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一年级英语第一学期知识点汇总单词morning早上afternoon下午book书ruler尺pencil铅笔rubber橡皮eye眼睛mouth嘴巴face脸nose鼻子ear耳朵dance跳舞read读书sing唱歌 draw画画grandfather爷爷grandmother奶奶father爸爸mother妈妈me我(宾格)fat胖的thin瘦的tall高的short矮的one1two2three3four4five5six6apple苹果pear梨peach桃子orange桔子hamburger汉堡包pizza匹萨cake蛋糕pie馅饼chick小鸡duck鸭子cow奶牛pig猪bear熊tiger老虎monkey猴子panda熊猫red红色blue蓝色yellow黄色green绿色重点句型Good morning!早上好。Good afternoon!下午好。Good evening!晚上好。Goodbye!再见。Hello! Hi!你好。Im Danny. 我是丹尼。Give me a ruler, please.请给我一把尺。Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。This is my face.这是我的脸。This is my nose.这是我的鼻子。Touch your ear.摸摸你的耳朵。Touch your mouth.摸摸你的嘴巴。Touch your eye.摸摸你的眼睛。I can dance.我能跳舞。I can draw.我能画画。I can read.我能读书。I can sing.我能唱歌。What can you do?你能干什么?This is my mother.这是我的妈妈。This is my father.这是我的爸爸。This is my grandmother.这是我的奶奶。Who is she?她是谁?She is my mother.她是我的妈妈。Who is he?他是谁?He is my grandfather.他是我的爷爷。How are you?你好吗?Fine. Thank you.很好。谢谢。She is Kitty. 她是kitty.He is Ben.他是Ben,She is tall.她是高的。He is fat.他是胖的。She is short.她是矮的。He is thin.他是瘦的。He is my classmate.他是我的同学。She is my friend.她是我的朋友。She can dance.她能跳舞。He can draw.他能画画。He can read.他能读书。She can sing.她能唱歌。Three rulers.三把尺。Five pencils.五支铅笔。How many books?多少本书?One book.一本书。How many pears?多少个梨?Six pears.六个梨。Here you are.给你。 Thank you.谢谢你。May I have a pie, please?请给我个馅饼好吗?Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?May I have a hamburger, please?请给我个汉堡包好吗?Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢你。Whats this? 这是什么?Its a chick.它是只鸡。Whats that?那是什么?Its a duck.它是只鸭。Im a cow.我是一头奶牛。 Im a pig.我是一只猪。Is that a bear?那是头熊吗?Yes.是的。Is this a panda?这是只熊猫吗?No.不是。Whats that?那是什么?Its a tiger.它是只老虎。Its fat.它是胖的。Whats this?这是什么?Its a monkey.它是只猴子。Its thin.它是瘦的。What colour is it?它是什么颜色?Its red.它是红色的。Its green.它是绿色的。Its blue.它是蓝色的。Its orange.它是桔黄的。情景问答:1早上看见老师要说: Good morning, teacher.2 下午看见同学要说:Good afternoon.3 放学时,对同学老师说:Goodbye.4 自我介绍是说: Hello, Im Danny.5 向同学借橡皮时说:Give me a rubber, please.6 借东西给同学时说:Here you are. 7 当别人给你东西时,你应该说:Thank you.8 手指着自己的脸对别人说:This is my face.9 问别人能干什么应该问:What can you do? 10 告诉别人你会唱歌,说:I can sing.11 问同学,照片上的女孩是谁,你应该问:Who is she?12 告诉别人这个男人是自己爸爸时,说:This is my father.13 向别人介绍自己的妈妈说:This is my mother.14 告诉妈妈这个人是自己的同学,说: He is my classmate.15向爸爸介绍自己的好朋友时,说She is my friends.16 问别人有几支铅笔应该问:How many pencils? 17 告诉别人六本书说:Six books.18 想买桃子应该说:Peaches, please.19 把苹果递给别人时说:Here you are.20 接受别人的水果时说:Thank you.21走进点心店,营业员会对你说:Can I help you?22 想买汉堡包,对营业员说:May I have a hamburger, please?23 问别人这个是什么? Whats this?24 你告诉别人它是头奶牛,应该说:Its a cow.25 问别人远处的是什么?Whats that?26 问别人这是不是熊猫该怎么问?Is this a panda?27 告诉别人它不是熊猫。它是猴子。该怎么说:No. its a monkey.28 问别人远处的是不是老虎,该怎么问?Is that a tiger?29 问别人是什么颜色,该怎么问? What colour is it?30 告诉别人是红色。Its red.
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