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Questions 1 to 5 are based on this passage:1. A) Harms brought by layoffs. B) Ways to avoid being laid off.C) The advantages and disadvantages of layoffs.D) Predicting and preparing for layoffs.2. A) After a warning from the company.B) Before a warning form the company.C) Both before and after a warning from the company.D) Neither before nor after a warning from the company.3. A) Fewer customers want to employ engineers.B) Fewer customers want to install equipment.C) Fewer customers want to sell their machines.D) More customers are downsizing.4. A) Sure signs of forthcoming layoffs. B) Sure signs of bad production.C) Perhaps just periodic sales drops D) Even worse sales in the near future.5. A) Layoffs in other industries. B) Structural reorganization.C) No more hiring. D) Budget cuts.6. A) Lack of contact with colleagues. B) Lack of money to pay bills.C) Difficulty in finding a new job. D) Friction in the family.7. A) Its enough for a normal life. B) It does not last forever.C) It covers about 70 percent of ones former income.D) It covers more than half of ones former income.8. A) They expect promotions in the future.B) They expect salary raises.C) They need unemployment insurance.D) They want to live a comfortable life.9. A) Financial problems. B) Social problems.C) Psychological problems. D) All of the above.10. A) Problems with Joblessness. B) Problems with Joblessness and Solution.C) Workers9 Discontent with Unemployment and Low-paying jobs.D) Ways to obtain Unemployment Insurance.答案: DCBCA ABCDA1. A) The importance of reducing the administrative staff. B) Ways of cutting staff.C) The choice between downsizing and closing down.D) The terms of a severance package.2. A) We should mean what we say.B) We should say what we mean.C) We should cut the employees salaries.D) We should eliminate employees to gain efficiency.3. A) Their long service. B) Their familiarity with the workers.C) Their familiarity with customers. D) Their intention to use the boss.4. A) More reliance to sue the boss.B) More dependence on the subordinates.C) Greater dependence on computers D) None of the above.5. A) The company will return to normal. B) The company will develop fast.C) They still have to cut workers in the service department.D) They will be understaffed.答案:BDACC1. A) They hate spice. B) They dont want to adjust to new conditions.C) They are loyal to the company they work for by natureD) They expect faster promotion.2. A) She expresses her indignation at the criticism. B) She promises not to be late.C) She proposes not to work late. D) She refuses the mans advice.3. A) She is not sorry at all. B) She is somewhat sorry.C) She is miserable. D) She does not express her opinion clearly.4. A) To get a raise by the end of the month. B) To be promoted within two months.C) To leave by the end of the month. D) To leave within two months.5. A) He is upset. B) He flies into a rage.C) He is only too glad to go. D) He is sure of his future.6. A) Voluntary work can help the man establish connections with the community.B) The mans voluntary work has left him little room in his schedule.C) Voluntary work with the environment council requires a time commitment.D) A lot of people have signed up for voluntary work with the environment council.7. A) The patient must receive treatment regularly.B) The patient cant leave the hospital until the bleeding stops.C) The patient9 s husband can attend to the business in her place.D) The patient must take a good rest and forget about her business.8. A) Alice does not know much about electronics.B) Alice is unlikely to find a job anywhere.C) Alice is not interested in anything but electronics.D) Alice is likely to find a job in an electronics company.9. A) Jimmy is going to set out tonight.B) Jimmy has not decided on his journey.C) There is no need to have a farewell dinner.D) They may have a dinner when Jimmys back.10. A) The woman had been planning for the conference.B) The woman called the man but the line was busy.C) The woman didnt come back until midnight.D) The woman had guests all evening.答案:BBACDCBACD01.A) Because she didn*t expect the so-called clean director had taken bribes.B) Because the director is one of her friends.C) Because the bribes the director accepted are enormous.D) Because the man is quick to get the news.02.A) The thief was arrested at last. B) The stolen things were returned to theowner.C) The director caught the thief. D) The directors bribery was exposed.03.A) Thailand. B) Nigeria. C) India D) Vietnam.04.A) He agrees with her. B) He is against it.C) He agrees in part to what she says. D) He makes a vague comment.05.A) The ugly side of society. B) Unusual business activities.C) A new form of bribery D) Public relations.06.A) Those cards are against the law.B) Those cards may be rega
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