler . Please give _. A. it to her B. her it C. it for her D. it from her( )43._ does she look _? She is short.A. What , like B. How, like C. What, at D.how,at( )44. What does Michael say in the letter?He says he wants _ the Great Wall.A. visit B. visits C. to visit D.visit to( )45.Whose jacket is this? Is this _, Kangkang?Yes, its _. A. you, I B. your, my C. yours, mine D.yours,his二、完型填空:( 10分)My name is Li Hua. Im thirteen. Im a middle school student. Im 46 Class 5, Grade 7 . My English teacher 47 Mr. Lin. He is 48 old teacher. I have a good 49 , She is a girl. 50 name is Lin Ping. 51 is thirteen, too. She is not 52 today. I think she is at home. Look! What are those? Oh, they are two 53 and a 54 . But theyre not my things. I think they are 55 things. ( )46. A. in B. at C. on D./班级 考号 姓名 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu装uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu订uuuuuuuuuuuuu线uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu( )47. A. are B. am C. is D. has( )48. A. a B. an C. / D. the( )49. A. sister B. brother C. friend D. class( )50. A. She B. Her C. His D. Shes( )51. A. Her B. It C. He D. She( )52. A. at school B. where C. at home D. there( )53. A. eraser B. eraseres C. erasers
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