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2015年河南省翻译竞赛试题 (专业组)题 号一二总成绩合分人得 分得分评阅人I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points):The Mankind and the EarthThe Book of Genesis is full of instances of Man being punished for his attempts to become like God yet with the primacy of science, Gods power is now increasingly being exercised by us. On a planetary scale, humans now assert unchallenged dominion over all living things. We have leveled forests, ploughed up the great grasslands and transformed the continents to serve our demands. The productive capacity of a major part of the planets terrestrial surface is now dedicated to satisfying our demands for food, fuel and fiber, whilst the oceans are trawled around the clock for the fishy fats and proteins our brains and bodies demand. Human beings have, therefore, clearly been an unprecedented evolutionary success story. Yet there is a dark side to this momentous achievement. For the biosphere as a whole, the Age of Humans has been a catastrophe. Our domestication of the planets surface to provide food and fuel has displaced all competing species to the margins. And the most amazing of all is how blissfully unaware of this colossal transformation we remain. Even most Greens ever hopeful that vanished wild nature can one day be restored still recoil from the real truth about our role. Climate-change deniers are successful partly because they tap into a powerful cultural undercurrent that insists we are small and the planet is big, therefore nothing we do can have a planet-scale impact. True, we may not be able to stop earthquakes or tsunamis. But the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence suggests that we are fast approaching the point where our interference in the planets great bio-geochemical cycles is threatening to endanger the system itself, and hence our own survival as a species.得分评阅人II. Translate the Following Passage into English (50 Points):自信与成功“有人可能觉得我这是自讨苦吃,甚至有人说你的荣誉多得一大把,不攻读什么学位,后半生照样可以过得不错,即使读学位也不必那么辛苦,甚至不妨找个枪手代笔写论文。但我读书上大学可不是为了镀金,我上学只是要圆自己的读书之梦。我从自己与外国朋友交往中深切感受到知识缺乏、交流不畅。尽管基础差,我不想投机取巧走捷径,更不要说我就读的清华、剑桥等国际知名大学治学严谨,容不得弄虚作假!”饺子可以速冻,人才却难以速成。邓亚萍学业上的成功与打乒乓球的辉煌,其实并非得益于她具备多大的天赋。恰恰相反,无论学业还是打球,她都是在先天条件不大有利的情况下,靠坚韧不拔的毅力,靠积极进取的生活态度,战胜了一个又一个困难,在人生道路上不断夺取新的金牌。而她在剑桥的博士学业也已经到了第二年,谈到学业,邓亚萍说:“难啊,真是太难了,感觉压力很大。一天到晚就是绷着,所以感觉特别辛苦。但我要感谢当学生的这段经历,因为它让我看到了另外一个世界,找到了自己新的价值” 拼搏、拼搏、再拼搏!无论是做运动员还是做学生,邓亚萍对自己的要求都几近苛刻:“必须做好,我没有理由做不好!”这就是一份自信!
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