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Unit 3 Happy FamilyLesson 3 Whats Your Fathers Job?Listen and practice :cook policeman doctor nurse Work in pairs Lets learn 教学内容:1 词汇要点:学习职业类单词 cook policeman doctor nurse farmer driver worker singer dancer 学习要点:对话 ;句型练习教育教学目标:1熟练掌握职业类单词,要求发音准确,理解词义2操练句型教学重难点:1本课所学职业类的单词和词义及正确发音。2能用职业类单词操练句型:“Whats your fathers/mothers jib ? ” “He/She is .”。第一课时Step11师生常规问候。2复习上节课所学内容。1)值日生做常规的duty report2)复习家庭成员类的单词,为本节课学习做准备。方法一:通过“What is missing /?”游戏,复习上节课所学单词。教师出示单词的中文和英文,让学生快速说出相应的英文或中文。Step2Listen and practice :cook policeman doctor nurse 1教学单词cook policeman doctor nurse 1) 出示厨具 ,警棍,让学生判断是哪种职业的人使用这些工具,教学单词cook 和policeman ,并引导学生自主学习policewoman2) 教学单词doctor 和nurse T:Now,look here What is the man?P:医生T:Right Doctor2师带读单词,确保学生发音正确。3将单词卡片和其图画贴在黑板上,学生大声朗读单词,然后将单词与图画配对。这项活动可以帮助学生巩固所学单词,培养初步阅读的能力。4.出示课件,学习driver farmer doctor nurse5将单词带入句型中操练。1) 教师示范对话教师 请一名学生与其进行对话。T:What is his job ? P:He is a doctor .T:What is her job ? P:She is a nurse . 2) 让学生与同伴对话Step3 Work in pairs Step4 CooperationRead sentences and words 【teacher say sentences , students say words 】T: My father is a driver Ss: Driver driver driverT: Driver driver driver Ss: My father is a driver . Say in pairs 组内练习Divide class into two groups . Group one say sentences, group two say words. Then exchange.全班分为两个组,一组说句子,二组说单词,然后交换。出示课件,继续操练:My father is a doctor. My father is a driver.My father is a farmer.Step5 Its show time! Whats your fathers job? My father is a.Step6 组内练习句型:Whats yours job? He/She is a .grandfather-doctor; grandmother-farmer; father-worker; mother-teacher(policewoman); uncle-driver; aunt-singer; brother-player; sister-dancer; cousin-nurse; friend-cookStep7 Lets doAct like a teacher. Act like a doctor.Act like a nurse. Act like a farmer.Act like a driver.Act like a football player.石农小学:胡定强 2019年4月18日
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