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九年级上册语法知识点总结Unit ITopicIlit s + adj +to do sth.做、是样的2 come back from 从、回来3 take place 发生4 more and more 越来越多5 have been to 去过、6 have gone to 去了、7 take photos 照相8 take part in 参力口9 have no time to do没时间做、10 in detail 详细的11 in order to 为了12 afford负担得起support支持13 get a good education 受好教育14 seeoneself亲眼所见15 have a chance to do 16t机会做、16 Keep in touch with 保持联系17 far away 远离18 reform and opening-up 改革开放19 not only but also 不但而且20 make rapid progres飘得巨大进步21 prefer A to B 更喜欢 A22现在完成时结构:肯:S+ havehas 呦分否:S+ havehas + not 呦分疑:Havehas+S呦分答:Yes, S+ havehasNo, S+ haven hasn tUnit 1Topic21 get lost;走失,迷路2 so do I .我也如止匕否:情态动词+主语so + 主语助动词情态动词(友达两者对同一小物的看法)A如此,A的确如此3 it seems that+A旬4 population人口,居民 常用large或small来修饰5 happen碰巧发生,指偶6 take the place of代替的位置7because因为,连接从日because of +n.v-ing 短语8 be strict with sb对某人要求严格be strict in ( doing ) sth处做某事要求严格9 increase by 表示:增加了、10 increase to+ft体的增长后的数字11反义疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯12 carry out实行,进行,执行13 What s the population of.?=What the number of the people in ?14 one child policy 独生子 4政技15 developing country 发展中国家16 developed country 发达国家17数字的读法来试着总结一下:1)三个数字为一组2)百位和i位之间用and连接(如果没有十位,百位和各位之间也用 and连)2) thousand (三位数前)million (六位数前)billion (九位数前)18cause引起,导致=bring about19分数:母序子基,分子大于1,分母加s四分之一亦作:a quarter二分之一亦作:a half20 be short of 缺乏21 be short for 是的缩写22 be known as =be famous a蚱为而闻名23 be famous for因为而闻名be famous in在方面而闻名24work well in doing sth.做的好25take measures to do sth采取措施做某事26 offer to do sth.主动提出要做某事offer sb sth给某人提供某物27 prefer:更喜欢1) prefer A to B和A比较更喜欢B2) prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某3) prefer to do rather than do sth?愿而不28 called =named= with the name of 叫做29 unless除非,如果不=if not30 a couple of 一对,一双,夫妇31 a place of interest 一处百胜32现在完成时态二:1现在完成时不能和明确的表示过去的时间状语联用,如:yesterday, last week, in1999等,它们适用与一般过去时。2)常与木明确的过去时间状语联用:already, yet, just, before, ever, lately, onceoUnit 1Topic31how do you like.?=what do you think of ?2 get used to (doing) sth.习惯于做某事3 used to do sthii去总是做某事4 be used to do sth 被用作、5 since and forsince/) since+过去某一时间点或句子如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, lastmonth, half past six)。2) since 一段时间 + ago3) since +A句for+一段时间6 is called被称为7 success n.successful adj.successfully adv.succeed v.成功succeed in doing sthM 功做事Unit 2Topic11 be harmful to sb.sth 对某人物有害2 there be +sthsb doing sth有某人或某物正在做某事3 pourinto .把倒入4 a waste of time 浪费时间5 influence v.对有影响6 hold one s breath.摒住呼吸7 take a deep breath8 呼吸8 in a bad mood 坏心情9 in a good mood 好心情10 can t standdoing sth.不能容忍(做)某事11 hope啾句wish sb to do sthhope to do sth12 take drugs 吸毒表示服药都用take或have不用eat.13 so that结果状语从句14 not all .部分否定“不是所有的、15 quite a few许多大量16 it is reported it is said 据报道 据说17 no better than 和、几乎一样坏18 do (great) harm to 对、有害19 have an (no) effect on sth.对某事有(没)影响20 many kinds of 许多种21 be bad for 对、有害22 greener people 环保者23 high blood pressure 高血压24直接引语变间接引语1)若直接引语引号里的内容是陈述句,那么改为间接时,要用连词 (that)2)一股疑问句要用连词if/whether (不可以省略)去掉引号加if (或whether),陈 述语序要记住。时态、人称和状语,小心变化别马虎。3)特殊疑问句要用连词 wh-即特殊疑问词本身(不可省)直接去引号,陈述莫忘掉。助动do (does)、did, 一定要去掉。时态:直接引语变间接引语时态对应转换表直接引语时态 一般现在时一 一般将来时一 现在进行时一 一般过去时一 现在完成时一 过去完成时一 间接引语时态 一般过去时 过去将来时 过去进行时 过去完成时过去完成时 过去完成时Unit 2Topic21 as a result 结果2 something useful 有用的东西3 none of 一个也没有4 here and there 至 U处5 care for=take care of 照顾6 change into 变成7 stopprevent - from doing 阻止8 cut down 砍倒9 human beings 人类10 millions of数百万的11 take away 拿走12 the level of、的水平13 refer to涉及到14 take up 占据15 deal with 处理16 不定代词:someanynoevery+ thingonebodywhere(谓三,定后)Unit 2Topic31 work for 为、工作2 it was +|adj+offor sb to do sth.3 be supposed to do sth应该4并列连词and表示并列or表示选择,否则while表示对比but表示转折5 ought to情态动词+动原6 on time按时,准时7 make sure of 弄清楚、8 make sure 啾句9 in time ,及时10 on time 按时11 nuclear energy原子核能源12 one of +名词复数(谓三)13 biogas technology 生物气技术14 rennewable energy再生资源15 1990s 20世纪90年代16 the best-known 最著名的17 how often多长时间一次(频率)18 how long多长时间(回答时间短)19 how soon多久(多用将来时回答)20 how far多远(距离)Unit3Topic11 stick to坚持坚守+名词2 stick to+ving坚持做某事3一般现在时被动语态:S+is/am/are+K物动词过去分词4 one day将来有一天、过去的一天5 some day只表示将来有一天6 can t wait to do sth. 迫不及待 7 have a (good) chance to do sth 有 (好) 机会做某事8 have no chance to do sth. 没机会做某事9 throughout the world 全世界10 trydo one s best to do竭尽所能做某事11 from now on从现在开始12 pleased with 对、满意13 on business 出差14 be similar to 和、相似15 be the same asf口、一样16 It s possible that+ 从句17 have (no) trouble difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事(没)有麻烦18 be in trouble处于不幸苦恼19 if necessary如果有必要20 translateinto.翻译21 ask sb for help向某人求助22 study n研究书房v学习23 show sb the way 旨路24 show sb 璇问词 + to do25a number of许多+复数名词26 the number of的总数(谓三)27 regard as把看作 =conside as28含有情态
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